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Lock Jaw 03-06-2021 01:51 PM

It's me, Lock Jaw

With me in charge, this show can really go places

xrodmuc316 03-06-2021 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Maluco (Post 5432077)
I think it’s Christian. Guy who reported he was under contract, got it wrong.

Angle would be terrible. It was painful to watch him wrestle in his last run. He is hunched over, has arm problems and can’t even straighten his legs properly. He has to turn his whole body just to look round.

Not only would it be a terrible idea to have him wrestle again, it would be irresponsible. No one wants to see that in 2021..

Show clearly said “hall of fame worthy” and Angle is already in the HoF.

Kurt is in like 6 or 7 Hall of Fames actually, It's True!

slik 03-06-2021 02:30 PM


Supreme Olajuwon 03-06-2021 02:56 PM

Remember at the first Double or Nothing when people were speculating Moxley was going to be the surprise entrant in the casino battle royale and then were bummed when it was Adam Page and then Moxley ended up debuting at the end of the night

I’m not done getting my hopes up yet

Supreme Olajuwon 03-06-2021 03:07 PM

And they did a similar misdirection when Matt Hardy debuted.

Damian Rey 2.0 03-06-2021 04:43 PM

If that's the case I'll take Angle coming into the ladder match and Punk being the big surprise

weather vane 03-06-2021 05:36 PM

He looks ripped. I don’t hate it. I mean if the matches stink or he talks all monotone again, I hate it. See how it goes.

Jordan 03-07-2021 01:13 PM

I think it's possible that Nick Gage is the mystery ladder match opponent. He wins and then ends up joining Darby's fight against Team Taz when they cause shenanigans in the TNT title match in Dynamite. I believe Darkside is doing an episode featuring Gage so his "stardom" is about to grow. My other idea is Sammy for the ladder match but story wise that doesn't make sense unless he loses the ladder match due to Inner Circle interference.

Emperor Smeat 03-07-2021 03:53 PM

Could see Gage being the mystery person for the ladder match.

AEW did have plans at one point to use him for their shows prior to him suffering a serious leg injury last year and he did make a surprise return at GCW's event last night.

Mr. Nerfect 03-08-2021 01:23 AM

I’m hearing lots of people saying that AEW feels like it jumped the shark with Revolution.

drave 03-08-2021 08:27 AM

based on what

Curtis 03-08-2021 10:24 AM

They need to bring in Tomko if he cleaned himself up for a legendary storyline with Christian.
Show Christian sitting in the back when Tomko walks in wearing jeans and no shirt.
Christian : Tomko, you don't have a shirt?
Tomko : No.
Christian : Why not?
Tomko : I cant find it. I think someone stole it.

This launches the "Missing Tomko's Shirt" storyline which can stretch for a few months as Christian goes on a mission to find Tomko's shirt. Several wrestlers become suspects. Cameras on CCTV are reviewed to show that Tomko walks in with a shirt but it becomes lost before he finds Christian. Tomko cant remember when the last time he wore the shirt was.

Volare 03-08-2021 10:43 AM

Book IT!!

Curtis 03-08-2021 10:51 AM

Then Christian one day comes out and says,

"Ive had enough. No one here can find Tomko's shirt. I have called the professionals. The FBI can find anyone...anything, and Ive called the FBI to find Tomko's shirt".

Nunzio, Big Vito and Johnny Stamboli come out...

Every week they catch wrestlers off guard in the back and sometimes even fans (Stunt grannies) and steal their shirts to bring to Tomko and be like, "Eyy this your shirt or no?".
Christian : I think I might've dialed the wrong number...

Curtis 03-08-2021 10:53 AM

The storyline ends when it is revealed that Tomko was wearing his shirt all along! It's just a shirt that's printed and designed to look EXACTLY like his upper body and no one noticed.

Volare 03-08-2021 10:54 AM


screech 03-08-2021 11:31 AM

Curtis wins again

Jordan 03-08-2021 12:35 PM

Christian is definitely interesting in AEW. Will he improve ratings for Dynamite? I doubt it but he could a bit if used well. The thing is that I don't see a ton of obvious stories for him there. I don't see one obvious rivalry that jumps out at me. Now eventually getting involved with MJF would probably yeild some great results, and a match with Omega would be pretty cool too but other than that I'm not sure where he fits in. I could see good stuff with Penta, Fenix, Kingston, Archer but they will have to generate some interest there for sure. Like, if Angle had been the choice and he was capable of working at a higher level than his last WWE run then I would've seen him pairing up with any of the top young talents looking to get a win over one of the GOAT's. Obviously his day has gone and he probably can't work like he'd like to. Christian on the other hand has had some great matches and is capable of a lot. I'm certainly going to give him a chance here. Truthfully there aren't many stars available under 45 years old or thereabouts so I guess that just is what it is. We ragged on WCW in the late 90's and for pushing stars in their early to mid 40's, what we considered has beens and too old. But I think this is the cycle of the industry, pulling in stars of olden times when available has always been a promotional tactic in every company that has been of consequence. If AEW is ever able to snag a true recent WWE contract expiree, someone who's age is more viable like Seth Rollins or Big E, that will be the major feeling of OOOOH SHIT we've all wanted since the days of Luger showing up on Nitro, or X-Pac returning to Raw in 98.

Evil Vito 03-08-2021 12:43 PM

I'm just glad Christian's getting the actual last run he's clearly wanted, no matter what company it happens in I'd be happy for him.

Volare 03-08-2021 12:44 PM

<iframe width="891" height="501" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Dark Order has a new member...and a new betrayal??

Volare 03-09-2021 01:16 PM

If you follow Dark....this is for you.

<iframe width="891" height="501" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

xrodmuc316 03-09-2021 01:25 PM

Yeah they aren't making things better for themselves...

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Weird that the super fan-friendly, all inclusive, totally not like the evil WWE empire, happiest place on earth wrestling company was so concerned about wiping their main event off Twitter, since Tony said they had a storyline explanation of Kenny sucking at making bombs. 🤔💣 <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Meltzer Said What? (@MeltzerSaidWhat) <a href="">March 8, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

drave 03-09-2021 01:36 PM

Chris Benoit.

- WWE Says what?

You'll never believe what else WWE wants you to pretend never happened! Click here to see NEVER BEFORE SEEN footage of the most crazy canceled thing of things.

xrodmuc316 03-09-2021 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5433835)
Chris Benoit.

- WWE Says what?

You'll never believe what else WWE wants you to pretend never happened! Click here to see NEVER BEFORE SEEN footage of the most crazy canceled thing of things.

Sigh, it's been a while...

That is a bad argument, always.

drave 03-09-2021 04:01 PM

Your post literally referenced WWE.

Vastardikai 03-09-2021 04:13 PM


This is getting into Bruce Pritchard levels of denial.

screech 03-09-2021 04:15 PM

Wait is that from the company?

EDIT: looked a little closer and saw the "news" bit. It's bad, but it would be 100p worse if that was an official thing.

Vastardikai 03-09-2021 05:04 PM

It popped up in my feed, and it was likely fanmade. But, holy shit.

"Don't let the fact that Nick Patrick slow counted the "fast count" against Sting vs. Hogan take away from how it was a great match."

Nark Order 03-09-2021 05:51 PM

The ending was awful. The idea that it destroyed the entire show though, which some are trying to assert, I don't think that's the case. The anti-AEW people are jumping on this hard like it justifies every negative thing they've ever said about the company, the pro-AEW people are acting like the ending didn't matter at all. At the end of the day it was a great PPV with a terrible botched ending. Credit should be given for the great show and criticism should be given for the botch. Those two things can happen simultaneously.

Nark Order 03-09-2021 05:56 PM

Braun Strowman winning the tag titles with a 10 year old is probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen in wrestling and it will most likely never be topped. That didn't ruin that Wrestlemania though, it was just a stupid part of the show.

xrodmuc316 03-09-2021 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by drave (Post 5433879)
Your post literally referenced WWE.

You mean the tweet I posted about how AEW is trying to erase the botch from twitter?

You do know that just because the guy mentioned WWE in his tweet does not mean I referenced WWE.

In fact all I said was AEW isn't making things better by trying to get it taken off Twitter so more people don't see it.

But if that is the game you want to play, please explain how it is you think the fact that WWE doesn't promote a guy who murdered his family somehow means AEW trying to hide their botch is what, good?

slik 03-09-2021 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by Narkseid (Post 5433911)
Braun Strowman winning the tag titles with a 10 year old is probably the stupidest thing I've ever seen in wrestling and it will most likely never be topped. That didn't ruin that Wrestlemania though, it was just a stupid part of the show.

While the Braun tag team thing was dumb, I will say it was rather fun live to see.

Evil Vito 03-09-2021 07:11 PM

Lol a 10 year old winning a title happened only to knock Rene Dupree out of the record books as youngest champ

screech 03-09-2021 07:12 PM

lol for real? That's fun

Jordan 03-09-2021 08:12 PM

If we are comparing Braun and that dumb kid with the Revolution dud, the dud was a far worse experience.

Mr. Nerfect 03-10-2021 01:51 AM

Hahaha, I heard people defending AEW removing people’s content being defended as “It’s not like AEW is personally doing it. Don’t blame AEW.” Then Girl on Cinema shared a notification saying that AEW had manually reviewed her content and had it removed.

Fuck these cunts.

Volare 03-11-2021 01:13 PM

<iframe width="891" height="501" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

xrodmuc316 03-11-2021 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Volare (Post 5434881)
<iframe width="891" height="501" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Includes going to an all you can eat buffet with The Painmaker!

Mr. Nerfect 03-11-2021 06:43 PM

Would have loved to have met Chris Jericho once upon a time. Now you’d have to pay me. Fuck that bloated piece of shit.

Nark Order 03-11-2021 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Nerfect (Post 5434977)
Would have loved to have met Chris Jericho once upon a time. Now you’d have to pay me. Fuck that bloated piece of shit.

You're such a weird guy. It's baffling.

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