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Disturbed316 08-09-2004 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by The Mackem
Steal TNA and ROH's talent.

Gonna see whose worth it. All their top workers from the other week have fallen out of the top 15 most over workers in the world.

The Mackem 08-09-2004 06:07 PM


Originally Posted by Disturbed316
Can you actually buy out other companies in TEW? I cant find the option anywhere :-\

I don't know, that was one of my questions I was going to ask.

Disturbed316 08-09-2004 06:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Mackem
I don't know, that was one of my questions I was going to ask.

I hope you can, I want to buy out TNA. It was a nice feature in EWR, especially when it was your main competition.

Disturbed316 08-09-2004 06:10 PM

1,000th post :D

mitch_h 08-09-2004 08:28 PM

Well I finally purchased TEW and began playing with ROH. Damn AWA took Mark Briscoe from me :mad:

The Mackem 08-10-2004 08:09 AM

I haven't played as ROH yet but I can imagine that the emphasis is to sign all your good guys to written contracts as soon as possible.

mitch_h 08-10-2004 02:44 PM

Yea after I lost Mark Briscoe and Hydro I went into a panic and signed everybody I had.

The Mackem 08-11-2004 06:49 AM

Something strange going on in my game. I signed this guy called Mirko Filipovic (sp?) who is apparently the next big thing in my company. He's like a lower midcarder or something with overness in the 40's to 50's. The daft thing is that he is the most over person in Japan at 99% or something. I haven't been to Japan yet but I'm seriously considering it, I could probably do quite well there with this guy headlining.

Cactus Sid 08-11-2004 11:28 AM

He's an MMA fighter isn't he? Mirko "cro crop" Filipovic

The Mackem 08-12-2004 10:06 AM

Yeah checked up on him last night on the internet. But seriously, I don't understand how he's so over in Japan, I'm pretty sure he wasn't that over at the start.

I've stole John Cena from WWE. He'll be joining at the end of the month.

Evil Vito 08-14-2004 05:21 PM

<font color=goldenrod>After talking with M-A-G the other day and discussing future plans, I have come to the decision that I REALLY need to get back into that WWE 2025 game. I haven't done a single thing since No Mercy. :o

I might do a show or two tomorrow.</font>

AareDub 08-14-2004 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by Disturbed316
Can you actually buy out other companies in TEW? I cant find the option anywhere :-\

The option is there if you go to External/Other Promotions and view the profile of the promotion you want to buy. Click the business tab. It will give you the option to apply as the head booker or buyout the company.

The Mackem 08-15-2004 10:31 AM

But do you have to book for them as well? I prefer the destruction route.

Evil Vito 08-16-2004 03:59 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Raw - October 27th, 2025:

Raw GM Chris Jericho announced that Raw would be starting off with a bang, as we'd see Goldberg defend the WWE Title right off the bat against Lance Storm.

The match was on, and after an excellent bout (Goldberg dominating most of it), Goldberg got the victory and retained the strap.

Tyra Foxx got an interview hyping up her match against Alyssa Skull.

Unfortunately for her, it was all for nought, as Skull defeated her. Skull got in a few cheap shots on Foxx afterwards for good measure.

M-A-G trashed Eugene in a backstage interview, saying that even he is probably a better wrestler than him.

What he probably wasn't expecting, however, was for Chris Jericho to stroll in and book M-A-G in a match against Eugene for next week.

Francine spoke on behalf of her clients Bishop and Kreeve. They vowed that Kreeve would defeat Derrick King, getting them a shot at the Tag Titles.

Then the match was next, with Kreeve facing Derrick King with the winners getting their team a shot at 24/7 and the World Tag Team Titles at the next Raw. Would Kreeve get the Bishop and Kreeve Connection their first crack at the Tag Titles since WrestleMania, or would The Uprising get a re-match from No Mercy? Apparently neither, as both men brawled on the outside and were subsequently counted out. We'll have to see how the Tag Title situation plays out next week.

Jason Collins, obviously still fuming over losing the tiitle shot at No Mercy, faced off against Matt Hardy. He got the duke after nailing Hardy with the Fall From Heaven.

Afterwards, Alicia spoke on behalf of Jason Collins on the microphone in mid-ring and stated that Collins' loss was a fluke and that he'll be gunning for a nother shot at Goldberg and the title sometime down the road.

To cap off the show, Chris Jericho came into the ring and addressed the Tag Title situation, stating that next week, we'd see Bishop and Jason Lee fight one-on-one, with the same stipulations as tonight's match. However, he was met by a pissed off Lance Storm. Storm claimed that his losing to Goldberg was Jericho's fault because he wasn't expecting to be in a match that night. He basically trashed Jericho from the rampway, until Rob Conway, Chris Nowinski, and Sylvan Grenier (ie: the rest of La Resistance) came in from the crowd and demolished Jericho. Lance joined in on the beatdown and it became a disgusting 4-on-1 ambush on a defenseless Chris Jericho. After everyone hit their finishing moves, La Resistance taunted and posed to end the show.


Jason Collins thinks I may be pushing him too much. And I think you're full of shit, Jason.</font>

AareDub 08-16-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Mackem
But do you have to book for them as well? I prefer the destruction route.

I'm not positive, I'm still milking the one month demo for all it's worth :lol: I think that if you buy them, their roster becomes part of your roster, and you inherit their tv contracts, etc. You can choose to fire them all if you so choose. However, that's just speculation :p

AareDub 08-16-2004 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by Big Vito 22
<font color=goldenrod>Jason Collins thinks I may be pushing him too much. And I think you're full of shit, Jason.</font>

:lol: What's next? Jason Collins: "I think you're paying me too much money, I'd really like a salary reduction." Some of these guys are never happy :mad:

Evil Vito 08-16-2004 08:24 PM

<font color=goldenrod>SmackDown! - October 30th, 2025:

Ian Moore arriveda t the arena, meaning only one thing: his jailtime is over.

We kicked off the action with a hot cruiserweight match between Sean Casey and Ryan Sakoda. In the end Casey sealed the victory after the Blockbuster.

Mordecai's quest to regain the European Title may be continuing, but first, he had some world class competition in a match against Cruiserweight Champion Mark Mason. In what was a non-title bout (obviously because Mordecai was well over the weight limit), Mordecai managed to seal the victory quicly against Mason. Mordecai may be more dangerous than ever before.

After the commercial break, we saw Mordecai in Kurt Angle's office. Mordecai stated that he didn't care what he had to do to get it, but he wanted a shot at Simon Diamond and the European Title. Angle said that'd he'd receive a shot at Survivor Series if he can manage to win his match next week. Mordecai asked who he had to fight, and Angle thought about it for a bit before an evil smirk came across his face and he replied with "Ian Moore".

Backstage we saw Chris Sylvain and Jordan of the Thuug Life Soldiers talking. Jordan apparently pissed off Sylvain because Sylvain proceeded to beat Jordan to a pulp until Jerome bursted onto the scene with a chair, causing Sylvain to back off and hightail it soon thereafter, Jerome vs. Sylvain was signed for later in the night.

Backstage Vanessa hyped up The Real Deal (Cero and Mike Sullivan), saying that they would soon be Tag Champions once again.

However, before they could receive shots at the belts, The Real Dela had to face off against Kevin Daniels and Derek Standish. The Real Deal ended up getting the victory when Cero pinned Standish after the Ground Cero.

Chris Sylvain cheated in order to defeat Jerome. Afterwards Sylvain attacked Jerome some more until this time, it was Jordan running out with the chair, he nailed Sylvain with it as he was leaving the ring.

Kurt Angle came out to the ring to speak but he was instant;;y cut off my Ian Moore. Moore propsed that since Survivor Series is the next major PPV, then both Moore and Angle should get 3 more guys each and have a Survivor Series Elimination Match at Survivor Series. Angle reluctantly accepted.

In the main event, John Cena took on Mourn, and got the pinfall victory after the F-U.

After the match, John Cena addressed Goldberg, telling him to forget about Jason Collins and proclaiming himself a more worthy challenger for the WWE Title. We'll have to see how this all plays out in the coming weeks.</font>

Evil Vito 08-16-2004 08:28 PM

<font color=goldenrod>End of the month notes:

Everyone in OVW and the Funkin Conservatory are coming along quite nicely.

Jimmy Yang has returned from suspension.

Boss Man has announced that he will retire from WWA in one month. Now then, why couldn't this have happened 25 years ago?

Rob Conway has decided to become a non-wrestler. Well then, this'll make it harder to use him in the La Resistance/Jericho feud.</font>

Disturbed316 08-30-2004 07:05 PM

Ok, its been awhie since I have played TEW, so I decided to book No Mercy 2004.

WWE Raw and Smackdown present.... No Mercy


Eric Bischoff came to the ring, and announced that a 30 man, over the top Royal Rumble for singles wrestlers, with the winner becoming the new WWE Undisputed Champion = 76.6%

No Mercy

A video was shown to hype the storyline 'WWE Title' (Eddie vs Taker)= 75.6%

A video was shown to hype the storyline 'Orton vs Cena' = 76.0%

The Hurricane vs Tajiri

Tajiri bounced off the ropes for momentum, but ran right into a samoan drop from Hurricane...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...Tajiri caught The Hurricane with the Buzzsaw Kick...That led to the three count.

Result - Tajiri wins = 74.2%

Backstage, the camera caught Chris Benoit arriving at the arena = 83.3%

La Resistance vs Eugene Dinsmore and William Regal

Eugene spiked Rene Dupree with a piledriver...Eugene took a belly to belly suplex off the top turnbuckle from Rene Dupree...Sylvain Grenier powerslammed Eugene Dinsmore as he came off the ropes...Eugene Dinsmore scored with a boot to the stomach, then blasted Sylvain Grenier with a cradle piledriver...Sylvain Grenier DDTed Eugene after a boot to the gut...Sylvain Grenier caught William Regal with the Running Powerslam...That was enough to get the pin.

Result - La Resistance win = 72.7%

Nick Jackson gave an interview from the backstage area. He put himself over = 88.6%

Singles Match match for the WWE Intercontinental title
Randy Orton vs John Cena

Randy Orton ducked a standing clothesline from Cena, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Randy Orton hit Cena with a flying elbow off the top rope...A stunned John Cena fell victim to a Randy Orton flying clothesline from the top rope...John Cena powerslammed Randy Orton as he came off the ropes...Cena hit Randy Orton with a flying elbow off the top rope...Three right hands from Cena sent Randy Orton down...Randy Orton got hit with a shoulder breaker by Cena...Randy Orton blasted Cena with a brainbuster...John Cena caught Randy Orton with the F-U...That was enough to get the pin.

Result - John Cena wins = 88.5%

30 Man Rumble match for the WWE Undisputed Champion title featuring:

John Cena, AJ Styles, Booker T, Batista, Chris Jericho, Brock Lesnar, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Ric Flair, Big Show, Edge, John Bradshaw Layfield, Christian, Kane, Billy Gunn, Lance Storm, The Rock, Mick Foley, Rene Dupree, Randy Orton, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Rey Mysterio, Rhyno, Triple H, Nick Jackson, The Undertaker, Rob Van Dam, Scott Steiner and Sting

This match was an elimination battle royal style bout featuring 30 competitors who were to enter every 2 minutes. It was for the WWE Undisputed Champion title. First out was the WWE Intercontinental champion, John Cena. Next out was AJ Styles.

----- Match Highlights -----

Cena hit AJ Styles with a gutwrench suplex...John Cena got drilled by Styles with a big knife-edge chop...A hooked-arm clothesline from Styles floored John Cena...Booker T enters.

AJ Styles snap suplexed Booker T...Cena picked up and bodyslammed Booker T...Booker T headbutted Cena...Batista enters.

Using the ropes to his advantage, AJ Styles hit a springboard splash on Booker T...Booker T went low with a kick on Cena...Cena hit Booker T with a headbutt...Chris Jericho enters.

John Cena blasted Booker T with a clothesline into the corner...A big punch from Cena put Booker T down...A clothesline by Booker T put Cena over the top rope, but he landed on the apron and climbed right back in...Brock Lesnar enters.

Lesnar walked into a kick to the gut from Chris Jericho...A clothesline by Booker T put Styles down to the canvas...Batista hit Styles with a headbutt...Chris Benoit enters.

Benoit arm dragged Cena to the canvas, and hooked an arm bar...After a knee lift to stun Lesnar, Chris Benoit hit a T-Bone suplex...A single-leg trip from Benoit was enough to put John Cena down...Eddie Guerrero enters.

Cena short-arm clotheslined Lesnar...Chris Benoit superplexed Jericho to the mat...Benoit tried to throw Styles over the top rope, but he held on...Cena drilled Batista with a headbutt...Ric Flair enters.

Chris Jericho took Lesnar down to the mat with a headlock...Jericho tried to throw Flair over the top rope, but he held on...A scoop slam put Chris Jericho down to the mat, and gave Lesnar the advantage...John Cena dropkicked Ric Flair over the top rope. Big Show enters.

Batista nailed Benoit with a right hand...Brock Lesnar got drilled by Benoit with a big knife-edge chop...E. Guerrero got hit with a back suplex from Booker T...AJ Styles dropkicked Booker T over the top rope. Edge enters.

The power of John Cena was in evidence as he blasted Batista with a hard clothesline...E. Guerrero slammed Big Show...Lesnar slammed Edge on to a trash can...Using the ropes to his advantage, Eddie Guerrero hit a springboard splash on Big Show...Brock Lesnar super kicked Batista over the top rope. John Bradshaw Layfield enters.

John Bradshaw Layfield blasted Styles with a steel chair...E. Guerrero slammed Big Show...Chris Jericho unloaded with knife-edge chops on Bradshaw...John Cena and AJ Styles both went over the top rope together. Christian enters.

Benoit tried to throw Christian over the top rope, but he held on...Brock Lesnar press slammed Jericho...A scoop slam put Brock Lesnar down to the mat, and gave E. Guerrero the advantage...Kane enters.

Christian unloaded with knife-edge chops on E. Guerrero...After a boot to the gut, John Bradshaw Layfield DDTed Edge...Lesnar doubled Jericho up with a kick...Kane backdropped Big Show over the top rope. Billy Gunn enters.

John Bradshaw Layfield hit Edge with a forearm...Gunn chopped Christian...Christian chopped Edge across the chest several times...Lance Storm enters.

Benoit walked into a big right hand from Christian...John Bradshaw Layfield chopped Billy Gunn across the chest several times...Chris Benoit hit a flurry of punches on Kane...Brock Lesnar dropkicked Lance Storm over the top rope. The Rock enters.

Edge was rocked by a Bradshaw clothesline off the ropes...Gunn walked into a big right hand from Kane...The Rock clotheslined Bradshaw to the mat...Chris Jericho backdropped Brock Lesnar over the top rope. Mick Foley enters.

John Bradshaw Layfield rocked Mick Foley with a headbutt...Eddie Guerrero ducked his head to early on a backdrop, and took a piledriver from Christian as a result...Benoit got hit with a garbage can by The Rock...Chris Jericho backdropped Edge over the top rope. Rene Dupree enters.

Jericho hit Christian with a dropkick...Christian walked right into a bodyslam from Foley...Eddie Guerrero used a waist-lock into a takedown on Kane...Chris Jericho backdropped Christian over the top rope. Randy Orton enters.

Bradshaw walked into a big right hand from The Rock...Rene Dupree used a sleeper hold to weaken The Rock...A short powerbomb by Kane left E. Guerrero down on the mat...Randy Orton got taken over with an arm drag from Jericho...Randy Orton backdropped Rene Dupree over the top rope. Shawn Michaels enters.

After putting Benoit down, Chris Jericho hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...With Kane grounded, Chris Jericho applied a sleeper hold to weaken him...Foley put Bradshaw down with a huge chop...Mick Foley hit Randy Orton with a forearm...Kane threw Chris Jericho over the top rope. Kurt Angle enters.

Benoit was slammed by Kane...Eddie Guerrero scored with a rana on K. Angle...Kane hit HBK with a DDT...Randy Orton super kicked Billy Gunn over the top rope. Rey Mysterio enters.

K. Angle used a hammerlock to control HBK...After backing him into the corner, The Rock hammered away on Bradshaw with a series of chops...Chris Benoit took Bradshaw down to the mat with a headlock...John Bradshaw Layfield backdropped Mick Foley over the top rope. Rhyno enters.

Mysterio was rocked by a Bradshaw clothesline off the ropes...Benoit was choked in the corner by Bradshaw...Mysterio walked into a big right hand from Bradshaw...Randy Orton got drilled by E. Guerrero with a big knife-edge chop...Kane backdropped John Bradshaw Layfield over the top rope. Triple H enters.

The Rock hit K. Angle with a belly to belly suplex...Mysterio hit a standing rana on Kane...A stunned Triple H fell victim to a Mysterio flying clothesline from the top rope...Kurt Angle threw The Rock over the top rope. Nick Jackson enters.

Randy Orton kicked Rey Mysterio in the ribs...E. Guerrero came off the top rope with a flying axe handle on to Kane...Shawn Michaels hit Triple H with a punch...Jackson was backed into a turnbuckle, and Randy Orton choked away with a boot to the throat...Triple H dropkicked Shawn Michaels over the top rope. The Undertaker enters.

Kane slammed Mysterio...Triple H unloaded with knife-edge chops on Jackson...The Undertaker clotheslined Mysterio to the mat...E. Guerrero used a hammerlock to control Rhyno...Nick Jackson backdropped Kane over the top rope. Rob Van Dam enters.

Jackson chopped Rhyno...Randy Orton hit Jackson with a clothesline from the second rope...E. Guerrero arm wrenched Chris Benoit...Nick Jackson backdropped Rey Mysterio over the top rope. Scott Steiner enters.

Scott Steiner hit Nick Jackson with a punch...Triple H ducked a standing clothesline from RVD, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Showing off his power, RVD blasted Randy Orton with a high vertical suplex...With Nick Jackson down on the mat, HHH hit a falling headbutt...Nick Jackson super kicked Randy Orton over the top rope. Sting enters.

Triple H clotheslined Sting to the mat...Scott Steiner clotheslined RVD to the mat...Poppa Pump hit Marino with a DDT...Nick Jackson clotheslined Rhyno over the top rope.

Rob Van Dam hit HHH with a stump piledriver...Nick Jackson blasted K. Angle with a clothesline into the corner...Scott Steiner got drilled by Jackson with a big knife-edge chop...Kurt Angle hit Rob Van Dam with a forearm...Kurt Angle threw Scott Steiner over the top rope.

K. Angle used an amateur-style move to take down RVD...Nick Jackson suplexed K. Angle...E. Guerrero picked up and bodyslammed Marino...Undertaker got hit with a garbage can by E. Guerrero...Chris Benoit threw Sting over the top rope.

An arm bar by Benoit let him control E. Guerrero...E. Guerrero used a Japanese arm drag on HHH...Undertaker rocked Jackson with a big forearm...Triple H super kicked Rob Van Dam over the top rope.

K. Angle got knocked down by a Jackson headbutt...The Undertaker raked the eyes of Eddie Guerrero...Kurt Angle hit a flurry of punches on E. Guerrero...Nick Jackson clotheslined The Undertaker over the top rope.

A clothesline by Chris Benoit put Jackson over the top rope, but he landed on the apron and climbed right back in...An arm twist by Benoit was followed by three arm wrenches in a row to weaken E. Guerrero...E. Guerrero got taken over with an arm drag from K. Angle...Nick Jackson backdropped Triple H over the top rope.

E. Guerrero applied a hammerlock on a grounded K. Angle, then drove knees into the back of his arm, softening it up...E. Guerrero hit Benoit with a dropkick...Jackson got taken down with a side headlock takedown by K. Angle...Kurt Angle threw Nick Jackson over the top rope.

E. Guerrero chopped Benoit...After a leap frog, E. Guerrero hit Benoit with an arm drag as he came off the ropes...With K. Angle grounded, Chris Benoit applied a sleeper hold to weaken him...Chris Benoit threw Kurt Angle over the top rope.

E. Guerrero used a hammerlock to control Benoit...Benoit walked into a big chop from E. Guerrero...Eddie Guerrero hit a sharp arm drag on Chris Benoit...Showing off his power, Benoit blasted E. Guerrero with a high vertical suplex...Chris Benoit threw Eddie Guerrero over the top rope.

After the match, Chris Benoit celebrated.

Result - Chris Benoit wins the WWE Undisputed Champion title

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 73.3%
Match Quality = 77.2%
Overall Rating = 77.5%

Disturbed316 08-30-2004 07:09 PM

Last night's WWE No Mercy show got an overall rating of 62.1%.

Request for meetings by:

Rey Mysterio
Tatsumi Fujinami
Chris Jericho
Lance Storm
Brock Lesnar
John Cena
Mick Foley
The Rock

Alot of people :(

Sorry, your application to become owner of World Wrestling Entertainment has been rejected. I am happy in my current position, and am not looking to leave. :mad:

The PPV buyrate report for last night is now in: WWE recieved 299,409 buys (0.68 buyrate) for WWE No Mercy;

mitch_h 08-30-2004 07:24 PM

WTF I gave Austin Aries and Bryan Danielson a 60 minute Iron man match and it turned into a mess. Yet in real life they had a 75 minute match and it was awesome.:mad:

Disturbed316 08-31-2004 06:36 PM

Monday 18th October 2004

Chris Benoit came out, and held a celebration after he won the Undisputed Title at No Mercy = 65.3%

Chris Benoit was in the ring, with his WWE World Heavyweight title belt. He announced that he was vacating the belt. Benoit left the ring, leaving the belt in the center = 64.9%

Eric Bischoff came to the ring, and announced that because of Benoit's actions, a tournament would be starting shortly, for singles wrestlers, with the winner becoming the new WWE World Heavyweight champion = 76.6%

The Rock was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He put himself over = 94.7%

Tag Team Match match for the WWE World Tag Team title
William Regal and Eugene Dinsmore vs Batista and Flair

A quick reversal by Regal allowed him to lock Flair in a choke sleeper, but he was too close to the ropes...A choke slam from Batista put Regal down on the mat...William Regal wore down Ric Flair with a sleeper variation...William Regal ducked a standing clothesline from Batista, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Eugene Dinsmore took a double underhook piledriver from Flair...Eugene floored Batista and went to the top rope. When Batista got up, he was greeted with a missile dropkick...William Regal caught Ric Flair with the Butterfly Powerbomb...That was enough to get the pin.

Result - William Regal and Eugene Dinsmore win = 77.2%

Backstage, Nick Jackson was walking down a corridor = 82.8%

Nick Jackson gave an in-ring interview. He put himself over = 88.4%

Sting gave an interview from the backstage area. He hyped up his upcoming match with Kane in the World Heavyweight Title tournament = 90.5%

Christian vs Edge vs Matt Hardy

Edge came off the top rope with a flying axe handle on to Christian...Matt Hardy wore down Edge with a sleeper variation...A right hand from Edge put Christian down...Christian staggered into a nadowa slam from Edge...After a boot to the gut, Christian DDTed Edge...Christian pounded on Edge with punches to the face...Both Matt and Edge were on top rope, until Edge got shoved off and hit the mat. Matt Hardy followed up with a flying legdrop from the top...After ducking a clothesline from Edge, Christian bounced off the ropes and came back with a lightning kick...Edge powerslammed Christian as he came off the ropes...Edge caught Christian with the Spear...That was enough to get the three count.

Result - Edge wins = 80.4%

A video was shown to hype the storyline 'WWE Title' (Eddie vs Undertaker) = 75.6%

A video was shown to hype the storyline 'Orton vs Cena' = 75.9%

Chris Jericho and Chris Benoit were in the ring, about to wrestle. Evolution! (Batista, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and Triple H) hit the ring, and destroyed both competitors, leaving them down on the mat, hurt = 78.5%

Nick Jackson vs Rhyno

After ducking a clothesline, Jackson bounced off the opposite ropes and used a flying clothesline on his way back to floor Rhyno...Jackson got cradled near the ropes by Rhyno, who then used the ropes for leverage, but the referee saw it and called for the break...Jackson used a big suicide-plex on Rhyno...Jackson missed a right hand, then turned into a Rhyno thrust kick...Nick Jackson floored Rhyno with a sharp short-arm clothesline...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...Rhyno blasted Jackson with a big forearm to the jaw...Randy Orton ran in...Randy Orton missed a charge toward Nick Jackson and accidentally hit Rhyno instead. Jackson used a leaping piledriver on Rhyno...That was enough to get the pin.

After the match, Randy Orton was confronted by Chris Benoit. Chris Benoit floored Randy Orton, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Diving Headbutt...Randy Orton was left laid out.

Result - Nick Jackson wins = 75.0% Turned Benoit in that little section there, and it Bombed Badly :(

The Hurricane and Rosey were shown in pre-recorded footage, saving a puppy from being run over. It ended with the dog peeing on Rosey = 70.8%

Singles Texas Death Match match for the WWE Intercontinental title
Randy Orton vs John Cena

This match was a regular one fall bout for the WWE Intercontinental title. First out was Randy Orton. Next out was the WWE Intercontinental champion, John Cena. The referee for the match was Earl Hebner.

----- Match Highlights -----

Randy Orton hit Cena with a singapore cane...Randy Orton hit Cena with a clothesline...Randy Orton powerslammed Cena as he came off the ropes...After a boot to the gut, Randy Orton DDTed Cena...Randy Orton suplexed Cena...John Cena got drilled by Randy Orton with a big knife-edge chop...Randy Orton walked right into a bodyslam from Cena...A backdrop attempt by Randy Orton was countered by Cena with a neckbreaker...

Randy Orton got dumped onto a table by Cena, who pounded away...Randy Orton came off the ropes with a running dropkick on Cena...Cena walked into a big chop from Randy Orton...Cena drilled Randy Orton with a headbutt...A scoop slam put Randy Orton down to the mat, and gave Cena the advantage...John Cena hit Randy Orton with a punch...A frying pan to the head from Randy Orton floored Cena...

Cena slammed Randy Orton...Randy Orton picked up and bodyslammed Cena...Randy Orton got hit with a steel chair by Cena...John Cena ducked a standing clothesline from Randy Orton, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Randy Orton hit John Cena with a kick...John Cena came off the ropes with a running dropkick on Randy Orton...

A big punch from Randy Orton put John Cena down...Cena kicked Randy Orton in the ribs...Cena got nailed with a Randy Orton DDT...Cena walked into a big right hand from Randy Orton...A big punch from Randy Orton put John Cena down...After ducking a clothesline, Cena used a fallaway slam to hurt Randy Orton...Randy Orton belly to belly suplexed Cena...Randy Orton got hit with a garbage can by Cena...Cena was choked in the corner by Randy Orton...

Randy Orton missed a blind charge, turned, and got hit with a super kick from Cena...Cena hit Randy Orton with a diving headbutt off the second rope...Three right hands from Randy Orton sent Cena down...John Cena clotheslined Randy Orton as he staggered out of the corner...After putting Cena down, Randy Orton hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Randy Orton drove Cena down with a splash mountain...John Cena dragged Randy Orton into the corner, and took him across the ring with a running powerbomb...That was almost enough for a three count...Cena rocked Randy Orton with a samoan drop...Cena was choked in the corner by Randy Orton...Randy Orton shattered a light bulb tube over the head of Cena...That was enough to get the three count. John Cena couldn't get up before the referee counted to ten.

Randy Orton celebrated in the ring after the match was over.

Result - Randy Orton wins the WWE Intercontinental title

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 89.0%
Match Quality = 76.3%
Overall Rating = 94.7%

Disturbed316 08-31-2004 06:38 PM

Last night's WWE RAW show got an overall rating of 79.4%.

The TV figures for last night are now in: NWATNA Wrestling drew 867,755 viewers (up by 24,129); ROH Extreme Warfare drew 281,155 viewers (up by 5,540); WWE RAW drew 411,794 viewers (up by 32,990); nice, although still waaaaay behind TNA :mad:

Eugene Dinsmore and Trish Stratus have become good friends recently. lol

The Mackem 08-31-2004 06:46 PM


Disturbed316 08-31-2004 06:53 PM

Whats funny?

The Mackem 08-31-2004 06:56 PM

Just Eugene and Trish Stratus friendship. There's some weird things going on in your game backstage.

Disturbed316 08-31-2004 07:12 PM

Yeah I know, you get some pretty random things going on.

The Mackem 09-22-2004 09:40 AM

How do you quit your job?

Disturbed316 09-22-2004 10:22 AM

Wow, haven't played this game for ages. Should really try and get back into it.

MVP 10-03-2004 02:44 PM

Bump :shifty:

I know most of you guys play TEW now, but I don't want to spend the money to buy it. Anyway is there anybody that can tell me where I can find patches for EWR 4.0 that allow me to use the 80's-90's WWF or WCW promotions?

EDIT: I found some patches <a href=>here</a>. Gonna post my new promotion with the 1994 WWF roster.

The Mackem 10-08-2004 10:16 AM

Started my own fed in the UK with 25% overness and £5 000 000 :shifty:

Disturbed316 10-08-2004 10:48 AM

I am having such a creative block at the moment. I opened my game up the other day and just couldn't think of anything to do with it.

Cactus Sid 10-08-2004 11:38 AM

Just throw sh</>it at a piece of paper and see what comes up, thats what Vince does.

MVP 10-08-2004 07:37 PM

Yeah the 1994 WWF roster went down the shitter, fucking Lex Luger.

Working on re-creating and improving the Invasion angle.

M-A-G 10-10-2004 07:18 AM

This thing's still alive?

The Mackem 10-10-2004 01:02 PM

What did Luger do?

Disturbed316 10-10-2004 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by The Mackem
What did Luger do?

He turned face and went on the Lex Express :'(

The Mackem 10-22-2004 11:00 PM

Started a WWE game, started signing a load of people but none of them are doing much yet. The rosters are filling up though :cool:

Here's Survivor Series

Backstage, the camera caught The Rock taking bets from other workers.
----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 92.2%

Rumble: 10 Man match
Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero Jr, Tajiri, Juventud Guerrera, William Regal, Rey Mysterio, Batista, Rene Dupree, Rhyno and Shelton Benjamin
This match was an elimination battle royal style bout featuring 10 competitors who were to enter every 2 minutes. First out was Charlie Haas. Next out was Chavo Guerrero Jr.
----- Match Highlights -----
Charlie Haas dropped Chavo with a big punch...Chavo used a sleeper hold to weaken Haas...Chavo put Haas down with a huge chop...Tajiri enters.
Chavo locked on a single leg crab to weaken Haas...Haas slammed Chavo...Chavo nailed Tajiri with a right hand...Chavo Guerrero Jr backdropped Tajiri over the top rope. Juventud Guerrera enters.
Juventud Guerrera hit Charlie Haas with a chop...After a knee lift to stun Haas, Chavo Guerrero Jr hit a T-Bone suplex...Haas was taken over with a suplex from Chavo...William Regal enters.
Regal tried to throw Juvi over the top rope, but he held on...A big punch from Regal put Chavo Guerrero Jr down...Regal chop-blocked Juvi...Rey Mysterio enters.
After putting Haas down, Chavo Guerrero Jr hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Juvi hit a standing rana on Mysterio...Rey Mysterio nailed Juvi with a flying bulldog off the top rope...Batista enters.
A tight arm bar from Mysterio kept Chavo grounded...Haas walked into a kick to the gut from Batista...Juventud Guerrera wore Regal down with a wrist lock...Haas got taken down with a side headlock takedown by Juvi...Batista backdropped Chavo Guerrero Jr over the top rope. Rene Dupree enters.
Charlie Haas used a waist-lock into a takedown on Juvi...An amateur-style takedown from Charlie Haas put Juvi on the mat...Batista used a sleeper hold to weaken Regal...Rey Mysterio and Juventud Guerrera eliminated each other after tumbling over the top rope. Rhyno enters.
Haas pounded on Rene Dupree with punches to the face...Regal tried to throw Rene Dupree over the top rope, but he held on...Rene Dupree hit Rhyno with a clothesline from the second rope...Showing off his power, Rene Dupree blasted Rhyno with a high vertical suplex...Shelton Benjamin enters.
Rhyno suplexed Rene Dupree...Rene Dupree used an amateur-style move to take down Shelton Benjamin...Batista got taken over with a fireman's carry by Shelton Benjamin...Shelton Benjamin ducked a standing clothesline from Batista, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Rene Dupree backdropped William Regal over the top rope.
A scoop slam put Charlie Haas down to the mat, and gave Batista the advantage...Batista clotheslined Haas to the mat...Batista got drilled by Haas with a big knife-edge chop...Rhyno blasted Rene Dupree with a series of forearms to the face...Batista dropkicked Rhyno over the top rope.
Rene Dupree caught Haas with a big savate kick...Haas hit Rene Dupree with a headbutt...A tight arm bar from Haas kept Rene Dupree grounded...Charlie Haas threw Rene Dupree over the top rope.
A big kick floored Shelton Benjamin, who got right back up, only to take another from Batista...Batista hit Charlie Haas with a chop...Batista hit Shelton Benjamin with a belly to belly suplex...Batista dropkicked Shelton Benjamin over the top rope.
Batista suplexed Haas...Batista hit Haas with a DDT...Haas was rocked by a Batista clothesline off the ropes...Batista clotheslined Charlie Haas over the top rope.
Result - Batista wins
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 66.5%
Match Quality = 79.4%
Overall Rating = 70.9%

Eric Bischoff came down to the ring, and boasted about his RAW was the superior brand in every respect.
----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 82.0%

Dawn Marie, Stacy Keibler, Torrie Wilson and Trish Stratus had a bikini contest in the ring. By crowd response, Dawn Marie was announced as the winner.
----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 80.4%

2v2v2v2v2 Elimination match
Kidman and London vs Hurricane and Rosey vs Dudley Boys vs Basham Brothers vs New La Resistance
This match was an elimination bout. First out were the WWE Tag Team champions, Kidman and London (Billy Kidman and Paul London). Next out, accompanied by Stacy Keibler, were Hurricane and Rosey (The Hurricane and Rosey). Next out were Dudley Boys (Bubba Ray Dudley and D-Von Dudley). Next out were Basham Brothers (Danny Basham and Doug Basham). Last out were the WWE World Tag Team champions, New La Resistance (Robert Conway and Sylvain Grenier). The referee for the match was Jack Doan.
----- Match Highlights -----
Paul London nailed Danny Basham with a baseball slide under the ropes...Billy Kidman hit a moonsault off the top rope on to Doug Basham...After putting Bubba Ray Dudley down, The Hurricane hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...Doug Basham chopped Kidman...A clothesline by Doug Basham put Hurricane down to the canvas...Kidman applied a hammerlock on a grounded Robert, then drove knees into the back of his arm, softening it up...Bubba Ray Dudley hit Billy Kidman with a gutwrench suplex...Paul London floored D-Von Dudley and went to the top rope. When D-Von Dudley got up, he was greeted with a missile dropkick...Kidman got forearmed several times in the head by D-Von Dudley...A stunned Danny Basham staggered backward into The Hurricane, who hit the Eye of the Hurricane...That led to the three count.
A big suicide-plex by Paul London almost put Bubba Ray Dudley through the mat...That led to a count that was a split-second away from being three...The Hurricane took a double underhook piledriver from Danny Basham...The power of Rosey was in evidence as he blasted S. Grenier with a hard clothesline...After doubling him up, Sylvain Grenier blasted Rosey with an axe kick off the ropes...D-Von Dudley used a falling piledriver to spike Hurricane...Dudley Boys hit Paul London with a 3D...That was enough for a pin.
After a missed clothesline left him vunerable, The Hurricane got planted with a back suplex from Danny Basham...That nearly got a three count...Robert missed a charge, then took a kick to the gut. The Hurricane lifted him up and dropped him with a powerbomb...Hurricane took D-Von Dudley over with a spinning arm drag...D-Von Dudley wore down The Hurricane with a sleeper variation...Robert got staggered with a forearm from Rosey...A clothesline by Hurricane put D-Von Dudley down to the canvas...A big kick floored Rosey, who got right back up, only to take another from Danny Basham...New La Resistance hit Rosey with a Bonsoir...That was enough to get the three count.
Doug Basham dropped S. Grenier with a big punch...S. Grenier used a falling piledriver to spike Bubba Ray Dudley...Bubba Ray Dudley dropped S. Grenier with a big punch...Danny Basham hit S. Grenier with a clothesline...A choke slam from Danny Basham put S. Grenier down on the mat...Danny Basham hit S. Grenier with a series of vicious kicks to the body...Sylvain Grenier came off the ropes, but right into a huge Doug Basham dropkick...Robert hit Danny Basham with a headbutt...Dudley Boys hit Robert Conway with a 3D...That was enough for a pin.
Result - Dudley Boys win
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 62.3%
Match Quality = 71.5%
Overall Rating = 71.6%

Backstage, the camera caught Triple H and John Bradshaw Layfield chatting, exchanging compliments.
----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 83.8%

Backstage interview with Chris Jericho
Chris Jericho was interviewed by Todd Grisham backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Edge.
----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 93.8%

1v1 match
Edge vs Chris Jericho
This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Edge. Next out was the WWE Intercontinental champion, Chris Jericho. The referee for the match was Mike Chioda.
----- Match Highlights -----
A clothesline by Edge put Jericho down to the canvas...Jericho applied a knee bar on Edge, weakening the legs...A single-leg trip from Edge was enough to put Chris Jericho down...An arm breaker from Edge hurt Chris Jericho...Edge got drilled by Jericho with a big knife-edge chop...After backing him into the corner, Jericho hammered away on Edge with a series of chops...
Jericho snap suplexed Edge over, and floated over into a chinlock...Chris Jericho belly to belly suplexed Edge...Edge used a Japanese arm drag on Jericho...Chris Jericho hit Edge with a chop...Edge hit Jericho with a clothesline from the second rope...A tight arm bar from Jericho kept Edge grounded...Chris Jericho scored with a deep arm drag on Edge...
After a knee lift to stun Edge, Chris Jericho hit a T-Bone suplex...With Edge down on the mat, Jericho came from the apron with a slingshot legdrop...Jericho hit Edge with a high dropkick to the face...Jericho was taken over with a suplex from Edge...Jericho put Edge down with a huge chop...Edge hit Jericho with a belly to belly suplex...
A wild swing by Edge left him vunerable, and Jericho capitalized with a belly to back suplex...Jericho came over the ropes with a plancha dive on Edge...Jericho used a big suicide-plex on Edge...Edge ran into a Jericho boot in the corner, and got taken down with the Walls Of Jericho, but got to the ropes...Chris Jericho hit a superplex on Edge...Edge powerslammed Jericho as he came off the ropes...Jericho DDTed Edge after a boot to the gut...Jericho blasted Edge with a second turnbuckle moonsault...Edge nailed Chris Jericho with a set of brass knuckles, leading to a pinfall.
After the bout, a wild brawl broke out between Edge and Chris Jericho.
Result - Edge wins
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 86.1%
Match Quality = 81.2%
Overall Rating = 96.9%

Backstage interview with Booker T
Booker T was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He insulted Rob Van Dam.
----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 84.8%

1v1 Ladder match for the WWE United States title
Rob Van Dam vs Booker T
This match was a regular one fall bout for the WWE United States title. First out was Rob Van Dam. Next out was the WWE United States champion, Booker T. The referee for the match was Charles Robinson.
----- Match Highlights -----
A series of five forearms to the chest from Booker T left Rob Van Dam down in the corner in pain...After throwing him to the outside, RVD hit a running tope on a groggy Booker T...Booker T hit RVD with a clothesline...RVD went from a side headlock into a drop toe hold to floor Booker T...Booker T hit a flurry of punches on RVD...Rob Van Dam blocked a Booker T kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...
Booker T kicked Rob Van Dam in the ribs...Booker T drilled RVD with a headbutt...RVD hit Booker T with a diving headbutt off the second rope...A big kick floored Booker T, who got right back up, only to take another from RVD...Booker T went low with a kick on RVD...Rob Van Dam blocked a Booker T kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Rob Van Dam unloaded with knife-edge chops on Booker T...A groggy Rob Van Dam stood up, only to take a bulldog off the middle of the ladder from Booker T...
A thumb to the eye from Booker T slowed down RVD...Booker T threw RVD into the ladder...Booker T hit Rob Van Dam with a chop...Booker T rocked Rob Van Dam with a headbutt...Booker T dropped RVD with a big punch...Booker T punched Rob Van Dam in the face...Booker T got hit with a rana from RVD...Booker T dropped RVD with a flying clothesline off the ropes...Rob Van Dam wore down Booker T with a sleeper variation...
Three right hands from Booker T sent RVD down...After ducking a clothesline, Booker T bounced off the opposite ropes and used a flying clothesline on his way back to floor RVD...RVD walked into a kick to the gut. Booker T raised him up and powerbombed him onto a folded ladder...Booker T press slammed RVD...RVD got hit with a shoulder breaker by Booker T...RVD got hit with a garbage can by Booker T...Booker T dropped RVD with a flying clothesline off the ropes...Rob Van Dam blocked a Booker T kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Rob Van Dam hit Booker T with the Split Legged Moonsault off the top rope...Rob Van Dam set up the ladder and climbed for the win.
Result - Rob Van Dam wins the WWE United States title
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 93.0%
Match Quality = 57.8%
Overall Rating = 93.4%

Backstage interview with Evolution!
Evolution! were interviewed by The Coach backstage. They hyped up the upcoming match with Randy Orton.
----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 86.5%

to be continued

The Mackem 10-22-2004 11:01 PM

1v1 Cage match for the WWE World Heavyweight title
Randy Orton vs Triple H
This match was a regular one fall bout for the WWE World Heavyweight title. First out was Randy Orton. Next out was the WWE World Heavyweight champion, Triple H. The referee for the match was Earl Hebner.
----- Match Highlights -----
Randy Orton doubled HHH up with a kick...Randy Orton dropped HHH with a flying clothesline off the ropes...A big punch from HHH put Randy Orton down...A scoop slam put Triple H down to the mat, and gave Randy Orton the advantage...HHH pounded on Randy Orton with punches to the face...Randy Orton threw HHH into the cage side...After ducking a clothesline, HHH used a fallaway slam to hurt Randy Orton...Randy Orton hit HHH with a clothesline...
Randy Orton was backed into a turnbuckle, and HHH choked away with a boot to the throat...Triple H sent Randy Orton down with a kick to the side of the head...A clothesline by Randy Orton put HHH down to the canvas...Triple H got hit with a steel chair by Randy Orton...Randy Orton sent HHH down with a kick to the side of the head...With HHH grounded, Randy Orton applied a sleeper hold to weaken him...A hooked-arm clothesline from Randy Orton floored Triple H...Randy Orton headbutted HHH...
Randy Orton used a sleeper hold to weaken HHH...Randy Orton picked up and bodyslammed HHH...Randy Orton dropped HHH with a big punch...Randy Orton punched Triple H in the face...Randy Orton hit HHH with a clothesline from the second rope...Triple H ducked a standing clothesline from Randy Orton, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Randy Orton hit HHH with a clothesline from the second rope...
Triple H powerslammed Randy Orton as he came off the ropes...Triple H charged into the corner, hit nothing but turnbuckle, then staggered backward right into a Randy Orton dragon suplex, but he just kicked out before the three...HHH got hit with a shoulder breaker by Randy Orton...Randy Orton powerslammed HHH as he came off the ropes...Randy Orton blasted HHH with a tiger bomb...Randy Orton used a running forearm to floor a groggy HHH...HHH used a sleeper hold to weaken Randy Orton...
Randy Orton blasted HHH with a tiger bomb...HHH got nailed with a straight right hand to the jaw from Randy Orton...Triple H got sent into the cage wall by Randy Orton...Randy Orton got staggered with a forearm from HHH...Triple H staggered into a nadowa slam from Randy Orton...Batista and Flair ran in...Batista and Flair hit Randy Orton with a Figure 4...Triple H caught Randy Orton with the Pedigree...Triple H was able to leave by the cage door without being stopped.
Result - Triple H wins
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 82.1%
Match Quality = 59.6%
Overall Rating = 86.5%

Backstage, the camera came upon Chris Benoit, Christian and Shawn Michaels discussing something. When they spotted the camera, they walked off to find some privacy.
----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 80.0%

Backstage interview with John Bradshaw Layfield
John Bradshaw Layfield was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with The Undertaker.
----- Interview Summary -----

Overall Rating = 80.0%

1v1 Casket match
John Bradshaw Layfield vs The Undertaker
This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was the WWE Heavyweight champion, John Bradshaw Layfield. Next out was The Undertaker. The referee for the match was Nick Patrick.
----- Match Highlights -----
John Bradshaw Layfield choked Undertaker on the ropes...Layfield slammed Undertaker on to a trash can...Layfield got staggered with a forearm from Undertaker...Undertaker got taken to the mat with a superplex by John Bradshaw Layfield...A big kick floored Undertaker, who got right back up, only to take another from Layfield...
A scoop slam put John Bradshaw Layfield down to the mat, and gave Undertaker the advantage...Undertaker hit Layfield with a headbutt...A clothesline by Layfield put Undertaker down to the canvas...John Bradshaw Layfield nailed Undertaker with a double underhook powerbomb...The Undertaker rocked John Bradshaw Layfield with a headbutt...Layfield got knocked down by a Undertaker headbutt...
John Bradshaw Layfield hit The Undertaker with a punch...The awesome power of The Undertaker was on display as he hit Layfield with a military press across the ring...The Undertaker press slammed Layfield...Undertaker kicked John Bradshaw Layfield in the ribs...Undertaker nailed Layfield with a right hand...John Bradshaw Layfield raked the eyes of The Undertaker...
John Bradshaw Layfield showed his power by viciously powerbombed The Undertaker back-first into the turnbuckles...Undertaker felt the power of John Bradshaw Layfield as he took a sustained vertical suplex...The Undertaker snap suplexed John Bradshaw Layfield...A right hand from Undertaker put Layfield down...John Bradshaw Layfield scored with a boot to the stomach, then blasted Undertaker with a cradle piledriver...
Layfield floored Undertaker with a sharp short-arm clothesline...John Bradshaw Layfield blasted Undertaker with a big forearm to the jaw...The Undertaker hit Layfield with a stump piledriver...Layfield used a military press on Undertaker...The Undertaker countered a backdrop attempt with a stump piledriver on Layfield...Undertaker got staggered with a forearm from Layfield...Layfield got staggered with a forearm from Undertaker...John Bradshaw Layfield ducked his head for a backdrop, but was too early, and was folded up with a Undertaker sit-out powerbomb as a result...The Undertaker caught John Bradshaw Layfield with the Tombstone...The Undertaker trapped John Bradshaw Layfield in the Casket for the win.
Result - The Undertaker wins
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 79.2%
Match Quality = 50.4%
Overall Rating = 45.5%

Eric Bischoff and Theodore Long were caught backstage, arguing about something.
----- Angle Summary -----
Overall Rating = 78.4%

4v4 War Games match
Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Christian and Kane vs Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show and John Cena
This match was an elimination bout. First out, accompanied by Trish Stratus, were Shawn Michaels, Chris Benoit, Christian and Kane. Next out were Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show and John Cena. The referee for the match was Mike Chioda.
----- Match Highlights -----
E. Guerrero arm dragged Christian to the canvas, and hooked an arm bar...E. Guerrero hit three vicious chops to the chest of Kane...John Cena wore down Christian with a sleeper variation...Big Show hit HBK with a clothesline...HBK nailed K. Angle with a flying rana...Big Show got drilled by HBK with a big knife-edge chop...Benoit hit K. Angle with a dropkick...HBK hit K. Angle with a DDT...John Cena caught Christian with the F-U...That was enough to get the pin.
Kurt Angle used a knee breaker to soften up HBK...The power of Kane was in evidence as he blasted Cena with a hard clothesline...Cena used a falling piledriver to spike Kane...A hooked-arm clothesline from Cena floored Kane...After putting Kane down, Eddie Guerrero hit an elbow drop from the second turnbuckle...E. Guerrero took Kane over with a spinning arm drag...K. Angle went from a side headlock into a drop toe hold to floor HBK...Kane came off the ropes with a Yakuza kick, flooring E. Guerrero...That was enough to get the pin.
Kane doubled Cena up with a kick...Kane locked his arms around Cena and hit a series of headbutts to the chest...Shawn Michaels hit a superplex on K. Angle...Shawn Michaels walked right into a bodyslam from Big Show...Kurt Angle scored with a deep arm drag on HBK...Big Show nailed Benoit with a double underhook powerbomb...Kane caught John Cena with the Chokeslam...That got the three.
Big Show caught HBK with a big boot to the face...K. Angle trapped Kane in a crossface, but he managed to reach the bottom rope...Big Show hit HBK with a clothesline...Benoit missed a charge into the turnbuckle when Big Show slipped behind him, and then got hit with a back suplex as he staggered backward...Benoit nailed K. Angle with a baseball slide under the ropes...Big Show caught Kane with the Show Stopper...That was enough to get the three count.
Kurt Angle wore down Chris Benoit with a sleeper variation...Chris Benoit hit a superplex on Big Show...Big Show press slammed HBK...Kurt Angle applied a hammerlock to HBK, then turned it into a bodyslam to weaken the arm...After backing him into the corner, HBK hammered away on K. Angle with a series of chops...Kurt Angle hit Chris Benoit with a chop...Benoit used the Crippler Crossface on Big Show for the tap out.
HBK punched Kurt Angle in the face...An arm breaker from K. Angle hurt Chris Benoit...K. Angle went from a side headlock into a drop toe hold to floor HBK...Shawn Michaels superplexed K. Angle to the mat...After ducking a clothesline, K. Angle used a fallaway slam to hurt Shawn Michaels...Kurt Angle had his knee driven into the mat by Benoit...An arm breaker from K. Angle hurt Shawn Michaels...Chris Benoit hit Kurt Angle with a chop...Shawn Michaels turned on Chris Benoit. Shawn Michaels floored Chris Benoit, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Diving Elbow Drop...This allowed Kurt Angle to get an easy pinfall.
K. Angle chopped HBK...Shawn Michaels got drilled by K. Angle with a big knife-edge chop...A short powerbomb by HBK left K. Angle down on the mat...An arm twist by K. Angle was followed by three arm wrenches in a row to weaken HBK...A clothesline from HBK dropped K. Angle...A single-leg trip from HBK was enough to put Kurt Angle down...Kurt Angle trapped Shawn Michaels in a figure four for the submission.
After the match, Chris Benoit got into an intense staredown with Shawn Michaels.
Result - Kurt Angle, Eddie Guerrero, Big Show and John Cena win
----- Match Summary -----
Match Reaction = 81.5%
Match Quality = 71.0%
Overall Rating = 80.5%

Seemed OK except the mess that was JBL/Undertaker, both will be punished severely.

The Mackem 10-22-2004 11:14 PM

The PPV buyrate report for last night is now in: WWE recieved 279,435 buys (0.64 buyrate) for WWE Survivor Series;

Last night's WWE Survivor Series show got an overall rating of 63.6%.

That does it, Bradshaw and Undertaker are getting burried

#1-norm-fan 11-29-2004 04:23 PM

Okay, so I just tried to put the stat update in TEW and when I try to start a game i get a "run error 6: overflow" message. I went to look at my workers in the editor and it's all crazy looking. I'm guessing the worker file is too big for whatever reason. Anyone know what's going on?

The Mackem 11-29-2004 04:47 PM

Might be best to ask at

mitch_h 12-09-2004 07:07 PM

Had my first 100% match... Samoa Joe vs Bryan Danielson vs CM Punk vs Low Ki

Evil Vito 01-07-2005 07:57 AM

<font color=goldenrod>OK, so I'm transferring stuff to my new computer, and when I remmebered EWR, I couldn't help but transfer 2 versions (1.3 and 4.2) over to the new comp and start playing M-A-G's game the first time in forever.

I've booked 1 Smackdown and 1 Raw (both in November 2025), and I'm starting to re-gain a feel for the storylines that I had going on.

On the 2 shows, 3 matches were announced. 2 of which were Survivor Series Elimination Matches which involved the GMs of the shows.

Over on Smackdown, Ian Moore (still fumed about being arrested a month or so previous), laid down a challenge to Kurt Angle. Each man has until Survivor Series tgo assemble 3 other men in his team, and stipulations may still be added on. The main event of the night was Ian Moore taking on Chris Sylvain. Moore lost the match due to Angle rushing in and Angle-Slamming Moore while Sylvain distracted the ref. After the match, Moore was beaten down, and Angle gleefully announced that Chris Sylvain would be a part of Angle's team come Survivor Series.

Over on Raw, GM Chris Jericho demanded explanation as to why La Resistance attacked him. Rob Conway came out to speak on the group's behalf, and he claimed that La Resistance were being unfairly treated (citing Jericho giving Lance Storm a World Title shot, but not telling him about it until minutes before), and that they wanted Jericho out. So Jericho laid down the law, and said that he'd find 3 other guys to face all of La Resistance at Survivor Series. It was quite simple, if Jericho's team lost, he would resign. But if La Resistance lost, they would have no choice but to disband.

In other news:

-Goldberg has 2 men vying for a World Title shot. On Raw, Jason Collins wants a re-match, and on Smackdown, John Cena wants a shot. It's basically Goldberg's choice.

-Mordecai is the new Number 1 Contender to the European Title at Survivor Series, after defeating Ken Shamrock. Can Mordecai (who has been undefeated since returning as Mordecai at Unforgiven) topple old rival Simon Diamond? We'll have to wait in see.

-In an unfortunate situation, one half of the World Tag Team Champions, "Dangerous Man" Chris Linares, suffered a torn calf at a house show and will be out for 5 months. As a result, the title was vacated on Raw (for the 3rd time this year strangely). According to GM Chris Jericho, new champions won't be crowned until the Raw after Survivor Series. However, the question is, who will be involved? The Uprising and the Bishop/Kreeve Connection have stated their desire to get shots, but Chris Jericho mentioned that the non-injured member of 24/7, David E., should get another crack at the gold (provided he can find another partner).</font>

Evil Vito 01-10-2005 10:31 AM

<font color=goldenrod>K, here's the current (packed) Survivor Series card. I've got 2 Smackdowns and 1 Raw left, so barring any injuries, suspensions, or rehabilitations, here's what's happening:

<b><u>WWE Championship - Interpromotional Triple Threat Match: John Cena vs. Jason Collins vs. Goldberg (C)</u></b>

Both John Cena and Jason Collins have been looking to get title shots at SS, since it's an interpromotional PPV and Goldberg could face seemingly any male on the roster. It got to the point where Collins and Cena did run ins on the opposing show and wreaked havoc, and ultimately this match was signed as a result.

<b><u>Survivor Series Elimination Match: Ian Moore, Ken Shamrock, and The Thug Life Soldiers vs. Kurt Angle, Chris Sylvain, Reaper, and Ryan Creed</u></b>

This is a result of the aforementioned arresting of Ian Moore. Both men formed teams over the weeks, and a whole host of stipulations have been signed as a result. If Moore's team loses, then each member of their team will lose $400,000 while each member of Angle's team wil become $400,000 richer. However, for Moore's team, it's not about money, it's about power and trying to change Kurt Angle's ways. Should Moore's team win, then each member will be given the chance to choose their match at the SmackDown-exclusive PPV, Armageddon.

<b><u>Survivor Series Elimination Match: Chris Jericho, Garrett, Bishop, and Kreeve vs. La Resistance (Lance Storm, Rob Conway, Sylvain grenier, and Chris Nowinski)</u></b>

I'm pretty sure I mentioned the buildup for this match already as well. Jericho resigns should his team lose, but if his team is victorious then La Resistance will have to part ways.

<b><u>WWE European Championship: Mordecai vs. Simon Diamond (C)</b></u>

Mordecai has been utterly unstoppable since his return, and Diamond is hoping to change that and hold onto the belt that he beat Mordecai (then Seven) for at SummerSlam.

<b><u>Eugene vs. Alex Michaels</u></b>

These two have been feuding ever since No Mercy, when Eugene's then manager, M-A-G, turned on Eugene after a rapid losing streak and a suddenly demented personality change. M-A-G has sent in another one of his clients, Alex Michaels, to finish the job. However, it won't be that easy, as Eugene has been on a roll since M-A-G left him. As an added bonus to this match, the winner will be entered into the battle royal later on.

<b><u>10-Man Interpromotional Battle Royal - Winner gets an Intercontinental/European Title Match at the next Raw or Smackdown</u></b>

5 of Raw and 5 of Smackdown's finest will collide in an attempt to get a shot at the brands' coveted titles.

Also, there will be 2 more Survivor Series Elimination matches, one will be all women and one will be all cruiserweights. The one that gets the final pinfall/submission in each gets a shot at the corresponding title on the following Raw/Smackdown. It should also be noted that Cruiserweight Champion Mark Mason will take part in the match, and if he comes out on top, he'll get a well-earned day-off and he won't have to defend the belt on Smackdown.</font>

Evil Vito 01-10-2005 08:19 PM

<font color=goldenrod>I dunno if anybody reads these anymore, but nevertheless, here's Survivor Series 2025:

Heat Segment: M-A-G hyped the Survivor Series opener between his client, Alex Michaels, and former client Eugene. 86% Overall Rating

Survivor Series Matches
Eugene pinned Alex Michaels to earn a spot in the battle royal. ****1/4, 88% Overall Rating

Survivor Series Elimination Match: Kevin Daniels, Derek Standish, and The Yakuza defeated Cruiserweight Champion Mark Mason, Sean Casey, Billy Kidman, and Rey Mysterio. Kevin Daniels got the final decision, so he gets a shot at the Cruiserweight Title on the next Smackdown. ****1/4, 86% Overall Rating

Survivor Series Elimination Match: Chris Jericho, Garrett, Bishop, and Kreeve defeated La Resistance. Because of this, La Resistance must disband. ****1/4, 88% Overall Rating

Mordecai pinned Simon Diamond to win the WWE European Championship. Mordecai further beats down Simon afterwards. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Survivor Series Elimination Match: Jodie Marie, Tyra Foxx, Mizteek, and Adara James defeated Vixxen, Oracle, Alyssa Skull, and Brooke. Mizteek got the final decision, so she gets a shot at the Women's Championship the next night on Raw. ****1/4, 87% Overall Rating

Survivor Series Elimination Match: Ian Moore, Ken Shamrock, and The Thug Life Soldiers defeated Kurt Angle, Chris Sylvain, Reaper, and Ryan Creed. Because of this, all of the members of Moore's team get to select their matches for Armageddon. ****1/4, 87% Overall Rating

Rayne defeated Mourn, Cero, Mike Sullivan, Tempest, Eugene, Jason Cross, Fortune, Sean Criss, and the man he last eliminated, AJ Styles, to win the 10-Man Battle Royal and earn a shot at the European Championship on the next Smackdown. 82% Overall Rating

Goldberg defeated John Cena and Jason Collins to retain the WWE Championship. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Hmm, there seems to be a trend in that PPV, and I can't quite put my finger on it. :shifty:

87% Overall Rating for Survivor Series
We got a 1.57 Buy Rate

Derrick Standish thinks he should be higher up the card. I agree.

-End of Month Notes-

Everybody in OVW and the Funkin Conservatory are coming along quite nicely.

Trinity has returned from suspension.

Staff member Ronald Smalls has retired from PW. Yeah, like I care.

Staff member David O'Brien has retired. Yeah, whatever.

Boss Man has retired from WWA. God speed.

Nova has announced that he will retire from WWA in one month.

The Rock has left RoH. I WOULD pick him up, but for whatever reason he's not appearing in the free agent database. :mad: :wtf:

8 or so staff members have their contracts expiring in three months.

<u>Injured List</u>
"Dangerous Man" Chris Linares - Ripped Bicep - 4 months
Ron Killings - Broken Leg - 9 months
Spanky - Torn Calf - 1 month

<u>Suspended List</u>
None :)

<u>Rehabbing Workers</u>
Kim Roderick</font>

The Mackem 01-10-2005 08:36 PM

Booo get M-A-G off WWE TV :n:

Evil Vito 01-10-2005 10:09 PM

<font color=goldenrod>What's wrong with M-A-G?</font> :(

Evil Vito 01-10-2005 10:43 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Storyline Updates:

The Raw after Survivor Series, Lance Storm and Rob Conway shocked the world, by openly quitting in the face of GM Chris Jericho. Conway has apparently opted to call it a career at the age of 50 years old. Storm, however, has claimed that he will be taking his work elsewhere, and that a meeting with one Kurt Angle has already been scheduled. It is not known what is going to become of Chris Nowinski or Sylvain Grenier, as neither man was present.

Also, in a surprising turn events, our new World Tag Team Champions are the unlikely duo of David E. and Matt Hardy. Getting to find a replacement partner for the TLC Match due to his regular partner being in jured, David E. chose Matt Hardy because of Matt's experience with those types of matches. The move worked like a charm, as the team managed to top The Uprising and Bishop/Kreeve. However, one has to wonder how Dangerous Man feels about this.</font>

Evil Vito 01-10-2005 10:44 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Storyline Updates:

The Raw after Survivor Series, Lance Storm and Rob Conway shocked the world, by openly quitting in the face of GM Chris Jericho. Conway has apparently opted to call it a career at the age of 50 years old. Storm, however, has claimed that he will be taking his work elsewhere, and that a meeting with one Kurt Angle has already been scheduled. It is not known what is going to become of Chris Nowinski or Sylvain Grenier, as neither man was present.

Also, in a surprising turn events, our new World Tag Team Champions are the unlikely duo of David E. and Matt Hardy. Getting to find a replacement partner for the TLC Match due to his regular partner being in jured, David E. chose Matt Hardy because of Matt's experience with those types of matches. The move worked like a charm, as the team managed to top The Uprising and Bishop/Kreeve. However, one has to wonder how Dangerous Man feels about this.</font>

Evil Vito 01-11-2005 10:18 AM

<font color=goldenrod>On the first SmackDown of December, two huge matches have already been signed.

Ian Moore used his ability to choose his match at Armageddon to go one-on-one with GM Kurt Angle. And as for stipulation, Moore has stated that if he wins, he will get to serve as General Manager of Smackdown and run EVERYTHING about it, for one week. Who knows what ground-breaking moves Moore would make in the span of a week?

As for the other announced match, John Cena claimed that he should get a one-on-one match with Goldberg for the belt (he cited that a triple threat match "messed him up" and that Jason Collins created an unfair distraction. And Kurt Angle happily obliged to all of this, so unless Ken Shamrock or The Thug Life Soldiers decide to interject themselves in the match, it will be John Cena taking on Goldberg for the WWE Championship.

It should also be noted that Mordecai and Mark Mason successfully defended their titles.</font>

Cactus Sid 01-17-2005 01:21 PM

I downloaded EW9000, just because you can get through a few years in an hour, and I once had Jericho has a 29 time Intercontinental Champion :cool:

Currently I'm up to Vengeance in 2001 (game starts in 2000) I'm moving towards Summerslam.

Royal Rumble For Number 1 Contendership At Summerslam

WWE Undisputed Heavyweight Title
Kurt Angle (c) vs ????????

WWE Intercontinental Title
John Cena (c) vs Shawn Michaels vs Randy Orton

WWE United States Title
Edge (c) vs Rey Mysterio

WWE Tag Team Titles
Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Triple H and The Rock

Chris Jericho vs Batista

Disturbed316 01-17-2005 07:32 PM

EW9000? When did that come out?

Evil Vito 01-20-2005 07:41 AM

<font color=goldenrod>I've only booked two shows in December up to this point, but I've still pounded out the probable Armageddon 2025 card as long as everyone stays healthy:

WWE Championship: Goldberg defends against John Cena

WWE European Championship: Mordecai defends against Simon Diamond (re-match from Survivor Series)

WWE Tag Team Championships: The Ameri-French Connection (Rene Dupree and Charlie Haas) defend against The Thug Life Soldiers (Jordan and Jerome)

WWE Cruiserweight Championship: Mark Mason defends against Kevin Daniels and Derek Standish

GM for a Week Match: Ian Moore vs. SmackDown! General Manager Kurt Angle

Submission Match: Ken Shamrock vs. Lance Storm

Sean Casey vs. Chris Sylvain

Mourning Rayne (guess who :p) vs. Reaper and Ryan Creed</font>

Mike the Metal Ed 01-20-2005 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Disturbed316
EW9000? When did that come out?

Before EWR.

Evil Vito 01-20-2005 07:47 AM

<font color=goldenrod>On another note, I've tried out the TEW demo again, and as a result I'm considering buying it.

Pretty short on cash though, and $35 for a wrestling sim seems a bit much.

If I go through with it, myself and HardKore UK would likely do a game in which we delete WWE (maybe TNA too) and then do a draft over MSN for our wrestlers. We'll create two entirely new Global promotions and have our own version of the Monday Night Wars (and to be fair we could set it so that both networks have the same maximum rating.

Would be pretty fun.</font>

Evil Vito 01-23-2005 01:23 AM

<font color=goldenrod>Some pretty interesting stuff happening on Raw lately. With Conway and Storm off of Raw, Chris Jericho resigned former Smackdown competitor Apocalypse, who had been out of the promotion since May. He's picked up two impressive wins since his return, over AJ Styles and Sean Criss respectively.

Also, the other two former La Resistance members, Sylvain Grenier and Chris Nowinski, have seen no success as singles wrestlers. However, on the December 22nd edition of Raw, we saw a "new" team called Los Conquistadors come in. This wouldn't seem like such a big deal were it not for the fact their in ring style seemed nearly identical to that of Nowinski/Grenier. Quite interesting...

But nevertheless, here is the final PPV extravaganza of 2025, SmackDown! exclusive PPV, Armageddon!

Our commentators are Shawn Michaels and Stan Greene.

Heat Match: Chris Carvill pinned Rey Mysterio. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Armageddon Matches
Mourning Rayne defeated Reaper and Ryan Creed when Rayne pinned Reaper. ****1/2, 91% Overall Rating

Mark Mason defeated Derek Standish and Kevin Daniels to retain the WWE Cruiserweight Championship. ****1/2, 91% Overall Rating

Submission Match: Ken Shamrock defeated Lance Storm. ****1/4, 90% Overall Rating

Chris Sylvain pinned Sean Casey. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

The Ameri-French Connection cheated to defeat The Thug Life Soldiers and retain the WWE Tag Team Championships. The Thug Life Soldiers are deservedly pissed about this afrterwards, and they kick the Ameri-French Connection's asses. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Mordecai pinned Simon Diamond to retain the WWE European Championship. He beats on Diamond some more afterwards. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Ian Moore pinned Kurt Angle - which means only one thing - at the stroke of midnight, Ian Moore is the General Manager of Smackdown for a week. ****1/2, 91% Overall Rating

John Cena cheated to defeat Goldberg and become the new WWE Champion. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

89% Overall Rating for Armageddon
We got a 1.78 Buy Rate</font>

Evil Vito 01-23-2005 12:58 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Well, the night after Armageddon was certainly a huge one, as the show opened up with Raw GM Chris Jericho, with new WWE Champion John Cena in the room. Jericho had just got off the phone with week-long Smackdown GM Ian Moore, and they felt that it was in the best interest of the company to give Goldberg an immediate re-match that night, since Cena had to cheat to hold onto the belt. Cena would end up retaining, after cheating AGAIN.

In other news, Los Conquistadors picked up another victory, the whole while the crowd was chanting "LA RESSSSSSSSSSSSS, LA RESSSSSSSSSS" to which the Conquistadors acted confused.

And so January 1st, 2026 marked the first Smackdown of the new year, but before we get to that, here are the end of month notes:

-Everyone in OVW and Training Camp are continuing to improve nicely.

-Spanky has returned from injury. Thank fuck.

-Nova has retired from WWA.

-KISS Demon has announced that he will retire from XWF in one month.

-Justice Pain has announced that he will retire in one month. See ya later, Abyss!

-Pete Canada has retired. Um, who?

-Training camp guy Leon Ross needs a contract renewal.

-Ron Killings (8 months) and Dangerous Man (3 months) are still shelved with injuries.

-Kim Roderick is still in rehab.

-Still no suspensions. :)


Anyways, onto Smackdown.

The returning Spanky kicked off the show by defeating Tempest, proving he isn't very rusty after being out with a Broken Leg.

But the big news, week-long Smackdown GM Ian Moore announced that, after a conference with Raw GM Chris Jericho, that John Cena was officially STRIPPED of the WWE Championship due to his inability to win it and hold it fairly. You have to figure that this never would have happened were Ian Moore not playing the role of GM (since Angle would never want to relinquish one of his own stars of the belt).

Even bigger news, the title will remain vacant until January 25, 2026 where the new champion will be crowned at the Royal Rumble. The new title holder? THE WINNER OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE MATCH!!!</font>

Cactus Sid 01-23-2005 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by HardKore UK
Before EWR.

And also before EWD.

Its in Dos.

Evil Vito 01-23-2005 08:49 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Some news regarding the Royal Rumble:

On the opening to the January 5th Raw, GM Chris Jericho announced that, in Ian Moore's last act as GM on Sunday night, the GMs have decided that, since the Royal Rumble will be for the Championship, every wrestler involved in it must win some sort of qualifying match on either Raw or Smackdown (if a wrestler loses their qualifying match, they can have another chance as long as the GM OKs it).

Anyways, so far there have been 8 participants, 4 from each brand:


Sean Criss got in by defeating Intercontinental Champion Brian York. However, it wasn't clean. Alex Michaels, who was involved in a major altercation with him the week previous, rushed in and costed York the match.

York would get his revenge later on in the night, costing Michaels HIS qualifying match against Goldberg. This prompted M-A-G to go apeshit on his client's behalf, and so an Intercontinental Title match has been signed for the PPV between York and Michaels.

Also, in an effort to try and prove that Los Conquistadors are Nowinski/Grenier (which would make them eligible for release due to breach of stipulation of the Survivor Series match), GM Chris Jericho put both Conquistadors in one-on-one qualifying matches. Sure enough, both lost, making it seem even more likely that Nowinski and Grenier are the Conquistadors. Uno lost to Jason Cross, while Dos lost to Apocalypse.


Mourning Rayne won a tag team Royal Rumble qualifier against The Yakuza.

John Cena defeated Billy Kidman (making sure to bitch and moan about being robbed of his title afterwards).

Ian Moore overcame the odds and defeated Chris Carvill, Lance Storm, and Chris Sylvain in back-to-back-to-back matches, much to Kurt Angle's chagrin.

Also, in non-Rumble match news, Charlie Haas and Rene Dupree walked out of a Tag Team Title re-match against the Thug Life Soldiers. This caused the Soldiers to complain, and they got on the mics and basically said that the champs would have one week to accept a challenge for the Royal Rumble. If they didn't accept, the Soldiers promised to make the champs' lives a living Hell.


Also, in some unfortunate news, Mizteek suffered a Knee Injury at a house show, which will put her on the shelf for 16 months (aka until May 2027)</font>

Evil Vito 01-24-2005 11:10 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Holy fuck, there haven't been any posts in this forum since that last one. :|

Anyways, another week of TV is in the books, and we have more Rumble developments:


-Paul Heyman claimed that his client Brooke deserved a shot at the Women's Title, and to prove this she jumoed the champion Nicole Durgan backstage. So as a result, the match was signed: Brooke vs. Durgan at the Rumble.

Also, there were many more Royal Rumble qualifying matches.

-The makeshft teaming of AJ Styles and Jason Collins defeated Tag Team Champions David E. and Matt Hardy to earn spots in the Rumble, thanks to interference from Los Conquistadors.

-In a surprising act, Chris Jericho held a qualifying match involving two of the many talented women wrestlers on Raw, Frost and Trinity, to compete for a spot in the match and a shot at the WWE Title. Trinity came out victorious.

-Garrett defeated The Uprising's Jason Lee to get in.

-Eugene defeated the other Uprising member, Derrick King to earn his spot in.

-After a hateful promo from M-A-G, his client Jason Michaels costed Intercontinental Champion Brian York a shot in the Rumble for a 2nd straight week, this time losing to Fortune, putting Fortune in the match.

-In some backstage notes, Rey Mysterio got into a backstage fight and so, as per company policy, I had to suspend him for 3 months.


-Mark Mason defeated Ryan Creed to retain his Cruiserweight Title, and afterwards Creed showed signs of frustration, pounding the mat in anger. A re-match has been signed for the Royal Rumble.

-Chris Sylvain cheated to defeat one half of The Real Deal, Cero, to get a spot.

-Ken Shamrock defeated Derek Standish to earn a spot.

-Lance Storm and Chris Carvill earned spots by defeating The Thug Life Soldiers after interference from The Ameri-French Connection. Afterwards, the Connection got on the mic and said that they accepted the Soldiers' challenge for a re-match at the Rumble. They added some extra beating afterwards.

-The main event was certainly a shocking moment. WWE European Champion Mordecai was taking on the other half of The Real Deal, Mike Sullivan, in a Royal Rumble qualifying match. Cero interfered on his partners behalf, wanting to get his partner and friend into the WWE Title Match, and sure enough, he did. The interference allowed Mike Sullivan to do something that no one had been able to do since September and defeat Mordecai. Mike Sullivan is now in the Royal Rumble. Mordecai went ballistic after, destroying various objects and the referee.</font>

Cactus Sid 01-25-2005 04:47 PM


Edge defeated JBL and Rey Mysterio to retain the United States Title

Batista defeated Chris Jericho after interferance from Ric Flair

Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero defeated Triple H and The Rock to retain the Tag Team Titles

Commisioner Cactus Sid ruled that Shawn Michaels would face Kurt Angle for the Undisputed Heavyweight Title, and that Cena and Orton would face off 1 on 1

John Cena defeated Randy Orton to retain the Intercontinental Title

Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle went to a Double DQ, Angle retained the Undisputed Title

Triple H won a Royal Rumble for the Number 1 Contendership at Summerslam

On EW9000 you have 2 Raw's and then a Smackdown between PPV's, having done 2 Raw's, my card for Summerslam looks like this

WWE Undisputed Heavyweight Title
Kurt Angle (c) vs Triple H vs Shawn Michaels

WWE Intercontinental Title
John Cena (c) vs The Undertaker

WWE United States Title
Edge (c) vs Shelton Benjamin

WWE Tag Team Titles
RVD and Eddie Guerrero vs Christian and JBL

Chris Jericho, Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio vs Ric Flair, Batista and Brock Lesnar

Chris Benoit vs The Rock

Cactus Sid 01-25-2005 04:56 PM


Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero defeated Christian and JBL by DQ after interferance from Batista and Ric Flair, to retain the Tag Team Titles

Edge defated Shelton Benjamin by Submission to retain the US title

Chris Jericho, Randy Orton and Rey Mysterio defeated Evolution by Pinfall, when Jericho pinned Lesnar

John Cena defeated The Undertaker in a Streetfight to retain the Intercontinental Title

Cactus Sid announces that Benoit vs The Rock will be a Hell in a Cell match

Chris Benoit defeated The Rock by Pinfall

Kurt Angle pinned Triple H to retain the Undisputed Heavyweight Title in a triple threat match also involving Shawn Michaels

Cactus Sid 01-25-2005 04:58 PM


WWE Undisputed Heavyweight Title
Kurt Angle (c) vs Chris Benoit

WWE Intercontinental Title
John Cena (c) vs Chris Jericho

WWE United States Title
Edge (c) vs Shawn Michaels

WWE Tag Team Titles
Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero (c) vs Ric Flair and Batista

Triple H vs The Undertaker

The Rock vs Randy Orton

Cactus Sid 01-25-2005 05:09 PM

Eddie Guerrero and Rob Van Dam defeated Ric Flair and Batista to retain the tag team titles, when Guerrero pinned Flair

Shawn Michaels defeated Edge to win the United States Championship

The Undertaker defeated Triple H

The Rock defeated Randy Orton by Count Out

John Cena defeated Chris Jericho to retain the Intercontinental Title, after using a chain to knock out Y2J

Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit to retain the Undisputed Title, after attacking Benoit with a brick and then making Benoit pass out in the Ankle Lock

Cactus Sid 01-25-2005 05:15 PM


Raw has been declared the night of champions, as all 4 titles are put up for grabs

Eddie Guerrero and Rob Van Dam will defend the tag team titles against Evolution's Triple H and Brock Lesnar

The other 3 matches are rematches from Unforgiven.

Edge has used his rematch clause to face Shawn Michaels for the United States title.

Due to the controversy surrounding the ending to the Intercontinental Title match, John Cena will be forced to defend his title against Chris Jericho, however, for the sake of fairness, it will be a NO DQ match.

AND in the main event, Kurt Angle will defend his title against Chris Benoit. Rumours have been flying around that it was the Commish Cactus Sid who gave Angle the brick to attack Benoit, and as a result, Sid has given Benoit a rematch, and on the night, a special stipulation will be named for the match.

Cactus Sid 01-25-2005 05:24 PM


Shawn Michaels defeated Edge by Pinfall to retain the US Title in a match described as a Match Of The Year candidate

Chris Jericho comes out for an interview, but is unable to speak due to the noise of the crowd! He eventually calls out Triple H, who comes down the aisle, only for Jericho to be blindsided by Batista, Evolution lays a beating on Jericho.

Rob Van Dam and Eddie Guerrero retain the tag team titles over Triple H and Brock Lesnar, when RVD pinned Lesnar.

Cactus Sid came out and confirmed that Chris Jericho would not be able to face John Cena for the IC title, but as it was Madison Square Garden, a match would still go ahead, and as a result, a wrestler would be chosen at Random from a hat by a fan....... the fan chose......TRIPLE H.

John Cena defeated Triple H to retain the Intercontinental Title

Cactus Sid came out and told Triple H that Chris Jericho deserves his revenge, and at No Mercy, it will be Chris Jericho vs Triple H....however, Jericho still deserves a title shot, and therefore, it will be a triple threat match, John Cena vs Triple H vs Chris Jericho for the Intercontinental Title.

Sid then told the world that tonight, Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle would go one on a LADDER MATCH!

Chris Benoit defeated Kurt Angle in a Ladder Match to WIN the Undisputed Heavyweight Championship

Evil Vito 01-26-2005 03:55 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Last week before the Rumble - to save time, I'm only recapping the stuff that directly involved the Rumble match:


-The Bishop/Kreeve Connection defeated Los Conquistadors to get into the Rumble thanks to interference from David E. and Matt Hardy. Later on GM Chris Jericho announced that it would be David and Matt putting the World Tag Team Titles on the line against the Conquistadors at the Rumble, and if the Conquistadors lost, they would have to unmask.

The Uprising manipulated Chris Jericho into sanctioning a Royal Rumble qualifying match against two women, Jodie Marie and Tyra Foxx. The match was a HELL of a lot closer than people expected, but in the end The Uprising still ended up victorious.

With only 1 Raw slot left, we saw a preview of Royal Rumble with Alex Michaels taking on Brian York in a non-title match for the spot. Michaels and his manager, M-A-G tried their damndest to screw York for a 3rd straight week, but that in itself cost them as York was able to take advantage and earn his slot, paying Michaels back for the previous 2 weeks.


-Spanky defeated Ryan Creed thanks to a distraction from Mark Mason to earn a slot in the Rumble.

-Reaper decimated Billy Kidman to get his spot in.

-Tempest defeated Cero thanks to interference from Mordecai to get into the Rumble. Afterwards, Mordecai administered more of a beating and laid down the law, saying he wanted Cero at the Rumble and he'd even put his European Title on the line. Kurt Angle would approve of the match later on.

-The Thug Life Soldiers trashed The Ameri-French Connection and basically said that they'd be there to screw the Connection out of their qualifying match. Then as the match was happening, the Connection were basically afraid, and this enabled Simon Diamond and Sean Casey to win and earn slots. After, we saw the Soldiers watching from the back, laughing their asses off at how they cost the Connection their matches without even leaving their dressing room.

-To fill the final slot, Kevin Daniels faced Cruiserweight Champion Mark Mason. Daniels ended up victorious thanks to interference from Mason's opponent at the PPV, Ryan Creed.

And so here's the finalized card:

WWE Title: The Royal Rumble Match
Raw Participants: AJ Styles, Apocalypse, Bishop, Brian York,
Derrick King, Eugene, Fortune, Garrett, Goldberg, Jason Collins,
Jason Cross, Jason Lee, Kreeve, Sean Criss, and Trinity
SmackDown! Participants: Chris Carvill, Chris Sylvain, Ian Moore,
John Cena, Ken Shamrock, Kevin Daniels, Lance Storm,
Mike Sullivan, Mourn, Rayne, Reaper, Simon Diamond, Sean Casey,
Spanky, and Tempest

WWE Intercontinental Title: Brian York vs. Alex Michaels

WWE European Title: Mordecai vs. Cero

WWE Cruiserweight Title: Mark Mason vs. Ryan Creed

WWE World Tag Team Titles vs. Masks: David E. and Matt Hardy vs.
Los Conquistadors

WWE Tag Team Titles: The Ameri-French Connection vs. The Thug
Life Soldiers

WWE Women's Title: Nicole Durgan vs. Brooke


Results in a bit.</font>

Evil Vito 01-26-2005 05:01 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Without further adieu, here is the 2026 Royal Rumble...

Heat Segment: M-A-G hyped Alex Michaels' match against Brian York. 87% Overall Rating

This soon led to the PPV, where.....

Alex Michaels cheated to defeat Brian York and win the Intercontinental Championship. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Mark Mason pinned Ryan Creed to retain the Cruiserweight Championship. ****1/2, 91% Overall Rating

David E. and Matt Hardy retained the World Tag Team Championships against Los Conquistadors when David E. pinned Dos. Los Conquistadors unmasked to reveal.........The Super Assassins??? WTF??? They ran off quickly. ****1/4, 88% Overall Rating

Mordecai pinned Cero to retain the European Championship. He beat Cero down some more afterwards. ****1/4, 90% Overall Rating

Nicole Durgan pinned Brooke to retain the Women's Championship. ****1/2, 91% Overall Rating

The Thug Life Soldiers defeated The Ameri-French Connection when Jerome pinned Rene Dupree to win the WWE Tag Team Championships. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

Chris Jericho trashed the SmackDown! Brand and proclaimed that a wrestler from his brand would be walking out as WWE Champion. 92% Overall Rating

Ian Moore won the 2026 Royal Rumble Match, last eliminating John Cena. Ian Moore is the new WWE Champion. ****1/4, 89% Overall Rating

89% Overall Rating for the Royal Rumble
We drew a 1.77 Buy Rate

Brooke says I'm pushing her too much, I say she's full of shit.</font>

Cactus Sid 02-13-2005 06:09 PM

Just installed TEW on my new PC, played it for the first time in ages.

I'm the WWE, restarted everything on the 1st of March, all titles vacated, half the roster sent to be trained by Ricky Steamboat et al. This is my first show, Smackdown.

Paul London and Funaki went to a draw, when a returning Lance Storm attacked both men, to the boos of the crowd - 70.8%

Smackdown GM Theodore Long introduced the new owner of the WWE, Chris Stewart, to the crowd - 76.6%

Backstage, the camera showed a figure emerging from the darkness, that figure, was Paul Heyman - 68.6%

Backstage, RVD and Rey Mysterio were shown warming up before their match with the Dudleyz - 81.3%

Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio defeated The Dudley Boyz when RVD pinned D-Von following the Five Star Frog Splash - 80.0%

Teddy Long was interviewed by Tazz, he announced that at Wrestlemania, JBL would get a chance to regain his WWE Title against the winner of a Battle Royal later tonight, he then stated that John Cena would get a chance to regain the US title against the runner up of the Battle Royal, and also tonight, JBL would face John Cena, as Long finished, Paul Heyman was shown stepping out of the shadows looking menacingly at the departing Long - 72.7%

A Video is shown hyping Eddie Guerrero - 89.7%

Teddy Long is shown walking backstage when Paul Heyman attacks him with a Steel Chair, he pushes Teddy through the curtain and proceeds to throw the Smackdown GM off the stage! A commercial break cuts in as EMT's attend to Long - 65.4%

Back from the break Long is shown being taken away in an ambulance - 62.2%

John Cena hyped his match with JBL backstage - 78.6%

JBL defeated John Cena after a low blow and using the ropes, JBL ran away from Cena following the match - 42.3% (forgot announcers :'( )

Backstage, Carlito Carribean Cool and Paul Heyman are shown celebrating. Heyman states that now Long is out of the way, he can become GM, and now that Carlito has what he wants, he can concentrate on becoming WWE Champion at Wrestlemania - 65.8%

Eddie Guerrero was walking backstage when he passed a sombre Chris Stewart, Stewart wished Eddie luck in the Battle Royal - 85.1%

Kurt Angle told the world that now Teddy Long was gone, He could shine and win the WWE Title once again - 81.1%

Eddie Guerrero won a Battle Royal to win a title shot against JBL at Wrestlemania XXI, eliminating Kurt Angle, who will face John Cena. The Battle Royal included Billy Kidman, Booker T, Bubba Ray Dudley, Carlito Carribean Cool, Charlie Haas, Chavo Guerrero Jr., D-Von Dudley, Eddie Guerrero, Hardcore Holly, Kurt Angle, Lance Storm, Nunzio, Orlando Jordan, Rene Dupree, Rey Mysterio, Rob Van Dam, Shannon Moore, Spike Dudley, The Big Show and The Undertaker. - 30.9% (lots of gimmicks need changing, Hardcore Holly is apparently completely incapable of wrestling, which means he's gonna be fired come tomorrow morning)

Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero got into a fight following the match and had to be seperated - 90.2%

As the show looked to be going off the air, the show suddenly cut to Paul Heyman walking backstage, out of nowhere a figure arrived and threw Heyman through a window, the figure turned to show that it was Chris Stewart, and the show fades to black with Heyman an unconcious bloody mess - 80.2%

Overall Rating - 71.9%
Attendance - 8,336 (Missouri)
TV Rating - WWE Smackdown! drew 892,436 viewers

Cactus Sid 02-13-2005 07:44 PM

So, to Raw, unfortunatley Lawler left to be the Booker for some other promotion so its Jim Ross and Eric Bischoff on commentary. Also should be noted that there is a tournament going on for another spot in the Wrestlemania main event, which will already have Triple H vs Batista

Eric Bischoff announced that Triple H and Batista would team to face off against Eugene and Shelton Benjamin in the Main Event - 75.2%

William Regal and Tajiri defeated La Resistance, when Regal made Grenier submit to the Regal stretch, a brawl broke out after the match - 63.3%

Backstage, Kane attacked Chris Jericho and put him through a table, seemingly for no reason - 77.0%

Christian was interviewed ahead of his Tournament match with Randy Orton, he threatened Orton and told him he would go to Wrestlemania - 80.5%

Randy Orton defeated Christian by Pinfall following an RKO - 80.4%

Backstage, a bruised Chris Jericho dragged himself towards the ring for his tournament match with Kane - 84.7%

Kane defeated Chris Jericho by Pinfall following a Chair Shot when the referee was down - 76.4%

The Hurricane was conducting a promo backstage, when Rhyno came from nowhere and hit him with the Gore - 74.2%

Rhyno destroyed Hurricane and defeated him by Pinfall following a Gore - 77.7%

Backstage, Edge hyped his tournament match against Chris Benoit - 75.9%

Chris Benoit was shown heading to the ring, as he was walking a bruised Chris Jericho walked passed and offered Benoit all the best in his match - 82.0%

Chris Benoit defeated Edge by Submission, when Edge tapped out to the Crippler Crossface, both men got into a staredown after the match - 90.4%

Jim Ross was scheduled to interview Batista and Triple H, but as the interview was about to be conducted Triple H stormed off, leaving Batista standing wondering what to do next - 72.6%

Ric Flair was then shown, he told the world that it would be a pleasure to beat Shawn Michaels and a privalege to go on to Wrestlemania to face Triple H - 96.1%

Ric Flair defeated Shawn Michaels by Pinfall, following interferance from Triple H, after the match, Flair and Triple H put the boots to Michaels, before Randy Orton made the save - 78.0%

The camera cuts to Batista looking angrily at a monitor - 84.7%

Shelton Benjamin and Eugene defeated Triple H and Batista, when Triple H accidentally crotched Batista on the top rope allowing Benjamin to grab the win, Batista looked furiously at Triple H who waved Batista away - 77.8%

Batista took offence to this and finally snapped, lunging at Triple H, the 2 engaged in a wild brawl before being pulled apart by officials and Ric Flair, as the show goes off the air - 82.8%

Overall Rating - 79.4%
Attendance - 14,401 (Texas)
TV Rating - WWE RAW drew 882,743 viewers

Hired Hitman 02-13-2005 08:36 PM

Which programs are you guys using?

Cactus Sid 02-13-2005 08:57 PM

Smackdown 10th March 2005

Chris Stewart came out and told the world that after last week, he was in charge of Smackdown, until Wrestlemania when a new GM will be named - 70.4%

Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Rey Mysterio Jr by Pinfall, when D-Von Dudley attacked Rey, a brawl broke out when RVD made the save for Rey Rey - 77.1%

Chris Stewart then announced that at Wrestlemania, the Dudleyz would face RVD and Rey Mysterio for the WWE Tag Team Titles - 73.5%

Backstage, Kurt Angle threatened Eddie Guerrero after winning the Battle Royal last week, ahead of tonights match - 81.1%

RVD was giving an interview about his Wrestlemania match, when JBL came in stealing RVD's TV time, RVD took exception to it and nailed JBL with a stiff punch, forcing JBL into a swift retreat - 80.5%

Billy Kidman, Lance Storm, Nunzio and Spike Dudley defeated Chavo Guerrero, Funaki, Paul London and Scotty 2 Hotty, when Storm pinned London after using the tights, London and Storm had to be seperated after the match - 73.6%

Kurt Angle attacked Eddie Guerrero with a chair backstage, leaving Latino Heat in a heap - 89.6%

Chris Stewart met the debuting Elix Skipper backstage, he told Skipper he could have a try out against anyone he wished, Skipper told the GM that he saw what happened between Heyman and Carlito Carribean Cool last week, and he wanted to teach CCC a lesson, Stewart smiled and made the match - 68.9%

A Pre-Taped interview was shown between Tazz and John Cena, Cena talked about Wrestlemania and about how he will defeat Kurt Angle for the US title - 83.0%

Carlito Cool defeated Elix Skipper, when Charlie Haas came in and attacked Skipper, allowing CCC to get the win, both men continued the attack after the bell - 70.1%

Carlito and Charlie were shown celebrating putting one over the GM - 61.0%

Chris Stewart, looking pissed off, announced that JBL would face RVD in the night's main event - 73.1%

Backstage, RVD was shown talking to Rey Mysterio telling him he wanted to go alone against JBL later tonight - 78.4%

Eddie Guerrero, sporting a bandage from the attack by Angle earlier, vowed revenge on him, by defeating him 1....2.....3 - 85.4%

Eddie Guerrero defeated Kurt Angle by Pinfall following a Frog Splash, Angle laid out Eddie after the match however - 87.7%

Backstage, The Undertaker was mysteriously arrested - 93.8%

Carlito Cool was shown walking backstage, when all of a sudden Chris Stewart came from nowhere, and a vicious brawl broke out all around the backstage area, eventually being pulled apart by officials - 74.6%

Rob Van Dam was walking backstage when he was stopped by The Big Show, who told him what a tough opponent JBL was, and wished him luck - 71.8%

JBL was shown saying no amount of luck will let RVD defeat him tonight - 71.2%

Rob Van Dam defeated John Bradshaw Layfield by DQ when The Big Show came out and chokeslammed RVD, both men then laid out RVD - 79.2%

JBL announced that The Big Show had joined his cabinet, as the show went off the air - 63.3%

Overall Rating - 76.5%
Attendance - 12,587 (Montreal)
TV Rating - WWE Smackdown! drew 899,439 viewers (up by 7,003)

Cactus Sid 02-13-2005 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Hired Hitman
Which programs are you guys using?

Well, I'm using TEW, and Big Vito's using EWR

Cactus Sid 02-13-2005 08:59 PM

Vince McMahon has left the WWE due to Contract Expiry

Cactus Sid 02-15-2005 10:50 AM

Raw 14th March 2005 (just doing shows up until Mania)

Randy Orton defeated Kane by Pinfall after an RKO, to advance into the Tournament Final - 79.7%

Eric Bischoff met Abyss backstage, and welcomed him to Raw - 59.2%

Backstage, the camera caught Edge talking to someone in the darkness, after Edge left, it turned out the figure was.....Christian - 80.2%

Ric Flair hyped his Tournament match with Chris Benoit - 96.8%

Ric Flair defeated Chris Benoit by Pinfall, following interferance from Edge, Flair will face Randy Orton next week for a shot at the title at Wrestlemania - 80.5%

Eric Bischoff announced that Kane and Chris Benoit would go one on one later in the night, for a shot at the Intercontinental Title at Wrestlemania against Shelton Benjamin - 67.0%

Backstage, Triple H and Batista were shown having a heated discussion, which halted when Ric Flair entered the dressing room celebrating his victory - 79.5%

Backstage, La Resistance were shown discussing something - 67.4%

Robert Conway defeated William Regal following interferance by Sylvain Grenier, La Resistance attacked Regal following the match, but Eugene made the save - 75.7%

La Resistance took the advantage over Regal and Eugene, and ended up putting both men through tables - 72.8%

Eric Bischoff announced that he had secured another signing, and brought out Samoa Joe - 66.2%

Tajiri was shown walking towards the ring, when out of nowhere, Rhyno hit a GORE on him - 76.8%

Rhyno dragged Tajiri down to the ring, and defeated him by Pinfall following another Gore, Rhyno continuted the beating after the match - 74.7%

Rhyno took Tajiri up to the top of the ramp and threw him off through a table at the bottom - 76.3%

Samoa Joe was shown walking backstage, when his path was blocked by fellow new signing Abyss, both men stared each other down, before Abyss attacked Joe, the 2 ended up brawling and had to be seperated by officials - 57.8%

In a number 1 contendership for the IC title match, Kane defeated Chris Benoit after interferance by Christian, after the match Edge came out and both men attacked Benoit until Chris Jericho came out to make the save - 86.5%

Jericho ran out carrying a ladder, and he and Benoit cleared the ring - 82.8%

Ric Flair and Triple H were shown backstage discussing Triple H's match with Shawn Michaels - 100.0% (WOOOOOOOOO Flair helped the segment)

Triple H defeated Shawn Michaels when a debuting Cactus Sid attacked Shawn Michaels allowing Triple H to pin Michaels, HHH and Sid shook hands after the match - 86.6%

Triple H and Ric Flair then welcomed Cactus Sid to Evolution, as Batista looked on backstage in disgust - 83.1%

Overall Rating - 77.5%
Attendance - 9,345 (Oklahoma)
TV Rating - WWE RAW drew 943,642 viewers (up by 60,899)







Cactus Sid 02-15-2005 11:10 AM

Smackdown will now be shown Live on CBS on Tuesday nights

Cactus Sid 02-16-2005 06:26 PM

Raw March 21st 2005 (2 weeks until Wrestlemania)

Evolution start the show in the ring, Triple H claims that all is well within Evolution, and that the introduction of Cactus Sid has calmed everyone down. HHH then told Ric Flair that it would be an honour to defend the title against him at Wrestlemania, and that he hopes he defeats Randy Orton later tonight, Flair took the mic and told Orton he would see him later, and that Batista had his back, as Flair passed the mic to Cactus Sid, Shawn Michaels arrived from nowhere and attacked Evolution with a chair, hitting Cactus Sid in the process and clearing the ring - 84.7%

Eric Bischoff announced that at Wrestlemania the grudges between Edge and Christian and Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, as well as the grudge between La Resistance and Eugene and William Regal, would all be settled, as all 4 teams would compete for the World Tag Team Titles, in a Tables Ladders and Chairs match! - 67.0%

Backstage, Jericho and Benoit were shown smiling at the news - 83.4%

Edge and Christian were then shown, they threatened Jericho and Benoit, telling them that they wouldn't wait for Wrestlemania, as they had a suprise for them tonight - 78.1%

In an 8 man Tag Match, Edge, Christian and La Resistance defeated Eugene, William Regal, Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho, when Conway pinned Eugene after a flag shot, after the match La Resistance and Regal/Eugene brawled to the back - 80.5%

Edge and Christian rolled to the outside and nailed both Benoit and Jericho with Chair Shots, before handcuffing Benoit to the ropes and nailing a beating on Jericho - 82.7%

Backstage, Shelton Benjamin was shown walking, as he went by, Kane stepped out of the shadows and watch Benjamin down the corridor with a sick smile - 87.5%

A Sit-Down Interview was shown between Jim Ross and Cactus Sid, Sid told Ross that it was always his dream to be at Wrestlemania, and that now he had an opportunity, he challenged Shawn Michaels to face him at Wrestlemania, in a match of Michaels' choosing - 90.5%

Val Venis was shown walking to the ring, when Rhyno came from nowhere and attacked him, laying him out with a Gore - 75.5%

Rhyno dragged Val Venis to the ring, where he hit him with a Gore for the 3 count, he carried on the beating after the match - 73.7%

Rhyno then took Val up to the top of the ramp, and like Tajiri the week before, Rhyno powerbombed Val down onto the tables below - 75.2%

Eric Bischoff was shown backstage, he announced that after the unnecessary brawling last week, Abyss and Samoa Joe would not be here tonight, he did however say that if either man is desperate to prove themselves to Bischoff, they could do it by beating the other man in a Bischoff's Choice match, that will be decided at WRESTLEMANIA - 61.0%

Triple H, along with Flair, hyped the match between HHH and Kane against Shelton Benjamin and Shawn Michaels - 100.0%

Triple H and Kane defeated Shelton Benjamin and Shawn Michaels, when Cactus Sid attacked Shawn Michaels allowing Triple H to hit the Pedigree (Michaels refused to job to Kane : :mad: ) Shelton Benjamin and Kane continued to brawl after the match, as did Sid and Michaels - 90.3%

Sid and Michaels brawled through the crowd, until Shawn hit Sid with a Chair, busting him open, and laying him out, somewhere backstage - 83.2%

Backstage, Rhyno was walking along mumbling about who was next on his hitlist, a voice was suddenly heard, telling Rhyno that he wasn't so tough when he could see people face to face, a chairshot came from nowhere, and out of the dark stepped......TOMMY DREAMER! - 75.3%

Backstage, Randy Orton was walking to the ring for his match with Flair, Batista walk passed and Orton looked ready for a fight, Batista stopped, looked at Orton and said "Good Luck" before walking on - 71.9%

Ric Flair hyped his match with Orton - 93.2%

In a match to determine the number 1 contender at Wrestlemania.....Ric Flair and Randy Orton went to a draw when Batista came into the ring and attacked both men! Batista retreated as Flair and Orton stared him down in the ring - 85.6%

Eric Bischoff got up from his announce position and said that, as Flair and Orton was inconclusive, at Wrestlemania, the main event would be, TRIPLE H vs BATISTA vs RANDY ORTON vs RIC FLAIR for the World Heavyweight Title - 77.4%

As he made the announcement, Cactus Sid and Triple H ran down the aisle and nailed Batista with a chair, as the show went of the air - 77.6%

Overall Rating - 80.7%
Attendance - 5,992 (Montreal)
TV Rating - WWE RAW drew 893,688 viewers (down by 49,954)






Cactus Sid 02-16-2005 08:46 PM

Smackdown, March 22nd 2005 - FIRST SMACKDOWN ON CBS

The Cabinet comes to the ring and announces that they have a new foreign minister, JBL then introduces Rene Dupree, as Michael Cole speculates that JBL is just making numbers up to stack the deck against Guerrero going into Wrestlemania - 61.4%

Interim Smackdown GM Chris Stewart announced that tonight there would be 2 matches to determine number 1 contenders for the Cruiserweight Title, with Funaki facing Billy Kidman, and Paul London facing Lance Storm - 77.6%

Funaki and Billy Kidman went to a double DQ, when both men were attacked by a debuting JUVENTUD GUERRERA! Both men started down Juvi after the match - 67.8%

The camera quickly cut backstage where John Cena and Kurt Angle were being held apart from one another - 81.7%

Chris Stewart was shown in his office, when AJ STYLES and JUSHIN THUNDER LYGER walked in, Stewart greeted both men, and told them that if they wished, they could face a team for a place on Smackdown, after they obliged, Stewart told them they would face the team of Rene Dupree and Orlando Jordan - 58.5%

Again, the camera cut to a brawl backstage, as RVD and Rey Mysterio went at it with the Dudleyz - 75.4%

The scene cut back to Stewart's office where Elix Skipper was talking to Stewart about not getting a fair shot. Stewart told him that he had done enough in his eyes, and he could get revenge against Charlie Haas later - 70.6%

Charlie Haas defeated Elix Skipper by Pinfall after interferance by Carlito Carribean Cool - 65.3%

Carlito took the mic and said that Smackdown was in anarchy under Chris Stewart, fights all over the backstage, Stewart screwing talent over, he then challenged Stewart to put up his position of authority at Wrestlemania - 62.4%

AJ Styles and Jushin Lyger defeated Rene Dupree and Orlando Jordan by Pinfall, when Styles pinned Jordan - 68.6%

Lance Storm was shown walking to the ring for his match with Paul London, he had a big smile on his face, talking about how great he was, and how he was better than everyone in the locker room since he'd returned, Booker T shook his head after Lance had passed - 76.1%

Paul London defeated Lance Storm to become a Number 1 Contender to the Cruiserweight Title, after Booker T distracted Lance Storm, Storm and Booker had a staredown after the match - 71.3%

Chris Stewart announced from backstage that at Wrestlemania, there would be a huge match to decide the Cruiserweight champion, it would be Juventud Guerrera vs AJ Styles vs Jushin Thunder Lyger vs Funaki vs Paul London vs Billy Kidman, in a specially constructed Scramble Cage match - 65.5%

John Cena threatened Kurt Angle - 33.2% (stupid french :mad: )

Chris Stewart was shown again, he was shown talking to someone, he told them he'd find out what they wanted to know, if they faced Carlito tonight, the figure turned revealing THE UNDERTAKER! He said that wouldn't be a problem - 62.5%

Carlito gave an interview where he told Stewart that no matter what he did, it wouldn't matter come Wrestlemania - 18.5%

The Undertaker defeated Carlito by Pinfall - 71.5%

As Taker got backstage, he was cuffed and dragged away for the second consecutive week - 88.9%

As Smackdown returned from a break, Chris Stewart was shown looking at some CCTV footage, which showed a man meeting the police backstage......that man was THE BIG SHOW - 82.6%

Eddie Guerrero hyped his Wrestlemania match with JBL - 34.4%

In the Main Event, John Cena, Eddie Guerrero, Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio defeated JBL, Angle and The Dudleyz, when Cena pinned Bubba, a brawl broke out between Angle and The Dudleyz and RVD and Rey Mysterio and John Cena - 77.8%

The Cabinet ran out and laid out Eddie Guerrero as the show went off the air - 66.1%

Overall Rating - 65.4%
Attendance - 7,605 (Quebec)
TV Rating - WWE Smackdown! drew 1,427,036 viewers






Cactus Sid 02-17-2005 01:39 PM

Raw 28th March 2005 - Last Raw Before Wrestlemania

Cactus Sid started the show by again challenging Shawn Michaels to a match of his choice at Wrestlemania - 89.4%

Eric Bischoff came out and announced that tonight, each of the participants in the TLC match would face off one on one, Robert Conway vs Eugene, William Regal vs Edge, Christian vs Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho vs Sylvain Grenier, as well as a 6 man tag match between Shelton Benjamin, Samoa Joe and Tommy Dreamer vs Kane, Abyss and Rhyno, he also stated that if there was any interferance in any match tonight, the interferer would not be at Wrestlemania - 73.4%

Robert Conway defeated Eugene by Pinfall, after using the tights, Conway ran from Eugene after the match - 78.0%

Backstage, Rhyno attacked Tommy Dreamer with a garbage can, before walking off - 75.1%

William Regal defeated Edge, when Edge walked out of the match, getting counted out, after the bell went, Edge emerged and attacked Regal with a chair - 78.1%

Ric Flair came out to talk about the main event at Wrestlemania, but was cut off by Randy Orton, both men were held apart by officials - 85.2%

Eric Bischoff announced that there would be a double main event, with Randy Orton facing Ric Flair, and in the Main Event, Evolutions Triple H and Cactus Sid would take on Shawn Michaels and Batista - 79.0%

Abyss and Samoa Joe were shown brawling backstage - 57.8%

Jim Ross interviewed Shelton Benjamin, who said that he was looking forward to testing himself against Kane at Wrestlemania, after the interview, Kane again emerged from a dark corner smiling - 68.2%

Kane, Abyss and Rhyno defeated Shelton Benjamin, Samoa Joe and Tommy Dreamer, when Kane pinned Shelton after a Chokeslam, a brawl broke out between all 6 men after the match - 80.0%

Eric Bischoff announced that at Wrestlemania, Tommy Dreamer would face Rhyno in a Fans Bring The Weapons match! - 66.4%

Christian defeated Chris Benoit by Pinfall, after using the ropes - 81.1%

Kane attacked Shelton Benjamin backstage, and proceeded to throw him through a window backstage, leaving Benjamin in a bloody heap - 85.1%

Chris Jericho defeated Sylvain Grenier by Submission, after using the Walls of Jericho - 75.5%

Jim Ross hyped the TLC match at Wrestlemania, stating that no team had the advantage, after all 4 teams won here tonight - 58.4%

Randy Orton hyped his match with Ric Flair - 76.5%

Ric Flair and Randy Orton went to a Double DQ when both men started using chairs, they continuted the brawl until they were broken up - 77.4%

Triple H hyped the main event, specifically telling Batista that at Wrestlemania, he stood no chance of winning the title - 100.0%

Triple H and Cactus Sid defeated Shawn Michaels and Batista, when Triple H pinned Batista after using the ropes, Triple H and Batista brawled backstage, while Michaels laid out Sid with Sweet Chin Music! - 82.6%

Michaels then grabbed the microphone and told Sid that he would see him at Wrestlemania........... IN A HELL IN A CELL MATCH! - 98.1%

Overall Rating - 78.3%
Attendance - 6,156 (Colorado)
TV Rating - WWE RAW drew 930,463 viewers (up by 36,775)

Cactus Sid 02-17-2005 02:54 PM

Smackdown March 29th - Last Show Before Wrestlemania

Chris Stewart came out and accepted Carlito's challenge for a match at Wrestlemania, stating that the GM position was up for grabs - 88.9%

Backstage, Booker T and Lance Storm were shown fighting prior to there match - 73.4%

Once they'd been broken up, Juventud Guerrera and Lance Storm defeated Booker T and Paul London, when Lance Storm used a Low Blow on Paul London, the brawl continued after the match - 71.0%

Backstage, Kurt Angle threatened John Cena in an interview - 81.3%

Carlito Carribean Cool came out along with Charlie Haas and told Chris Stewart that if he had any friends left, he could pick a partner at Wrestlemania, and it could be him and his partner against Haas and Carlito for the GM position - 63.7%

Bubba Ray Dudley defeated Rey Mysterio by Pinfall, The Dudleyz did a number on Rey after the match - 75.2%

Chris Stewart was shown backstage, Booker T came to him and asked to face Lance Storm at Wrestlemania, which Stewart gladly obliged to - 76.5%

Chris Stewart then came down to the ring to announce to the fans that at Wrestlemania, no matter the result of the match, he would step down as Smackdown GM, he said that he would make a further announcement about his match later in the night - 79.4%

A Video then played, it showed The Undertaker walking through a graveyard, he turned to the camera and told the world that Big Show would soon Rest in Peace - 74.0%

AJ Styles defeated Billy Kidman by Pinfall after a Styles Clash, Kidman attacked Styles after the match - 73.8%

Backstage, a camera caught up with Carlito and Charlie Haas beating down Elix Skipper, sending a message to Chris Stewart - 60.0%

Chris Stewart walked up to both men and told them that they could hear his announcement now. He just got off the phone, and he has a partner for Wrestlemania, what is more, if he and his partner win, his partner will become the new General Manager of Smackdown - 64.8%

Kurt Angle was shown walking around the backstage area, when John Cena attacked him from nowhere, quickly officials came to hold the 2 men apart - 80.4%

The Big Show was shown bursting into Stewart's office demanding to know what the situation with Undertaker was, Stewart told Big Show that there was seemingly no reason for Taker's arrest, and therefore, Taker had every right to want revenge.....and he would get that at Wrestlemania in a CASKET MATCH!, Stewart walked off as Big Show fumed - 76.0%

Rob Van Dam defeated D-Von Dudley by Pinfall following a Five Star Frog Splash - 80.3%

Following this match, a brawl broke out between The Dudleyz and RVD and Rey Mysterio, which was eventually broken up - 75.6%

The Big Show came out to the ring with a book, he began to read a eulogy to The Undertaker, telling him that at Wrestlemania, while the match may be up Taker's alley, Big Show was more than ready, and he didn't fear The Undertaker, suddenly the lights went out, and Taker was in the ring where he delivered a HUGE CHOKESLAM! - 74.0%

Eddie Guerrero hyped the Main Event between himself and John Cena against Kurt Angle and JBL - 85.3%

Kurt Angle and JBL defeated Eddie Guerrero and John Cena, when Gurrero and JBL ended up fighting backstage, and Angle nailed Cena with a chair, allowing himself to get the pinfall, Angle celebrated as the Camera panned backsatge - 85.8%

A Car suddenly came out of nowhere, with Guerrero diving out of the way to avoid it at the last second, JBL stuck his head out of the window and told Guerrero that at Wrestlemania, he wouldn't be so lucky, as the show faded to black - 84.8%

Overall Rating - 76.2%
Attendance - 5,977 (Kansas)
TV Rating - WWE Smackdown! drew 1,422,970 viewers (down by 4,066)

Cactus Sid 02-17-2005 02:57 PM















Cactus Sid 02-17-2005 05:03 PM


Eric Bischoff announced that Abyss vs Samoa Joe match would be a LAST MAN STANDING match - 61.4%

Jim Ross hyped the Abyss vs Samoa Joe match - 57.6%

Lance Storm hyped his match against Booker T - 64.1%

Michael Cole and Tazz hyped the Lance Storm/Booker T match - 64.9%

The Big Show hyped his match against The Undertaker - 65.2%

Michael Cole and Tazz hyped the Casket Match between The Big Show and The Undertaker - 64.9%

La Resistance hyped the TLC match - 66.5%

Backstage, a Brawl broke out between the participants of the Scramble Cage match - 74.2%

William Regal and Eugene hyped the TLC match - 75.8%

Backstage, RVD and Rey Mysterio were shown warming up - 75.8%

Michael Cole and Tazz hyped the WWE Tag Team Title match between The Dudleyz and RVD/Rey Mysterio - 64.9%

Edge & Christiain hyped the TLC match - 77.0%

JR and Bischoff hyped the Ic title match between Kane and Shelton Benjamin - 57.6%

Tommy Dreamer hyped his match against Rhyno - 56.7%

Jim Ross and Eric Bischoff hyped the match between Rhyno and Tommy Dreamer - 57.6%

Carlito and Charlie Haas hyped their match against Chris Stewart and his Mystery Partner - 57.6%

Michael Cole and Tazz hyped the match for the GM position, between Chris Stewart, his mystery partner and Carlito Cool and Charlie Haas - 64.8%

Kurt Angle hyped his match with John Cena - 80.8%

Michael Cole and Tazz hyped the US Title match between Kurt Angle and John Cena - 64.8%

JBL hyped his match against Eddie Guerrero - 69.8%

Cole and Tazz hyped the WWE Heavyweight Title match between JBL and Eddie Guerrero - 64.8%

Cactus Sid hyped the Hell in a Cell match - 92.6%

JR and Bischoff hyped the Hell in a Cell match - 57.6%

Tajiri, The Hurricane and Val Venis defeated Simon Dean, Steven Richards and Nunzio by Pinfall - 73.2%

JR and Eric Bischoff hyped the Fatal Four Way Main Event - 57.6%

Cactus Sid 02-17-2005 05:30 PM


Tommy Dreamer got revenge on Rhyno by defeating him in a Fans Bring The Weapons match by Pinfall, after a DDT onto a Garbage Can, Dreamer celebrated in the crowd after the match - 80.5%

Backstage, Batista hyped the main event - 54.4%

The Dudley Boyz hyped their Tag Team Title match against Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio - 86.0%

The Dudleyz Boys defeated Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio by Pinfall to win the WWE Tag Team Titles, when Bubba pinned Rey Mysterio after a chairshot from D-Von, the 2 teams stared each other down after the match - 81.2%

Abyss and Samoa Joe went to a draw in a Last Man Standing Match, when both men hit each other with chairs and got counted to 10, both men argued the result after - 79.7%

Booker T hyped his match with Lance Storm - 84.1%

Lance Storm defeated Booker T by Pinfall after a shot with a pair of brass knuckles, Booker T ran after Lance after the match - 80.2%

AJ Styles hyped the Scramble Cage Match - 72.9%

Juventud Guerrera defeated AJ Styles, Jushin Thunder Lyger, Funaki, Billy Kidman and Paul London in a Scramble Cage Match to WIN the WWE Cruiserweight Title - 80.0%

Kane hyped his Intercontinental Title match with Shelton Benjamin - 69.8%

Shelton Benjamin defeated Kane to win the WWE Intercontinental Title, by pinfall following a Super Kick, Kane attacked the champ after the match, laying him out with a Chokeslam - 89.4%

Randy Orton hyped the Main Event - 76.8%

Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho hyped the big TLC match for the World Tag Team Titles - 76.6%

Edge and Christian defeated Eugene & William Regal, La Resistance and Chris Benoit & Chris Jericho to WIN the World Tag Team Titles, after Christian grabbed the titles after flooring Eugene, after the match, the victors had a staredown with Benoit & Jericho - 95.7%

Carlito and Charlie Haas came down to the ring, Chris Stewart followed and then introduced his partner........ IF YOU SMELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKING!!!!!! The Rock came out, and the match began - 76.7%

Chris Stewart and The Rock defeated Carlito Carribean Cool and Charlie Haas by Pinfall, when The Rock hit Carlito with The Rock Bottom, Stewart and The Rock shook hands following the match - 75.8%

Chris Stewart then took the mic and told the world that The Rock was back in the WWE and that as of tonight, he is the new General Manager of Smackdown, he said that he was now going back to his every day role backstage, and that as owner of the WWE, tomorrow night on Raw, a redraft would take place, where 5 Raw Superstars and 5 Smackdown Superstars would change places - 90.9%

The Big Show was shown walking past a Casket backstage, Big Show turned and laughed, when suddenly The Undertaker popped out, and their match began! - 76.2%

The Undertaker defeated The Big Show in a Casket Match, when Taker chokeslammed Show into The Casket - 80.4%

John Cena gave an interview about Kurt Angle - 82.8%

John Cena defeated Kurt Angle by Pinfall to win the UNITED STATES TITLE, following an FU - 82.1%

Eddie Guerrero hyped his WWE Heavyweight Title match with JBL - 85.0%

Eddie Guerrero defeated John Bradshaw Layfield by Pinfall to WIN the WWE Heavyweight Title, following a Frog Splash - 84.6%

Backstage, Shawn Michaels hyped the upcoming Hell in a Cell match - 94.9%

Shawn Michaels defeated Cactus Sid in a Hell in a Cell match following a Sweet Chin Music, Sid refused to shake Shawn's hand after the match - 100.0%

Triple H and Ric Flair hyped the main event, having a go at Batista and Randy Orton - 89.0%

RIC FLAIR defeated Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton to once again WIN the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE, when Flair pinned Triple H after Batista had hit the Batista Bomb, Flair celebrated his win as Wrestlemania went off the air!!! - 96.8%

Overall Rating - 70.0%
Attendance - 26,486 (Los Angeles, California)
TV Rating - WWE received 408,196 buys (0.93 buyrate) for WWE WrestleMania

James Steele 02-20-2005 05:54 PM

TNA 2005: The Revolution
Hey guys! I just downloaded EWR again so I figured I would start posting the results for your entertainment. I am using TNA (I could not find a Stat Update that works so I am missing a lot of current TNA guys, so I just fired them. Bastards don't wanna show up for work.)

Also, all updates and dates are going to be dated in the Gameworld time.

Anyway, I am starting at March 2005 and have made huge changes to TNA.

Here are the stats of the TNA 2005: The Revolution (Catchy Title):

TNA Owner Jerry Jarrett is proud to announce the hiring of a new "President Of Operations" to Total Nonstop Action Wrestling. Already after his first few days in TNA, President James Watson has introduced several major changes to TNA. TNA has bought Memphis Championship Wrestling and named it as the official TNA Development Territory, renovated TNA's Gut Check Wrestling School, and signed all wrestlers, excluding development deals, to written contracts. Also, after a meeting with the Director of Authority Dusty Rhodes, 2 new titles have been introduced to TNA and several new superstars, including President Watson's cousin, the talented James Steele. Also, in a shocking turn of events, after meeting with AJ Styles, AJ Styles vacated the X-Division Championship! While President Watson vows to stay in the office, he vowed that Dusty Rhodes will be his mouthpiece during what President Watson coined as, "A revolution in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling and Professional wrestling in general!"

Championships & Champions
NWA World Heavyweight Championship- Jeff Jarrett
NWA Tag Team Championship- America's Most Wanted [James Storm & Chris Harris]
NWA X Division Championship- Vacant (Vacated By AJ Styles, more information on TNA Impact! this Friday)
NWA North American Championship- Vacant (Just introduced by D.O.A. Dusty Rhodes)
NWA Television Championship- Vacant (Just introduced by D.O.A. Dusty Rhodes)

Television Programs
TNA IMPACT! - Fox Sports Net (Fridays, Early Evening)
TNA Xplosion - Local Network/Syndication (Tuesdays, Late Night)

TNA Superstars
AJ Styles (Main Event)
Andy Douglas (Upper Midcard)
BG James (Upper Midcard)
Chase Stevens (Upper Midcard)
Chris Chetti (Lower Midcard)
Chris Harris (Upper Midcard)
Chris Sabin (Midcard)
Christopher Daniels (Upper Midcard)
Danny Doring (Midcard)
Devon Storm (Midcard)
Diamond Dallas Page (Main Event)
D'Lo Brown (Midcard)
Dustin Rhodes (Main Eventer)
Dusty Rhodes (Non-Wrestlers/ Directior Of Authority)
Elix Skipper (Midcard)
Frankie Kazarian (Midcard)
James Steele (Main Event)
James Storm (Upper Midcard)
Jeff Hardy (Midcard)
Jeff Jarrett (Main Event)
Jerry Lynn (Upper Midcard)
Ken Shamrock (Upper Midcard)
Kevin Martel (Lower Midcard)
Kid Kash (Midcard)
Legend (Midcard)
Michael Shane (Lower Midcard)
Mike Sanders (Midcard)
New Age Outlaw (Midcard)
Psychosis (Midcard)
Raven (Upper Midcard)
Rob Conway (Upper Midcard)
Ron Killings (Upper Midcard)
Satoshi Kojima (Upper Midcard)
Sean OHaire (Main Event)
Sean Waltman (Upper Midcard)
Shark Boy (Midcard)
Pat Kenney (Lower Midcard)
Paul London (Midcard)
TJ Wilson (Midcard)
Ultimo Dragon (Midcard)

Memphis Championship Wrestling Roster
Austin Lee
BJ Whitmer
Chris Hero
Chris Stylez
CM Punk
Fred Williams
Jimmy Rave
Jonny Storm
Matt Stryker
Scoot Andrews
TNA is estimated that it has about a 80% Public Image on a National Level.
TNA is also at a 70% Risk Level compared to the other wrestling promotions in North America at the time.

TNA IMPACT! should be up soon.

*** The destiny of Destination X just changed *** Updates: Thursday, March 3, 2005

Total Nonstop Action Wrestling is proud to announce the acquisition of 2 recent cuts from World Wrestling Entertainment. TNA would like to welcome Rob Conway and Paul London to the TNA roster and we all expect great things from them.

Total Nonstop Action is also proud to announce that UPN has shown interest in TNA programming. We sent them a film showing the reasons why TNA equals Ratings, and we should know more by the end of the month!

James Steele 02-21-2005 07:19 PM

3/4/05 TNA IMPACT! (Part I) is proud to present LIVE from Orlando,Florida in the IMPACT! ZONE....

* “Ride Of Your Life” By Neurotica begins to play as a highlight video of TNA action from the very beginning on weekly PPVs all the way to the brutal match at Against All Odds a mere weeks ago*

*The logo shatters as the arena is bombarded with pyro*

*The camera then goes to Mike Tenay and new IMPACT! Co-Announce Joey Styles!*

Mike Tenay: Ladies and gentleman, welcome to the IMPACT! zone right here on Fox Sports Net. Today, you will see many changes to TNA and the first of these is my new co-announcer... Joey Styles!

Joey Styles: Hello everybody and welome to IMPACT! It has been a crazy few days in TNA, and we have been informed that Director Of Authority Dusty Rhodes is about to come out and announce many of these changes.

*Dusty Rhode's music begins to play as Dusty Rhodes comes out of the IMPACTunnel.*

Dusty Rhodes: I am going to get straight down to business today. There is a new President of Operations in TNA and he has made quite an impact if you will. As I'm sure you have heard, AJ Styles is no longer the X Division champion. He vacated the X-Title after a meeting with President Watson. I soon found out why…

Tonight, in that 6-sided ring we will see for the first time ever… a Ten-Man Over The Top Rope Battle Royal for the NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!

Jeff Jarrett, I suggest you prepare to face these 9 men! Diamond Dallas Page, Sean O’Haire, Raven, Jerry Lynn, AJ Styles, James Steele, Ken Shamrock, Christopher Daniels, and finally Dustin Rhodes!

Also, President Watson as demanded that we bring a little bit more gold to TNA. So there are 2 new titles in Total Nonstop Action Wrestling! Now, that brings about a question. How will we decide three vacated titles? Well, Today will mark the beginning of the 16 day countdown until Destination X live on pay-per-view. So, in 16 days we will have 3 tournaments. One will be an 8-man tournament for the X Division title. One will be a 16-man tournament for the new NWA North American Title. And the other one will be a “Destination X Elimination Challenge”.

These are the brackets for the X Title tournament…

*The X-Title Brackets appear on the TNATron*

Now, Every TNA show will have a tournament match of some kind! Therefore, whenever you watch IMPACT or Xplosion, you will be updated on the brackets. Now here are the North American and Television Championship brackets:

These tournament matches will be held at every event TNA has. Whether it is here on IMPACT! , on Xplosion, or at our non-televised events. Thank you all for your time, now lets get on to what TNA is all about baby. Lets get down to some total nonstop action!



*TNA is back on the air as we head to the ring for the announcing of the opponents.*

Jeremy Borash: The following contest is ROUND ONE of the Destination X Elimination Challenge. This match is a 4 Corners match and is scheduled for ONE FALL. Coming to the ring at this time:

Pat Kenn…

*Pat Kenney slides into the ring in his old Simon Diamond attire, and takes the mic from Jeremy*

Simon Diamond: You know what, I am tired of being the Empire Saint. I am tired of being like Notre Dame… yeah, I am tired of sucking. Therefore, You can know call me Simon Diamond. But don’t worry folks, I am still better than you!

*He hands the mic back to Jeremy as a smirk comes across his face and the crowd boos*

Jeremy: Now coming to the ring, Chris Chetti!

*Chris Chetti comes to the ring and gets right in the face of Simon Diamond. The red pulls them apart as Michael Shane and Kevin Martel run down to the ring and all hell breaks loose as the bell rings again and the four way brawl is now official.*

Chris Chetti and Kevin Martel begin to double team Simon Diamond as Michael Shane just lurks in the corner with a grin on his face. A Double Suplex on Simon Diamond and he grabs his back in pain. Out of nowhere, Michael Shane dives off the top rope with body press onto both Chetti and Martel. He pins Martel…


Michael Shane gets up and stomps away at Martel until Simon Diamond comes from behind with a bulldog! Chris Chetti DDTs Martel, and Martel is now busted open. Chris Chetti then jumps on the back of Simon Diamond and delivers thunderous Reverse DDT. Kevin Martel is back up and tackles Chetti down to the ground is punching him with lefts and rights until Michael Shane delivers low dropkick.

Simon Diamond low blows Michael Shane and rolls him and holds the rope.


The match is over as Simon Diamond rolls out of the ring with a smirk on his face as he signals 1 out of 3 with his hands. Chris Chetti looks bewildered as TNA goes to commercial break.

Overall: 57%
Crowd: 55%
Match: 73%


*TNA comes back on and we see AJ Styles backstage with Scott Hudson.*

Scott: I am here with former X Champion AJ Styles. I’ll get straight to the point AJ, why did you vacate the X title?

AJ Styles: Simple Scott, I wanted in this 10-Man Battle Royal for the World title. The X-Title is amazing. I love it, but the World Title says you are the best of both worlds. That title means I can fly, wrestling, fight, and entertain like nobody else. I vacated it because He wanted a X-Title match tonight. I did not want 2 matches because I want to make sure that I am ready to go to that next level as I have done before. It isn’t a matter of fear as much as it is common sense.

You see, I woke up this morning and I felt it. I felt that feeling in the air that something awesome is going to happen. That awesome thing is I, AJ Styles, become yet again THE NWA TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION. And Scott, that is just simply phenomenal.
*TNA Goes to Commerical*



*TNA is back on the air and we head back to the ring*

Jeremy Borash: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a qualifying match in the North American Championship Tournament!

Coming to the ring… TJ WILSON!

*TJ Wilson Comes to the ring*

And his opponent… DANNY DORING!

*Danny Doring heads to the ring*


Wilson and Doring circle each other for a moment before locking up in the center of the ring. TJ slides out of it and lands a leg trip on Doring. Wilson goes for a Indian Death lock, but gets a kick in the face for his troubles. Doring gets up and German suplexes Wilson and TJ’s head bounces off the mat. Doring spreads Wilson’s legs apart and delivers a knee to the groin. Wilson rolls around on the mat as Doring climbs up on the top turnbuckle. TJ is getting up and Doring jumps off the top rope and lands a axe handle smash. Doring in for the cover…


Doring picks up Wilson by the hair and picks him up and slams him down. Doring delivers a series of knee drops to the face. Wilson crawls to his feet and exchanges punches with Doring. Wilson gains the advantage and dives in and lands a northern lights suplex with the bridge…


Wilson gets frustrated and measures up Doring. He goes for a running DDT, but Doring counters it into a huge powerslam. He goes a Boston Crab, but Wilson counters and gets Doring in the STF. Doring is close to tapping…

The ref checks and Doring said, “Hell No!” TJ Wilson now picks up Doring and sets him up for the Code Blue…




TJ Wilson climbs the turnbuckles and celebrates as he becomes one step closer to being the first ever TNA North American Champion!

Overall: 49%
Crowd: 52%
Match: 59%

*TNA Goes To Commercial*


*TNA is back on the air, as Ultimo Dragon and Chris Sabin are waiting for the bell to ring.*

+++Bell Rings+++

As soon as the bell rings, Ultimo lands a hurricanrana on Sabin. Ultimo lands a spinning leg drop as Sabin rolls out of the ring and gets a chair!

He gets back in the ring as the ref tries to take the chair away from him. Ultimo comes out of nowhere with a moonsault off the top rope. Ultimo signals to the crowd as Chris Sabin gives Ultimo a low blow. The referee tells Sabin that one more stunt will be a DQ. Sabin jumps at the ref as Ultimo is back up and lands a spinning heel kick.

Ultimo picks Sabin up and lands a Tornado DDT. He goes for the cover…


Ultimo now gets on the top rope again and waits for Sabin to get up…

Sabin gets up and Ultimo lands a diving Tornado DDT. He goes for the pin…


Ultimo wins the match, but Sabin gets that damn chair and blasts Ultimo in the head with it. Sabin spits on Ultimo as he goes to the back to a chorus of boos.

Overall: 61%
Crowd: 62%
Match: 74%

*TNA Goes To Commercial*


*TNA comes back on the air and Jeff Hardy and Paul London are in the ring waiting for the bell to ring.*

+++ Bell Rings +++

The two men pace around the ring until Paul London quickly dives under Jeff Hardy and lands a leg trip. Hardy kicks out of a Boston Crab attempt by Paul London and delivers a sit out jawbreaker on London.

Hardy bounces off the ropes and goes for a cross body but gets a dropkick from Paul London instead. London bounces off the ropes now and lands a high spinning heel kick. London jumps onto the top rope and waits for Hardy to get up. He dives off and hits a hurricanrana.

London does a standing moonsault onto Hardy and hooks the leg…


London picks Hardy up by the head, and Hardy out of nowhere hits a clothesline. London is dazed as he tries to get up, but Hardy is already on the top rope waiting for him. Hardy dives off, but London counters him and lands a huge inverted DDT. Hardy is shaking as London now goes for the pin…


London begins to show frustration as Hardy slowly holds onto the ropes trying to get up. London then runs full speed and tackles both him and Hardy out to ringside. They finally crawl back into the ring as the ref counts up to 8. Hardy goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but London counters it with a German suplex. London proceeds to lock Hardy in an figure 4 leglock. Hardy is screaming in pain as he slowly crab-crawls to the ropes inch by inch. He doesn’t make it to the ropes and turns it over to reverse the pressure. London then snaps back and grabs the head of Hardy and turns it into a modified STF. The ref check on Hardy who seems unconscious. He drops the arm for


He picks up the arm and drops it again…


He picks up the arm again and it drops again.


+++ Bell Rings+++

The match is over and Paul London checks on Jeff Hardy and shakes his hand as Hardy slowly comes too. Hardy is helped to his feet and both men celebrate in the ring as TNA comes to a commercial break.

Overall: 59%
Crowd: 54%
Match: 64%

*TNA Goes To Commercial*


*TNA comes back on and Rob Conway is already punching away at Sean Waltman in the corner.*

He jumps down after the crowd yells out “TEN!”. He turns around and runs right into a boot by Waltman. Waltman then lands a spin-kick. He goes for the cover, but doesn’t even get a one.

Rob Conway bounces back up and delivers Belly to back suplex. He picks Waltman up by the hair and lands a DDT. Conway is now stomping away at Waltman until Waltman grabs his leg and give Conway a spin with a Dragon Screw.

Waltman now jumps on the second turnbuckle and goes for a Double Ax Smash, but Conway scouts it and grabs a hold of Waltman and gives him a Fisherman DDT. He goes for the cover…


+++ Bell Rings +++

Conway celebrates as TNA goes to its final commercial break.

*TNA Goes To Commercial*

Overall: 51%
Crowd: 45%
Match: 56%



(Main Event will be in Part II)

James Steele 02-21-2005 07:20 PM

3/4/05 TNA IMPACT! Main Event: 10 Man Battle Royal For TNA World Title!
*TNA comes back on as all ten men are in the ring and Jeremy Borash announces the rules.*

Jeremy: This match is the 10-man over-the-top rope, submission, or pinfall battle royal for the NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. A wrestler is eliminated once you are thrown over the top rope and both of his feet make contact with the ground, are pinned for the count of 3, or the wrestler submits. This match has no time limit, and Director Of Authority Dusty Rhodes has ruled that THERE MUST BE A WINNER! Therefore, if there is any dispute over who won… whoever is involved with the dispute will have a sudden death match.

*The referee holds up the championship belt as the bell rings and Jeff Jarrett immediately dives under the bottom rope and walks around the ring.*

DDP follows suit after Jarrett and lands a DIAMOND CUTTER. He pins him on the outside and the referee counts the pinfall…



Jeff Jarrett is pissed off and grabs a chair from under the ring. He gets back in the ring and blasts DDP with the chair. DDP is already busted open from that vicious chair shot. Jarrett picks up DDP by his head and hits him in the gut with the chair. DDP is now leaning on the ropes as Jarrett blasts DDP again with the chair and DDP flips over out of the ring and is eliminated.


Jarrett slams the chair down and heads backstage as DDP slowly gets up and runs after Jarrett.

AJ Styles and Sean O’Haire are exchanging punches until Dustin Rhodes chops block O’Haire and slams O’Haire’s knee into the mat. AJ Styles then dropkicks Dustin Rhodes into the ropes as Christopher Daniels superkicks Rhodes out of the ring.


James Steele all of the sudden spins Sean O’Haire around and delivers a spinning downward spiral. AJ Styles out of nowhere hurricanranas Steele. He nearly flips out of the ring, but pulls himself back in before his feet touch the floor. Ken Shamrock goes to throw him out but Steele suddenly Northern Lights Suplex him out of the ring and Shamrock hits the guard rail.


Raven spins Christopher Daniels around and lands a Even Flow DDT. He picks him up and tries to toss him out, but Daniels manages to get an armbar on Raven as they are both danging outside the rope on the apron. Jerry Lynn gets on the top rope and dives off onto them and holds onto the rope as both Raven and Daniels are on the ground.


Sean O’Haire suddenly gives a neckbreak to Lynn as he tries to get back in the ring and knocks him out to the floor in pain.

*** Jerry Lynn has been eliminated ***

AJ Styles and James Steele break out of their own brawl to suddenly double spear O’Haire. They pick him up and double powerbomb him out of the ring!


It is down to James Steele and AJ Styles. They go into a punching match and AJ Styles gains the advantage. Styles dropkicks Steele and picks him up quickly and delivers the Styles Clash! Styles with the pin…


Steele is crawling up as AJ Styles gets on the top rope. AJ Dives off for a body press, but Steele grabs him for what looks like a powerslam, but flips him belly-side-up onto his back and delivers a Reverse Death valley driver. Steele picks up Styles and irish whips Steele into the corner. Steele props Styles up and looks like he is going for a Super Reverse Death Valley, but Styles manages to get out of it and hook Steele’s arms with his legs… he dives off….



The match is over and James Steele is out cold. AJ Styles is on his knees as the ref hands him the NWA World Title. He gets up and dives out of the ring and celebrates in the crowd as TNA goes off the air with a NEW WORLD CHAMPION!

Overall: 65%
Crowd: 68%
Match: 63%

****** Show fades to black ******

Overall Show Rating: 62%
TV Rating: 1.36

Tell me what you guys think. I know this was very match based, but storylines will be a little bit more focused on the next shows.

Disturbed316 02-23-2005 12:16 PM


I was a little bored so I thought I'd book a couple of shows on TEW. Been ages since I last played it so I need to try and remember what the hell I was doing.

Thursday 21th October 2004

La Resistance vs Basham Brothers

Dough Basham missed a charge, then took a kick to the gut. Sylvain Grenier lifted him up and dropped him with a powerbomb...Showing off his power, Dough Basham blasted Rene Dupree with a high vertical suplex...La Resistance hit Danny Basham with a Bonsoir...That led to the three count.

Result - La Resistance win

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 55.4%
Match Quality = 62.4%
Overall Rating = 58.9%

John Cena was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He swore that he was going to get revenge on Randy Orton.

Overall Rating = 90.1%

Chris Benoit was backstage, where he signed an autograph for a fan.

Overall Rating = 71.6%

Eddie Guerrero gave an in-ring interview. He threatened The Undertaker.

Overall Rating = 79.7%

John Bradshaw Layfield vs AJ Styles

After a few strikes, AJ Styles used a spinning rana off the ropes on John Bradshaw Layfield...That was almost enough for a three count...Styles hopped over the ropes to avoid a Bradshaw avalanche. He quickly climbed to the top rope and hit a moonsault onto the groggy John Bradshaw Layfield...A boot to the gut set Bradshaw up for Styles to hit a Falcon Arrow...John Bradshaw Layfield caught AJ Styles with the Fallaway Slam...That was enough to get the three count.

Result - John Bradshaw Layfield wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 74.2%
Match Quality = 77.8%
Overall Rating = 79.2%

A video was shown to hype Rob Van Dam.

Overall Rating = 70.3%

Paul Heyman came to the ring, and announced that Scott Steiner would fight AJ Styles, with the winner becoming #1 contender for the WWE United States title.

Overall Rating = 85.2%

Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs Billy Kidman & Paul London

Haas chopped Paul London...Haas was taken out of the corner with a flying head scissors by Paul London...Haas locked on a single leg crab to weaken Paul London...Paul London slingshotted into the ring with a senton on Charlie Haas...Charlie Haas caught Billy Kidman with the Haastruction...That led to the three count.

Result - Worlds Greatest Tag Team win

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 67.1%
Match Quality = 77.9%
Overall Rating = 78.3%

Eddie Guerrero was in the ring, when the lights suddenly went out. They came back on a few seconds later to reveal The Undertaker was also in the ring. Eddie Guerrero got hit with the Chokeslam from The Undertaker. The Undertaker left with Eddie Guerrero down on the canvas.

Overall Rating = 82.2%

Brock Lesnar was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He put himself over.

Overall Rating = 47.7%

A video was shown to hype Evolution.

Overall Rating = 71.4%

Singles Match match for the WWE United States title
Rob Van Dam vs A-Train

RVD went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on A-Train...RVD superplexed A-Train while they were both on the top turnbuckle...RVD blasted A-Train with a rana off the ropes...Rob Van Dam applied a hammerlock to A-Train, then turned it into a bodyslam to weaken the arm...RVD blasted A-Train with a rana off the ropes...A suplex by A-Train was countered by Rob Van Dam, who slipped out of the back in mid-move and hit a reverse DDT...Rob Van Dam press slammed A-Train...Rob Van Dam hit A-Train with the Split Legged Moonsault off the top rope...That led to the three count.

Rob Van Dam celebrated in the ring after the match was over.

Result - Rob Van Dam wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 65.2%
Match Quality = 61.3%
Overall Rating = 62.2%

Chris Benoit was interviewed by Josh Matthews in the ring. He put himself over.

Overall Rating = 59.0%

John Cena was in the ring, when Randy Orton ran down and attacked. They brawled in and around the ring, with neither fighter being able to get a definitive edge over the other. They were eventually separated by a group of officials and referees.

Overall Rating = 85.4%

Singles Match match for the WWE Undisputed Champion title
Tazz vs Chris Benoit

This match was a regular one fall bout for the WWE Undisputed Champion title. First out was Tazz. Next out was the WWE Undisputed Champion champion, Chris Benoit. The referee for the match was Nick Patrick.

----- Match Highlights -----

With Chris Benoit down on the mat, Tazz hit a falling headbutt...Tazz clotheslined Benoit to the mat...Chris Benoit hit a flurry of punches on Tazz...Tazz superplexed Benoit to the mat...Tazz got drilled by Benoit with a big knife-edge chop...Tazz picked up and bodyslammed Benoit...A big punch from Benoit put Tazz down...Tazz had his knee driven into the mat by Benoit...

Tazz hit Chris Benoit with a chop...Tazz blasted Benoit with a series of forearms to the face...Tazz kicked Chris Benoit in the ribs...Tazz pounded on Benoit with punches to the face...Tazz got knocked down with a running forearm from Benoit...Benoit chopped Tazz...

Tazz walked into a big chop from Benoit...Tazz powerslammed Benoit as he came off the ropes...With Tazz grounded, Chris Benoit applied a sleeper hold to weaken him...Chris Benoit hit Tazz with a chop...Tazz hit Benoit with a stump piledriver...

Benoit floored Tazz and came off the top rope with the Diving Headbutt...That was almost enough for a three count...An arm breaker from Benoit hurt Tazz...Tazz sent Benoit down with a kick to the side of the head...A series of five forearms to the chest from Tazz left Chris Benoit down in the corner in pain...Tazz pounded on Benoit with punches to the face...Benoit got hit with a shoulder breaker by Tazz...Chris Benoit floored Tazz...Benoit used the Crippler Crossface on Tazz for the tap out.

After the bout, Chris Benoit and Tazz shook hands in the ring.

Result - Chris Benoit wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 65.3%
Match Quality = 61.4%
Overall Rating = 69.8%

Last night's WWE Smackdown! show got an overall rating of 72.7%.

The TV figures for last night are now in: WWE Smackdown! drew 1,009,107 viewers (down by 40,964);

Disturbed316 02-23-2005 12:16 PM

Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam have been having problems recently. :o

Disturbed316 02-23-2005 12:57 PM

WWE Raw live from KENTUCKY!

Monday 25 October 2004

Chris Jericho vs Triple H - Match 1 in Title Tournament

Triple H took a flying dropkick from Jericho...HHH used a big suicide-plex on Jericho...Jericho scored with a top rope body press on HHH...After ducking a clothesline, HHH bounced off the opposite ropes and used a flying clothesline on his way back to floor Jericho...Jericho missed a charge, then took a kick to the gut. Triple H lifted him up and dropped him with a powerbomb...HHH headbutted Jericho...HHH came off the top rope with a flying axe handle on to Jericho...After ducking a clothesline, HHH bounced off the opposite ropes and used a flying clothesline on his way back to floor Jericho...Chris Jericho attempted to use a chair to knock out Triple H, but missed. Triple H used the chair to hit Chris Jericho in return, and was disqualified.

Result - Chris Jericho wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 81.4%
Match Quality = 72.0%
Overall Rating = 87.2%

Chris Jericho was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He put himself over after his victory against Triple H.

Overall Rating = 93.5%

Sting vs Kane - Match 2 in Title Tournament

After a boot to the gut, Sting DDTed Kane...Kane hit Sting with a headbutt...After a boot to the gut, Sting DDTed Kane...Sting hit Kane with a diving headbutt off the second rope...A wild swing by Kane left him vunerable, and Sting capitalized with a belly to back suplex...Sting hit Kane with a low blow...After flooring him, Sting locked Kane in the Scorpion Death Lock, getting the tap out.

Result - Sting wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 77.6%
Match Quality = 69.8%
Overall Rating = 84.5%

Randy Orton was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He hyped up his upcoming tournament match with Nick Jackson.

Overall Rating = 80.0%

A video was shown to hype Chris Benoit.

Overall Rating = 57.3% :o

William Regal and Eugene Dinsmore vs Hardy Boyz

A kick from Regal was countered by Matt into a half crab, but he wasn't able to lock it on fully before Regal reached the ropes...Jeff Hardy staggered into a nadowa slam from Eugene...Eugene Dinsmore got hit with a flying elbow off the top rope from Matt...That nearly got a three count...Regal went from a side headlock into a drop toe hold to floor Matt...Matt went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Eugene Dinsmore...Eugene floored Matt with a sharp short-arm clothesline...After a missed clothesline left him vunerable, William Regal got planted with a back suplex from Matt...That nearly got a three count...William Regal applied a hammerlock to Matt, then turned it into a bodyslam to weaken the arm...After flooring Jeff, William Regal applied a scorpion deathlock for the submission.

Result - William Regal and Eugene Dinsmore win

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 75.0%
Match Quality = 69.2%
Overall Rating = 84.5%

The Rock was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He insulted Christian ahead of their title tournament match.

Overall Rating = 92.7%

The Rock vs Christian - Match 3 in Title Tournament

The Rock hit Christian with a stump piledriver...The Rock used a falling piledriver to spike Christian...Christian ducked a standing clothesline from The Rock, but got hit in the back of the head with a blind clothesline seconds later...Christian got rocked with a northern light's suplex, but the kick out came before the three...The Rock DDTed Christian after a boot to the gut...The Rock hit a running powerbomb on Christian...The Rock short-arm clotheslined Christian...The Rock ate turnbuckle after a missed charge, then turned and got flattened by a lariat from Christian...Christian was backed into a turnbuckle, and The Rock choked away with a boot to the throat...The Rock caught Christian with the Rock Bottom...That was enough to get the three count.

Result - The Rock wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 76.6%
Match Quality = 74.6%
Overall Rating = 79.1%

Batista was backstage. A fan came over looking for an autograph, and Batista insulted him before walking off.

Overall Rating = 70.4%

Batista vs Edge

Edge dropped Batista with a big punch...Edge hit a superplex on Batista...Batista came off the ropes, but right into a huge Edge dropkick...Batista hit Edge with a stump piledriver...Edge backed Batista into the turnbuckles and unloaded with chops...Edge went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Batista...Batista caught Edge with the Spinebuster...That was enough for a pin.

Result - Batista wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 66.1%
Match Quality = 73.2%
Overall Rating = 73.6%

Nick Jackson was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He insulted Randy Orton ahead of their match, later tonight.

Overall Rating = 86.5%

Nick Jackson vs Randy Orton - Match 4 of Title Tournament

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Nick Jackson. Next out was the WWE Intercontinental champion, Randy Orton. The referee for the match was Earl Hebner.

----- Match Highlights -----

Nick Jackson blocked a Randy Orton kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Jackson got knocked down by a Randy Orton headbutt...Randy Orton picked up and bodyslammed Jackson...An elbow drop from the top rope by Jackson hit Randy Orton...A right hand from Jackson put Randy Orton down...Randy Orton used a sleeper hold to weaken Jackson...Randy Orton nailed Jackson with a double underhook powerbomb...Randy Orton walked right into a bodyslam from Jackson...

Jackson hit Randy Orton with a gutwrench suplex...After backing him into the corner, Randy Orton hammered away on Jackson with a series of chops...Randy Orton hit Nick Jackson with a chop...Nick Jackson walked right into a bodyslam from Randy Orton...Nick Jackson snap suplexed Randy Orton...A big spin kick from Jackson floored a groggy Randy Orton...Jackson slammed Randy Orton...Randy Orton went low with a kick on Jackson...

Randy Orton hit an Implant DDT on Jackson...Nick Jackson snap suplexed Randy Orton...Randy Orton hit Jackson in the back with an elbow, then followed up with a spinning back suplex...Randy Orton hit Nick Jackson with a spin kick...Randy Orton hit a flying lariat off the top turnbuckle on Jackson...That nearly got a three count...Randy Orton missed a blind charge, turned, and got hit with a super kick from Jackson...Jackson DDTed Randy Orton after a boot to the gut...Randy Orton short-arm clotheslined Jackson...Nick Jackson caught Randy Orton with the The Sickness...That was enough to get the three count.

After the match, Nick Jackson was attacked by Batista. Batista caught Nick Jackson with the Spinebuster...Nick Jackson was left laid out.

Result - Nick Jackson wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 83.7%
Match Quality = 83.3%
Overall Rating = 89.1%

Disturbed316 02-23-2005 01:00 PM

Eugene Dinsmore has been sidelined with an injury. :'( Ouch, he's out for two days with a broken eye socket :wf: Two days?

Last night's WWE RAW show got an overall rating of 69.3%.

The TV figures for last night are now in: NWATNA Wrestling drew 267,728 viewers (down by 600,027); ROH Extreme Warfare drew 903,650 viewers (up by 622,495); WWE RAW drew 1,026,294 viewers (up by 614,500); FUCK YEAH! I remember TNA were ahead in the viewers, what a switch around :cool:

Disturbed316 02-25-2005 10:53 AM

WWE Smackdown! live from Minnesota!

Thursday 28th October 2004

Tommy Dreamer vs Mark Jindrak

Mark Jindrak missed a charge, then took a kick to the gut. Tommy Dreamer lifted him up and dropped him with a powerbomb...After a boot to the gut, Tommy Dreamer DDTed Mark Jindrak...Tommy Dreamer missed a blind charge, turned, and got hit with a super kick from Mark Jindrak...After a missed clothesline left him vunerable, Mark Jindrak got planted with a back suplex from Tommy Dreamer...That nearly got a three count...After ducking a clothesline, Tommy Dreamer used a fallaway slam to hurt Mark Jindrak...Tommy Dreamer caught Mark Jindrak with the Spicollii Driver...That was enough for a pin.

Result - Tommy Dreamer wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 51.7%
Match Quality = 61.2%
Overall Rating = 37.4%

A video was shown to hype the storyline 'WWE Title - Eddie Guerrero vs The Undertaker'

Overall Rating = 76.4%

The Undertaker was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Eddie Guerrero.

Overall Rating = 65.9%

Rob Van Dam came down to the ring, with the WWE United States title. Booker T came out onto the stage, and challenged RVD to a match for the title. Rob Van Dam said that because of the AJ Styles/Scott Steiner #1 contender match, he'd give Booker T a non-title match.

Overall Rating = 75.6%

Billy Kidman & Paul London vs Basham Brothers

Kidman missed a right hand, then turned into a Dough Basham thrust kick...Billy Kidman & Paul London hit Doug Basham with a Shooting Star Press...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...Doug Basham hit an Implant DDT on Paul London...Paul London blasted Danny Basham with a springboard dropkick to the face...Danny Basham blocked a Paul London kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...From the apron to the inside, Kidman used a springboard clothesline on Dough Basham...Billy Kidman came from the apron over the ropes onto a prone Doug Basham with a springboard senton bomb...Danny Basham and Paul London were both on top rope, until Paul London used a rana to take them back down...Billy Kidman & Paul London hit Doug Basham with a Shooting Star Press...That was enough for a pin.

Result - Billy Kidman & Paul London win

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 63.6%
Match Quality = 71.4%
Overall Rating = 71.6%

John Cena was in the ring, cutting a promo. Brock Lesnar came out to interrupt. Cena took exception to it, and attacked. John Cena blasted Brock Lesnar with the F-U. Lesnar was left down on the canvas.

Overall Rating = 82.6%

La Resistance were backstage when Billy Kidman & Paul London came up to them, and challenged them to a tag match at the next pay-per-view event, SURVIVOR SERIES

Overall Rating = 62.2%

AJ Styles was walking around backstage, when Scott Steiner came out of nowhere and brawled with him. They ended up brawling wildly around the concession stand, using whatever came to hand. Eventually a group of officials came out and managed to separate them.

Overall Rating = 75.2%

AJ Styles vs Scott Steiner - #1 Contenders match for the United States title.

Styles hit Scott Steiner with a spin kick...A choke slam from Scott Steiner put Styles down on the mat...Styles was choked in the corner by Poppa Pump...Scott Steiner took a double underhook piledriver from Styles...AJ Styles blocked a Poppa Pump kick by catching the foot, but couldn't block the follow up enziguri...Styles came off the ropes only to get nailed by Poppa Pump with a Yakuza kick...That nearly got a three count...Scott Steiner blasted AJ Styles with a shoulder breaker...That nearly got a three count...AJ Styles irish whipped Scott Steiner into the turnbuckles, then followed up with a huge clothesline...That was almost enough to get the pinfall...AJ Styles floored Scott Steiner, then went to the top rope. He came off with the Spiral Tap...That got the three.

After the bout, AJ Styles celebrated in the ring.

Result - AJ Styles wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 75.2%
Match Quality = 74.0%
Overall Rating = 77.2%

Rob Van Dam was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Booker T.

Overall Rating = 65.9%

Backstage, Brock Lesnar was walking down a corridor.

Overall Rating = 79.7%

Brock Lesnar vs Shawn Michaels

HBK used a sleeper hold to weaken Lesnar...A suplex by HBK was countered by Brock Lesnar, who slipped out of the back in mid-move and hit a reverse DDT...HBK hit Lesnar with a diving headbutt off the second rope...HBK rocked Lesnar with a samoan drop...Lesnar hit HBK with a diving headbutt off the second rope...Shawn Michaels staggered into a nadowa slam from Lesnar...Brock Lesnar hit a superplex on HBK...That was enough to get the three count.

After the match, Brock Lesnar was attacked by John Cena. John Cena caught Brock Lesnar with the F-U...Brock Lesnar was left laid out.

Result - Brock Lesnar wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 80.0%
Match Quality = 65.8%
Overall Rating = 90.1%

Backstage, Rob Van Dam was warming up by doing some stretches.

Overall Rating = 71.7%

Booker T was interviewed by Josh Matthews backstage. He insulted Rob Van Dam.

Overall Rating = 81.5%

Booker T vs Rob Van Dam

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was Booker T. Next out was the WWE United States champion, Rob Van Dam. The referee for the match was Brian Hebner.

----- Match Highlights -----

Booker T rocked RVD with a Tornado DDT off the ropes...Rob Van Dam clotheslined Booker T to the mat...Booker T hit Rob Van Dam with a chop...RVD used a sleeper hold to weaken Booker T...RVD blasted Booker T with a rana...A big spin kick from Booker T floored a groggy RVD...After a boot to the gut, Booker T DDTed RVD...A right hand from Booker T put RVD down...Booker T got worn down, as he was wrapped in a leg grapevine by RVD...

Booker T doubled RVD up with a kick...Booker T got knocked down by a RVD headbutt...With Booker T down on the mat, RVD came from the apron with a slingshot legdrop...RVD was taken over with a suplex from Booker T...RVD stopped a flurry by Booker T by going to the eyes...RVD felt the power of Booker T as he took a sustained vertical suplex...

Booker T sent RVD down with a kick to the side of the head...RVD pounded on Booker T with punches to the face...Booker T chopped RVD...Rob Van Dam sent Booker T down with a kick to the side of the head...Rob Van Dam dropped Booker T with a big punch...

Rob Van Dam backed Booker T into the turnbuckles and unloaded with chops...RVD hit three vicious chops to the chest of Booker T...RVD missed a charge into the turnbuckle when Booker T slipped behind him, and then got hit with a back suplex as he staggered backward...After a boot to the gut, Rob Van Dam DDTed Booker T...A backdrop attempt by Booker T was countered by RVD with a neckbreaker...

Booker T floored RVD with a sharp short-arm clothesline...A blind charge into the corner by Booker T only found turnbuckle. RVD followed up with a swinging DDT out of the corner...Booker T and RVD were both on top rope, until RVD used a rana to take them back down...RVD blasted Booker T with a super kick...Rob Van Dam wore down Booker T with a sleeper variation...AJ Styles came down to ringside...AJ Styles tried to get in the ring, but was stopped by the referee. With both RVD and the referee distracted, Booker T was given the opportunity to take control. Booker T caught Rob Van Dam with the Scissors Kick...That led to the three count.

Result - Booker T wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 72.8%
Match Quality = 65.2%
Overall Rating = 44.8%

Disturbed316 02-25-2005 10:54 AM

Last night's WWE Smackdown! show got an overall rating of 70.5%.

I'm unhappy with my current push. Can we please get together and talk about it soon? Thanks. - Brock Lesnar :mad:

Molly Holly has signed the contract extension. :love:

I'm sorry, but I am turning down your contract offer - Stone Cold Steve Austin :'(

The TV figures for last night are now in: WWE Smackdown! drew 1,210,885 viewers (up by 201,778); :)

Referee Jim Cordaris and John Cena have been having problems recently.

Disturbed316 03-14-2005 10:52 AM

WWE Raw, live from Toronto, Canada!

Monday 1st November 2004

Nick Jackson gave an in-ring interview. He hyped up his upcoming semi-final match with Sting.

Overall Rating = 92.2%

Test vs Jeff Hardy

Showing off his athleticism, Jeff Hardy used a flying rana on Test...Jeff went to the top rope and scored with a diving headbutt on Test...Test backed Jeff into the turnbuckles and unloaded with chops...Test got hit with a back suplex from Jeff...With Jeff Hardy down on the mat, Test hit a falling headbutt...Test hit a low blow on Jeff Hardy...That was enough to get the three count.

Result - Test wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 56.8%
Match Quality = 59.8%
Overall Rating = 59.0%

The Rock was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He hyped up his semi-final match with Chris Jericho.

Overall Rating = 92.1%

Eric Bischoff came down to the ring, and boasted about his RAW was the superior brand in every respect.

Overall Rating = 76.6%

Eugene Dinsmore and William Regal vs Storm and Venis

Val Venis punched Eugene Dinsmore in the face...After ducking a clothesline, Val Venis bounced off the opposite ropes and used a flying clothesline on his way back to floor Regal...A tight arm bar from Storm kept Eugene grounded...William Regal floored Storm...After ducking two clotheslines, Eugene hit a flying leg lariat on Storm off the ropes...William Regal floored Val Venis...The Northern Lights Suplex on Val Venis got a three count for Eugene Dinsmore.

Result - Eugene Dinsmore and William Regal win

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 73.2%
Match Quality = 72.2%
Overall Rating = 83.9%

Chris Jericho was in the ring, cutting a promo on his match later tonight. Kane came out to interrupt. Jericho took exception to it, and attacked. Jericho booted Kane in the gut, and hooked up a suplex. He lifted Kane up and turned it into a Falcon Arrow. Kane was left down on the canvas.

Overall Rating = 80.2%

Rhyno vs Edge

Rhyno clotheslined Edge as he staggered out of the corner...Rhyno headbutted Edge...A hip toss by Rhyno was countered by Edge into a Tornado DDT...Edge got nailed with a Rhyno DDT...Edge floored Rhyno and went to the top rope. When Rhyno got up, he was greeted with a missile dropkick...Rhyno DDTed Edge after a boot to the gut...Rhyno press slammed Edge...Rhyno caught Edge with the Gore...That was enough to get the three count.

After the match, Edge was attacked by Randy Orton. Randy Orton caught Edge with the RKO...Edge was left laid out.

Result - Rhyno wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 58.0%
Match Quality = 72.6%
Overall Rating = 64.8%

Sting was interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage. He hyped up his upcoming match with Nick Jackson.

Overall Rating = 94.6%

Nick Jackson vs Sting - Tournament Semi-final

A short powerbomb by Jackson left Sting down on the mat...Sting punched Nick Jackson in the face...Sting drove Jackson down with a splash mountain...A short powerbomb by Jackson left Sting down on the mat...Jackson hit Sting with a running powerslam...That nearly got a three count...Nick Jackson caught Sting with the The Sickness...That was enough to get the three count.

After the match, Sting and Nick Jackson shook hands.

Result - Nick Jackson wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 79.4%
Match Quality = 81.1%
Overall Rating = 83.6%

Chris Jericho came out from the back, making his entrance before a match. Evolution! (Batista, Randy Orton, Ric Flair and Triple H) came out of nowhere and attacked, laying him out.

Overall Rating = 79.5%

A video was shown to hype Eddie Guerrero vs The Undertaker at Survivor Series.

Overall Rating = 75.6%

Evolution! were interviewed by Jonathan Coachman backstage, asking why they attacked Jericho. They insulted Chris Jericho, and called him a nobody.

Overall Rating = 72.6%

The Rock vs Chris Jericho - Tournament Semi-Final

This match was a regular one fall bout. First out was The Rock. Next out was Chris Jericho. The referee for the match was Earl Hebner.

----- Match Highlights -----

Chris Jericho caught The Rock with a dropkick as he came off the ropes...A big kick floored The Rock, who got right back up, only to take another from Jericho...Jericho was backed into a turnbuckle, and The Rock choked away with a boot to the throat...The Rock hit Chris Jericho with a kick...The Rock headbutted Jericho...

The Rock walked into a big right hand from Jericho...Jericho slammed The Rock...The Rock press slammed Jericho...The Rock hit a flurry of punches on Jericho...The Rock snap suplexed Jericho over, and floated over into a chinlock...

The Rock hit Chris Jericho with a punch...The Rock hit Chris Jericho with a punch...Jericho doubled The Rock up with a kick...Chris Jericho hit The Rock with a punch...Jericho blasted The Rock with a rana...

Jericho DDTed The Rock after a boot to the gut...Chris Jericho hit a superplex on The Rock...After a knee lift to stun The Rock, Chris Jericho hit a T-Bone suplex...The Rock backed Jericho into the turnbuckles and unloaded with chops...Chris Jericho ducked his head for a backdrop, but was too early, and was folded up with a The Rock sit-out powerbomb as a result...The Rock dropped Jericho with a big punch...After ducking a clothesline from The Rock, Chris Jericho bounced off the ropes and came back with a lightning kick...Jericho used a big suicide-plex on The Rock...Orton and Triple H ran in...Orton and Triple H hit Chris Jericho with a Pedigree...The Rock saw the attack, and moved in to capitalize...The Rock caught Chris Jericho with the Rock Bottom...That led to the three count.

After the match, Chris Jericho was attacked by Orton and Triple H. Randy Orton caught Chris Jericho with the RKO...Chris Jericho was left laid out. Edge and Shelton Benjamin hit the ring to make the save, and ran off Randy Orton and Triple H.

Result - The Rock wins

----- Match Summary -----

Match Reaction = 78.6%
Match Quality = 69.6%
Overall Rating = 80.8%

Disturbed316 03-14-2005 10:54 AM

Last night's WWE RAW show got an overall rating of 79.7%.

I'm unhappy with my current push. Can we please get together and talk about it soon? Thanks. - Chris Jericho

The TV figures for last night are now in: NWATNA Wrestling drew 320,790 viewers (up by 53,062); ROH Extreme Warfare drew 708,652 viewers (down by 194,998); WWE RAW drew 1,243,226 viewers (up by 216,932); :cool:

Eddie Guerrero appeared on The Tonight Show last night. He put Linda McMahon over heavily. Overall the appearance went down well.

Kurt Angle appeared on LIVE With Regis & Kelly last night. He put Chavo Guerrero Snr over heavily. Overall the appearance went down very well.

Cactus Sid 05-14-2005 03:14 PM

Ok, I cranked this up for the first time in forever, RaveX just released their latest update, so I thought....lets try a WWE game, and book the ECW PPV.

Obviously your never gonna get everyone you want. Raven's off being the head booker for some promotion, so I couldn't get him, and the same with The Sandman, and some people didn't sign contracts quick enough to be on the PPV, but this is the lineup for what will be a 4 hour extravaganza. I tried to get matches that made sense, but in the end it was just a case of shoving people on at the last minute. Also, I couldn't be arsed to turn people who were already in the WWE, as it would screw up future plans. I had wanted to do a Dudleyz vs F.B.I match, but then I'd have to turn about 4 people, which I didn't want to do. So, here's the card, I'll explain them all after.















Notable exceptions already on the WWE roster are Johnny Swinger and Joey Matthews. They didn't make it because Simon Diamond and Christian York didn't sign in time, so I didn't really have anything for them

Main Event I just felt made sense, the last ECW Champion vs the man who never quite got there for the ECW Title.

Same with the Tag Titles, the greatest tag team ever vs the final tag team Champions, which also made sense.

I wanted Foley and Funk to team, because of their physical conditions, and legacy. I need to pair Al Snow with someone so Foley made sense, and Spike was always willing to take big bumps, so this is just gonna be a big spot fest. I might add a stipulation, I don't know.

I was tempted to do 2 seperate singles matches (Benoit vs Guerrero, Jericho vs Malenko) but decided that as Malenko won't be 100% physically, I should try and make this as good a match as possible with all 4.

Barbed Wire tables was because I needed a Barbed Wire match on the card somewhere (its expected of people who didn't watch ECW all the much, thinking it was Barbed Wire and Fire etc....) Tanaka and Awesome had a long fued in both ECW and FMW, so it made sense.

Catfight, Lita and Dawn Marie were the only 2 ex-ECW women I had on the roster, so it made sense. I added the Bra and Panties because the match will REALLY suck anyway, it might as well have some T and A

Sabu and Taz, old fued, 'nuff said.

Storm vs Credible came about because I didn't have time to turn Storm Heel. I could've had Credible as a face, but basically I'm using this PPV as a vehicle to see if I want to sign anyone not on a written WWE contract, so I thought if the old Impact Players faced off, I could see how good Credible is.

BWO vs FBI, needs no explanation :cool:

Scaffold Match, classic match between Dreamer and Lee. Was hoping the Stipulation would take away from the fact the match will suck. I would've had Dreamer vs Raven if I'd signed Raven, but this'll have to do.

International 4 Way, one of my favourite ECW matches was an International 4 Way between Mikey Whipwreck, Tajiri, Guido and Psychosis, since I couldn't sign Mikey I used Kid Kash instead

Flaming Tables, needed a fire match, and Balls used to take the bumps. CW needed a match, and Corino wouldn't sign, so Balls vs CW it is

Rey vs Super Crazy will just be a great lucha match. I had nothing else for them so hey....put them together!

Chilly Willy vs Nova....I needed Nova on the card, Chilly Willy was the last face I had on the ECW roster, so I matched them up

Evil Vito 05-14-2005 04:23 PM

<font color=goldenrod>Holy crap, completely forgot about this.

I've been busy with school so I haven't even touched the game since the last time I posted here, meaning I'm still on February 1st, 2026.

I've pretty much lost track of my storylines.</font> :o

Disturbed316 05-15-2005 08:05 AM

Same here, and I had to reformat yesterday, so I need to dig out my back up copy from where ever it is.

Cactus Sid 05-15-2005 08:16 AM

Can't do my ECW card because for some stupid reason RVD can't wrestle :(

loopydate 05-20-2005 12:25 AM

I started playing an EWR game a while back as World Xtreme Wrestling, with the intention of working my way up to WWE (just to see how the company would change by the time I got there). I worked at WXW for a while, then I did one show for NJUSA, then a couple for CMLL. I was at ROH for a couple of months, then went to TNA. And the week that XPlosion's contract was running out, I got the call from WWE.

So, now I'm on the SmackDown before WrestleMania, and I'm doing the entire card as RAW vs. SmackDown.

Chris Benoit (World Champion) vs. Kurt Angle (WWE Champion)
Rob Van Dam (United States Champion) vs. Triple H (Intercontinental Champion)
Edge & Christian (World Tag Champions) vs. Dudley Boyz (WWE Tag Champions)
Bill Goldberg vs. The Undertaker
Chris Jericho vs. Eddie Guerrero
Shawn Michaels vs. John Bradshaw Layfield
Rey Mysterio (Cruiserweight Champion) vs. Ric Flair (who is retiring)
Lita (Women's Champion), Stacy, Molly, & Trish vs. Stephanie, Torrie, Jackie, and Dawn Marie

When I started as WWE, I demoted everyone to OVW (except UT, HHH, and HBK... Damn creative control), and then called up all the guys that Danny Davis recommended. So, my rosters are small, but it's full of the top guys.

I bought out a couple of indy feds, so after WrestleMania, when I re-align the rosters, I'm going to be debuting a TON of new talent including:

AJ Styles, Jamie Noble, Simon Diamond, Spanky, and Michael Modest who will have to work with open contracts for a while, since they have Japanese touring commitments.

Hopefully Mania goes off well. I've really been trying to hype these matches, so I think it will. Plus I'm only using main eventers (except for the tag and women's matches).

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