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Funky Fly 09-08-2010 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3236461)
I almost did that with SSF4. So furiating that game.

It's not the easiest shit to get into, as far as fighters go because you have to know about specific means of attack to get anywhere. Probably would have helped if you had someone experienced playing with you irl.

Try Tekken out. Easier series to get into. You got a PS3, yeah? D/l Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection. It's like $10. You'll be a hopeless button masher to start (and actually not be too bad, probably), but in a couple of hours you'll start figuring out moves with different guys and eventually learn the ins and outs. :y:

The only downside is the cheap ass boss, but that's more than made up for with the mode where you fight in different dojos.

Kalyx triaD 09-08-2010 02:18 AM

Probably not gonna get VF5 anytime soon, RoXy.

RoXer 09-08-2010 02:19 AM

you duckin

Kalyx triaD 09-08-2010 02:27 AM

Says the guy waiting for the new TV to face me in SSF4.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-08-2010 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3236464)
Surely there's some value we're missing. I just need a week or two with it to be sure. Maybe my past conclusions were overly harsh due to playing Tekken so much. I'm much more open to alternate gameplay now.

I promise.

Possibly. It's probably why I despise all Namco fighters, because of much VF playing.

Dunno why I could always switch between SNK and Capcom 2D fighters and loved them pretty equally.

D Mac 09-08-2010 03:05 PM

DJ Hero 2 demo is up. Can I play it without the turntables? Vocals maybe?

Emperor Smeat 09-08-2010 05:55 PM

Capcom's Dead Rising Case Zero sells over 300,000 copies since its release last week. The "demo's" price of $5 turned out to be very popular and now it is rumored other companies might start to do games that seem like demos but cost money (ex. Acitivision, EA).

The last paid "demo" that ended up successful was GT 5 Prologue which helped fund the last couple of years of development for the main game.

Xero 09-08-2010 06:03 PM

lol paid demos.

Kalyx triaD 09-08-2010 06:23 PM

That's a whole game, right?

Emperor Smeat 09-08-2010 07:01 PM

Not really since its a prequel to Dead Rising 2 which is meant to tell what happened from the time of DR1 ending to the start of DR2 and what happened to Frank West.

You can play it without needing DR 1 or DR 2 but its very short and timed as a way to get multiple play-throughs.

The reason why it appears as a paid demo more than a regular demo is how you can save your stats and level (up to level 5) for Dead Rising 2. Capcom had a feeling people didn't want to pay much for a "demo" type game which is why it dropped from the initial $10 to $5 currently.

Its related more to GT 5 Prologue where its a demo in the sense you only get some of what the main game offers but you have to pay to play it.

Drakul 09-08-2010 07:03 PM

I played through the game and got an A rank/Ending and it never told me what happened to Frank.

Kalyx triaD 09-08-2010 07:15 PM

Dead or Alive Dimensions (3DS):

Looks good so far. Wonder how Itagaki's absence will affect the game.

Kane Knight 09-08-2010 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 3237116)
Capcom's Dead Rising Case Zero sells over 300,000 copies since its release last week. The "demo's" price of $5 turned out to be very popular and now it is rumored other companies might start to do games that seem like demos but cost money (ex. Acitivision, EA).

The last paid "demo" that ended up successful was GT 5 Prologue which helped fund the last couple of years of development for the main game.

I don't mind paying five dollars for a demo if it's got its own complete story. A two hour "demo" with a complete story, replay value, GS, etc? Works for me. I've never even played Dead Rising, but I'm tempted to buy this.

D Mac 09-09-2010 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3236927)
DJ Hero 2 demo is up. Can I play it without the turntables? Vocals maybe?

Thanks for the answer assholes. :foc:

D Mac 09-09-2010 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by Kane Knight (Post 3237327)
I don't mind paying five dollars for a demo if it's got its own complete story. A two hour "demo" with a complete story, replay value, GS, etc? Works for me. I've never even played Dead Rising, but I'm tempted to buy this.

You should. It's pretty big for 5 bucks and you can have fun fucking around, building weapons and killing zombies.

Funky Fly 09-09-2010 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3237702)
Thanks for the answer assholes. :foc:

How many people here have the first one do you think? Of those, how many do you think care about the second one? I have DJ Hero and don't give a fuck about 2.

Kalyx triaD 09-09-2010 05:06 AM

Pac-Man Championship Edition DX:

- Smart Bomb attack sends all Ghosts home.
- Ghosts can multiply and even appear out of nowhere.
- Time will slow down before a possible Ghost attack to give you a chance to react.
- Choose sprites from past games to use.
- Still single player, no rumored port of GCN's multiplayer mode.

Fignuts 09-09-2010 06:06 AM

wtf ever happened to the new bomberman? Back when I got live for the first time, thats like all I played.

Fignuts 09-09-2010 06:29 AM

Played the demo of Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, and it was freaking epic. Played more like a boss battle in a 3d platformer, than a fighting game. Visuals are of course, drool worthy. Very tempted to get this.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-09-2010 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Xero (Post 3237131)
lol paid demos.

You do realise that Case Zero has a demo that costs nothing and that all the content in Case Zero will not actually be in Dead Rising 2... Right?

Kane Knight 09-09-2010 08:30 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3237704)
You should. It's pretty big for 5 bucks and you can have fun fucking around, building weapons and killing zombies.

You're just excited you can make the ultimate redneck weapon.

D Mac 09-09-2010 02:00 PM

Dual chainsaws ducked taped to each end of a rowboat paddle FTW.

D Mac 09-09-2010 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Hasney (Post 3237908)
You do realise that Case Zero has a demo that costs nothing and that all the content in Case Zero will not actually be in Dead Rising 2... Right?

You can carry over your level and money to DR2.

Xero 09-09-2010 02:02 PM


Originally Posted by Hasney (Post 3237908)
You do realise that Case Zero has a demo that costs nothing and that all the content in Case Zero will not actually be in Dead Rising 2... Right?

I knew the latter, not the former.

I do have a problem with them putting out ONLY paid demos.

Emperor Smeat 09-09-2010 04:03 PM

Today Sony celebrates the 15th anniversary of the debut of the PS1. As a gift, Sony's PSN is giving discounts and free items for most of September.

It wasn't the 1st ever CD-based console but managed to end up as the 1st successful CD-based console, started the decline and eventual death of Sega, and started the drop of Nintendo from which lasted for over 10 years.


* Free downloadable PS3 & PSP static themes available for download on the PlayStation Store starting today
* Weekly discounts on select PS One titles within the PlayStation 15th anniversary collection page, available in all SCEA territories on PS3, PSP & Media Go Storefronts. In addition to a 50 percent sale on Super Rub A Dub (Super Rub A Dub offer good from Thursday, September 9, 2010 - through Monday, September 20, 2010).
* A PlayStation Home commemorative Original PlayStation® (PS One) ornament for personal spaces available starting today.

OssMan 09-09-2010 04:15 PM

Today is also the 11th anniversary of the Dreamcast.


Fignuts 09-09-2010 04:17 PM

I don't understand why people are calling case zero a demo, if it's all original content, seperate from the main game. Wouldn't that make it pre-release dlc? Not a demo?

Funky Fly 09-09-2010 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3238507)
I don't understand why people are calling case zero a demo, if it's all original content, seperate from the main game. Wouldn't that make it pre-release dlc? Not a demo?

I agree with this statement.

Kalyx triaD 09-09-2010 04:29 PM

You don't expect people to actually read previews and such, do you?

Kalyx triaD 09-09-2010 11:58 PM

Updating arcade machines with servers:

Could have used this about 8 years ago. Arc Systems and SNK Playmore signed on. Capcom and SEGA should jump on but it seems a bit late. This will save operators time and money, though.

Kane Knight 09-10-2010 12:26 AM

Sure, it's designed to demonstrate the game and act as a demo, but don't call it a demo, because it's original content.

FFS, games used to actually demo themselves without some stunted version of the first level, but don't let that stop you folks from complaining when it's called a demo.

Kalyx triaD 09-10-2010 07:48 PM


What other genres appeal to Arc? Is there room for Arc[Systems, Blazblue] creating a game that isn’t a beat-em-up or do you feel that developers should stick to what they know?

I would continue my work with 2D fighting but personally I’m also interested in 3D action game like Bayonetta & Devil May Cry or even Gears of War something with a 3rd person view. I would love to create a game like that in the future if I have an opportunity to do so. However my head is full of BlazBlue at the moment and I’m not planning to do anything else right now.

Emperor Smeat 09-10-2010 07:55 PM

Update to the News regarding Capcom's Dead Rising Case Zero and Frank West.

I'm using the spoiler tag mostly for those who haven't finished Case Zero or haven't played it yet and don't want one of the central plot-line spoiled.

Frank West confirmed to be in Dead Rising 2 after Capcom initially said he would be in Case Zero and would probably have been dead by the time the second game occurs. Case Zero was supposed to tell what happened to West while explaining why the new character is in the game.

Right now he's been confirmed to be a selectable character for the game's multiplayer.

Kalyx triaD 09-10-2010 10:05 PM

The most played game on my XBL friendslist is Netflix.

Kane Knight 09-11-2010 01:45 AM

I didn't know Destor lived in Florida.

Kane Knight 09-11-2010 01:51 AM

In more "drug" related gaming news.

Drakul 09-11-2010 05:46 AM

Random little story for you.


Originally Posted by Escapist
Lionhead chieftain Peter Molyneux claims that his original vision of a "physically correct" creature for Black & White ended up with an artist threatening to pull a knife on him.

This can get filed under the header "Things I never thought I'd find myself writing":

While speaking on a podcast with IGN UK (via iTunes) during the Gamescom event in Germany last month, Peter Molyneux mentioned that the sausages in the recording booth - because those Germans have sausages everywhere or something - reminded him of his earlier game Black & White.

Specifically, they reminded him of the creature's penis.

Now, if you've played Black & White, you probably know that the creature didn't actually have a (visible) Sgt. Peppy. No, this monstrous wangerdoodle was only in an early prototype of the game: "I for some reason had this obsession to make them anatomically correct. So the first version of this giant ape had this sort of beautifully physically correct - I'm going to say the word - penis dangling between its legs."

And in case the mental image in your head wasn't bad enough, said member "morphed depending on how excited your creature was."

That sort of thing would never fly in a game, of course, and Molyneux knows it. "I don't know what was going through my mind. I wasn't even on class A drugs! It was this bizarre thing," he says, and don't think we didn't notice that "class A drugs" qualifier, Peter. "It was this bizarre thing. Especially in America! Even if you show nipples they go insane, rating it under-the-counter product. It just goes to show you just how rubbish I am as a designer, really."

Nevertheless, Molyneux initially persisted, and the poor modelers working at Lionhead had to create the creature's morphable schlongalong. "The artist that modeled it ended up going completely insane. [He] threatened to knife me ... absolutely true story. He went on to found Media Molecule. Chap called Mark Healey."

Having never met Mr. Healey myself, I cannot say whether or not the founder of the LittleBigPlanet studio is likely to threaten to knife somebody (if only in jest). In all fairness, spending your work day painstakingly rendering a monster tallywhacker would probably drive most people insane, so it's hardly just him.

"Driven mad by making huge, sausage-like penises on apes - that's the sort of thing I get people to do at Lionhead."

Whether or not you believe Peter Molyneux's story here - because the only indication we have that this is the truth is the eccentric designer's word alone - I think we can all agree that it is, in fact, a story. A very interesting one. About a game artist going crazy from working on an animated giant monkey porker.


Xero 09-11-2010 10:36 AM


OssMan 09-11-2010 11:00 AM

beat lime slime in secret of mana yesterday

Kane Knight 09-12-2010 12:03 AM

Shadow of the Colossus/Ico for PS3? HAWT.

Drakul 09-12-2010 02:29 PM

Paid £3 to download "The Simpsons Arcade" to my phone. I was misled. It wasn't the actual arcade game. It's a really simple and crappy game where you play as Homer trying to get a doughnut that Smithers ran off with.

Speaking of The Simpsons Arcade game, they should bring the real one to XBLA. 4 player online would be fun.
I only ever played it once when I was on holiday. Some American boy about my age at the time came across to the arcade machine and randomly joined in on my game. Didn't say his name or hang around afterwards. Could have used someone to play against on the other machines. Anyway, It was fun so I'd like to see it for download.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0xe1600f&amp;color2=0xfebd01" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

Xero 09-12-2010 03:01 PM

Yeah, completely agree. I'm honestly very surprised it hasn't been released. The best time would have been to coincide with the movie, or even the 20th season.

Also don't understand why there was never a home port on SNES or Genesis.

Though it's a Konami game, and they still need to release Sunset Riders for XBLA/PSN. Fuck, I'd even take a Wii Ware release of the SNES or Genesis port.

<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

#BROKEN Hasney 09-12-2010 03:05 PM

EA and Konami would have to work of an agreement for it to come on XBLA/PSN. They did with UbiSoft with TMNT, but EA would probably drive a harder bargain.

Just like it couldn't come on consoles, because Acclaim had the home rights to Simpsosns games, so Konami and Acclaim would have had to agree.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-12-2010 03:10 PM

Speaking of, The Simpsons home computer licenses was a mess. Konami published he PC and Commodore 64 ports of the Simpsons arcade, but Ocean then got the rights and just ported Acclaims Bart Vs. the Space Mutants to home computers.

Fignuts 09-12-2010 03:18 PM

I would want X-Men before The Simpsons, tbh.

Funky Fly 09-12-2010 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3242215)
I would want X-Men before The Simpsons, tbh.


Drakul 09-13-2010 03:09 AM

Love Sunset Riders. That was another game I only ever played on holiday.

Mario turns 25 today.

<object width="445" height="364"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b&amp;border=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="445" height="364"></embed></object>

Drakul 09-13-2010 07:13 AM

Xbox 360 new dashboard in action:

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB&amp;color1=0x234900&amp;color2=0x4e9e00" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Nintendo need to bring this out in the UK/US:

Originally Posted by Kotaku

Please, Nintendo, release the Mario 25th anniversary collection in the West. Not for the games, we've got those, thanks. Just for the box.

This fetching art adorns the special bundle for Nintendo's Mario 25th Anniversary bundle for the Wii, which includes Super Mario All Stars (a compilation of early Mario games first released on the Super Nintendo), a soundtrack CD and a DVD detailing the history of Nintendo's mascot.

It'll be out October 21 in Japan, and cost „2,500 (USD$30).

Kane Knight 09-13-2010 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by Drakul (Post 3242165)
Paid £3 to download "The Simpsons Arcade" to my phone. I was misled. It wasn't the actual arcade game. It's a really simple and crappy game where you play as Homer trying to get a doughnut that Smithers ran off with.

Speaking of The Simpsons Arcade game, they should bring the real one to XBLA. 4 player online would be fun.
I only ever played it once when I was on holiday. Some American boy about my age at the time came across to the arcade machine and randomly joined in on my game. Didn't say his name or hang around afterwards. Could have used someone to play against on the other machines. Anyway, It was fun so I'd like to see it for download.

<object height="385" width="480">

<embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" height="385" width="480"></object>

You didn't get cheated, you just didn't do research.

Drakul 09-13-2010 08:57 AM

I didn't say I was cheated. I said I was misled.
Each game, before you download, has a screenshot. The screenshot for the game I downloaded was Homer and Bart in a mansion level, fighting FBI agents. Homer had a large mallet weapon and I forget what Bart was doing.
The sprites were decent quality and everything.

What I got when I downloaded the game was tiny, badly drawn sprites, no weapons, no character select, no variation in the levels (all just seem to be generic streets) or enemies and bad midi music that doesn't loop.

Xero 09-13-2010 09:02 AM

Would easily buy that Mario collection if it were released here.

Kane Knight 09-13-2010 09:15 AM

Fine, you weren't misled.

Kane Knight 09-13-2010 09:23 AM

From Youtube alone, I can tell not all the missions are generic street missions.

Emperor Smeat 09-13-2010 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Xero (Post 3243096)
Would easily buy that Mario collection if it were released here.

They probably won't release it here until next year since that would be the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros in the US (March 1986).

Xero 09-13-2010 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by Smelly Meatball (Post 3243125)
They probably won't release it here until next year since that would be the 25th anniversary of Super Mario Bros in the US (March 1986).

Yeah, makes sense.

I'd like to see 3DS version of Mario All Stars. Honestly, that would probably sell me on the system.

D Mac 09-13-2010 02:39 PM

Action Arcade Wrestling is up on XBox live Indie Games.

D Mac 09-13-2010 03:13 PM

Not bad for a buck.

Emperor Smeat 09-13-2010 07:09 PM

THQ announces a few vague release dates for certain games for their 2011 schedule. The upcoming Red Faction Armageddon is set for a May 2011 release date while Saints Row 3 set to be released around the same time frame as the annual WWE Smackdown vs Raw game (Fall 2011).

Tthe next UFC game set for a Winter 2012 date but could also be the very last UFC game made by THQ. Their original deal with UFC only goes up to 2012 and might not be renewed due to THQ having huge financial losses this year and lower than expected sales for UFC 2010.

Kane Knight 09-13-2010 10:11 PM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3243453)
Not bad for a buck.

Define "not bad."

D Mac 09-14-2010 01:42 AM

It feels like a cheap version of Fire Pro Wrestling. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

Kalyx triaD 09-14-2010 07:53 AM

Resident Evil: Damnation, the sequel to the CGI movie Degeneration, is happening. This is awesome news.

alvarado52 09-14-2010 04:07 PM

i didnt like Degeneration...and this is coming from someone who is a die hard RE fan.

Emperor Smeat 09-14-2010 04:51 PM

Sony patents add-on device to play PS2 games on the non-PS2 compatible PS3 models. Originally Sony took out PS2 compatibility as a way to save money and now want to have consumers pay for the ability to play PS2 games for any PS3 model.

The device itself is basically a mini-PS2 and doesn't use the PS3 CPU and GPU to play PS2 games since it has its own decoders and processors.

alvarado52 09-14-2010 05:42 PM

lol, or you can just keep your old ps2

D Mac 09-15-2010 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by alvarado52 (Post 3245447)
i didnt like Degeneration...and this is coming from someone who is a die hard RE fan.

D Mac 09-15-2010 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by alvarado52 (Post 3245514)
lol, or you can just keep your old ps2

Or buy a used one for like 20 - 30 bucks.

Fignuts 09-15-2010 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3244799)
It feels like a cheap version of Fire Pro Wrestling. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

lol no, it certainly does not. In fact, it might be the worstwrestling game I've ever played.

D Mac 09-15-2010 04:26 AM

Even worse then Tag Team Wrestling for the NES?

Kalyx triaD 09-15-2010 04:48 AM


Pieces are beginning to fall into place for a likely reveal of Devil May Cry 5 as Capcom registers the trademark mere days before the start of the Tokyo Game Show.

The news comes (via vg24/7) as Ninja Theory – the UK development team heavily rumoured to be behind the series reboot – tweets that its new game is to be revealed at the show this week.
Oh god I hope NT 'gets it'.

Drakul 09-15-2010 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3245930)
Oh god I hope NT 'gets it'.

It's just been revealed. Trailer should be online soon.

Emperor Smeat 09-15-2010 11:37 AM

After promising Frank West's fate would be explained in Case Zero and then not occurring, Capcom announces a new DLC chapter called Dead Rising 2: Case West.

The DLC is 2 player co-op where West and Chuck are playable characters and might explain what happened to Frank West after the 1st game and how he met Chuck.

Case West as of now is exclusive to Xbox 360 but no date announced for release. Its assumed the pricing would be the same as Case Zero ($5 or 400 MS points).

G 09-15-2010 11:53 AM

I bet people still bitch and call it a paid demo of DR2.

Xero 09-15-2010 12:00 PM

Pretty bait and switch not to explain what happens to him. "Paid demo" or not, that's false advertising.

Emperor Smeat 09-15-2010 12:17 PM

Originally Capcom wanted Frank West to either be a cameo or explain what happened to him very early into Dead Rising 2.

Then they decided to hint at his story being in told in Case Zero and why Chuck is the new character.

Now it looks like he's going to be playable in Case West but no guarantee his story gets told in this DLC chapter.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-15-2010 12:31 PM

I don't understand. Capcom moving development out west has been a total failure so far and Konami haven't fared much better.

What the hell are they playing at?

Kalyx triaD 09-15-2010 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3245930)
Oh god I hope NT 'gets it'.

Silly me, there is no god.

Kane Knight 09-15-2010 10:30 PM


Originally Posted by alvarado52 (Post 3245514)
lol, or you can just keep your old ps2

This does have some benefits, such as not needing to run a separate cable to your TV.

However, it best be damn cheap to make even those benefits worth the cost.

Kane Knight 09-15-2010 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Fignuts (Post 3245868)
lol no, it certainly does not. In fact, it might be the worstwrestling game I've ever played.

Yeah, I don't know what D Mac was thinking. This is worse than his Lars/Hetfield slashfic.

thecc 09-15-2010 10:41 PM

Kalyx triaD 09-15-2010 11:01 PM


Originally Posted by Kotaku
During Microsoft's Tokyo Game Show press conference this morning, Capcom's Keiji Inafune took the stage to introduce the world to Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor for Kinect, a new interpretation of the classic game with the extremely expensive controller.

I can't believe McWhertor was right, but there it is in our E3 2010 predictions post: "Steel Battalion is revealed as Capcom's core Natal game." We all laughed and laughed, and now Capcom and From Software make the rest of us look silly with this new version of the mech game so complicated it required its own complicated and costly controller to play.

Capcom and From Software are collaborating on the new title, set in a 2082 without computers, which explains the gritty, World War II style. From the official press release:

"Manhattan, 2082: In a world where computers and almost all modern technology have been lost, the greatest nations of the world continue to battle for supremacy. The American army lands in New York to begin its first big offensive of a long ground war. Soldiers fire from the trenches as scorched bunkers belch black smoke. As comrades continually fall to the unrelenting crossfire of bullets, the Vertical Tanks make their relentless advance. Experience the battlefield as never before with Kinect for Xbox 360."

Inafune was light on the details, but since this is a Microsoft Kinect game, we're guessing that this time around you'll be taking on the role of the unwieldy, expensive controller.


Kalyx triaD 09-15-2010 11:06 PM


Team Ninja leader Yosuke Hayashi revealed at an event in Tokyo this evening the developer's next major projects, including a new Ninja Gaiden game for consoles and the revival of a game we know as Ni-Oh.

Hayashi said that the team responsible for the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series of games was already hard at work on the follow-up to Ninja Gaiden II—and its PlayStation 3 port, Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma—showing off concept art for the game he referred to as Ninja Gaiden 3.

The concept image featured a close-up of a bloody Ryu Hayabusa, the reflection of a blank-looking face in the ninja's right eye.

That image was the extent of what the new, lean, Hayashi-lead Team Ninja was willing to show at a dinner in Ueno. No platforms or release dates were given. Hayashi said that we should expect to learn more about Ninja Gaiden 3 sometime next year.

After completing work on Metroid: Other M, Hayashi pointed to the team's next cross-company collaboration, this time sticking closer to home. Team Ninja will be finishing the development of a game called Ni-Oh, an action game originally being developed by Tecmo's corporate partner Koei.

Team Ninja Reveals Its Next Games: Ninja Gaiden 3, Ni-Oh

We've only seen Ni-Oh, a game announced in 2005 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive, in pre-rendered cinematic form. Hayashi told us that development of Ni-Oh had been put on hold at Koei, but that Team Ninja was now taking over, working with Koei founder Kou Shibusawa on the project, switching gears from ninja-based action to something more samurai-centric.

Team Ninja didn't show anything new related to Ni-Oh.

The developer is currently hard at work developing a stereoscopic 3D version of its Dead or Alive fighting game series for the NIntendo 3DS.
Good luck, fellas. Itagaki will be watching.

The new Team Ninja (not to be confused with Ninja Theory, who are currently making Itagaki laugh his ass off).

Kalyx triaD 09-15-2010 11:12 PM

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US&amp;color1=0x5d1719&amp;color2=0xcd311b" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Looks nice. Not like Devil Made Me Cry.

Emperor Smeat 09-15-2010 11:26 PM

Going to end up being a weird but amazing game when its done since Suda is well known for crazy gameplay and storylines while Mikami is well known for horror style gameplay (RE series) and action (Devil May Cry series).

:lol: at Mikami response to why they are working with EA.

When asked why Suda and Mikami were working with EA on this game, Mikami jokingly replied, "Money."

Kalyx triaD 09-15-2010 11:38 PM

Better answer than some PR line about 'expanding audiences', 'unique opportunities', and other shit like that.

Kane Knight 09-15-2010 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 3246645)
Better answer than some PR line about 'expanding audiences', 'unique opportunities', and other shit like that.

Agreed. His candor is kind of refreshing.

Drakul 09-16-2010 01:36 AM


Originally Posted by thecc (Post 3246598)


Originally Posted by Kotaku
Japan's venerable wrasslin' series, Fire Pro-Wrestling, is back and now on the Xbox 360. And now with Xbox 360 Avatars as playable grapplers.

Spike, the developer of the Fire Pro-Wrestling series as of the year 2000, will be creating a new entry for Xbox Live Arcade for release in 2011. Fire Pro-Wrestling lets you customize your avatar wrestler from a selection of costumes, unlock new moves over the course of your career in the squared circle and compete online.

Fire Pro-Wrestling has always been known more for its deep gameplay and character customization, something we hoped continues in the newest iteration. Avatars, though. Hmmm.

Kalyx triaD 09-16-2010 01:36 AM

Potentially fucking awesome.

Verbose Minch 09-16-2010 01:48 AM

Not gonna lie, that has really great potential.

Drakul 09-16-2010 01:57 AM

Microsoft have strict rules about what Avatars can and cannot do. I can't see us having exsplosive cage matches or jabbing forks in each others eyes. I can't see them allowing anything other than the basic one on one and tag matches.
Weapons and gimmick matches would be too violent for the Avatars. Not saying the game can't be fun but I can't see having as many options as other FPW games had. I only ever played one game in the series, in Japanese, so I didn't get far.


Player interacts with their avatar as if it's a separate character
A player's avatar does not have an autonomous personality or instinct. The avatar is under the control of the owning player. It can have idle animations and can respond appropriately to game events but it should not interact with the user as if it is separate from the player, try to get the player's attention in an annoying manner.

Violence which causes blood, gore, dismemberment, decapitation, maiming, or mutilation
Cartoon violence is allowed. Violence is allowed as long as there is no blood, gore, dismemberment, decapitation, maiming, or mutilation. An example of allowable injuries includes injuries that might befall an avatar in a sporting event such as American football. Avatars can die temporarily to depict failure.

Player's avatar talks
The player's avatar should not have their own voice. They are allowed to make individual sounds, such as laughing and crying but otherwise cannot use a voice.

Would a steel chair count as cartoon violence?

Fignuts 09-16-2010 01:59 AM


Fignuts 09-16-2010 02:03 AM

Such a fucking tease. Best hope is that this is successful and leads to a real firepro game. After 6 years, I still play FPR a lot, but the lack of a lot of moves that have come out in the meantime, is starting to take it's toll.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-16-2010 02:19 AM

Want to hit someone harder than I did after DmC.

It's not going to have the depth of moves or anything that makes Fire Pro good bar the grapple system and I have about 5 decent Fire Pro games for that.

Drakul 09-16-2010 02:24 AM

They could maybe try and say "Pro wrestling is a sport" as a loophole to get around the "no violence/maiming" thing. Sports are the only time Avatars can act hurt, after all.

Anyone that didn't checked XBLA out yesterday, Sonic Adventure is up for download.

Kalyx triaD 09-16-2010 02:33 AM

As well as a completely random King of Fighters game.

#BROKEN Hasney 09-16-2010 02:33 AM

Which isn't as good as the Gamecube or PC version which you can pick up probably cheaper.

Much more content on those.

Kalyx triaD 09-16-2010 03:30 AM

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

D Mac 09-16-2010 05:00 AM


Originally Posted by Kane Knight (Post 3246587)
Yeah, I don't know what D Mac was thinking. This is worse than his Lars/Hetfield slashfic.

It's one fucking dollar. Geez

Drakul 09-16-2010 06:08 AM

360 owners in the UK can get a years gold membership for £23.99 for a limited time. Considering it's getting jacked up to £50 in November, I think it's a good idea to take advantage of the sale. I did.

The offer should be on the dashboard somewhere. Seems to randomly appear.

Kane Knight 09-16-2010 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by Diesel Mac (Post 3246773)
It's one fucking dollar. Geez

It's also shit. One dollar or not.

Blitz 09-16-2010 10:14 AM

Dynasty Warriors 7 announced as a PS3 exclusive.


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