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Sixx 11-02-2015 06:57 AM

Didn't know there's a new photo of the Joker from Empire magazine.

mitchables 11-03-2015 04:04 AM

god he looks so terrible

Sixx 11-03-2015 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by mitchables (Post 4725496)
god he looks so terrible

Some creator said they were styling him after 90s Cuban gangsters or some stupid shit like that.

mitchables 11-03-2015 04:22 AM

ah yes of course, the joker's well known historical association with cuban gangs

mitchables 11-03-2015 04:23 AM

god he gives off such x-pac heat

McLegend 11-03-2015 06:52 PM

Not to go Kalyax here, but let's chill with the anti-Jared Leto Joker hate.

Maybe it fits in with the movies...Maybe

Sixx 11-03-2015 07:01 PM

Fits or not, it looks stupid. I can't imagine a scenario where I'd like this look.

Damian Rey 11-03-2015 08:30 PM

I'm just gonna wait till it comes out. I'm not big on Ledger's look but I enjoyed the character more than enough to care what he looked like.

I get the hate on the look though.

Simple Fan 11-03-2015 10:04 PM

I like it, looks crazy must be crazy.

mitchables 11-05-2015 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by McLegend (Post 4725709)
Not to go Kalyax here, but let's chill with the anti-Jared Leto Joker hate.

Maybe it fits in with the movies...Maybe

i did not express any hate towards jared leto or what he will do with the role, i know better than to write off an actor's actual interpretation of a character before i've seen it

my hatred, at this advent, lies entirely with the visual presentation, which i am perfectly entitled to not like at face value because it is face value

Sixx 11-05-2015 04:56 AM

Exactly. ^

He might turn out to be a great Joker, who knows. But the look is just terrible imo. All of it, the tattoos, the stupid Jaws from James Bond teeth, the pimp overcoat.

KIRA 11-05-2015 05:13 AM

Didn't a lot of people not like Ledgers peeling messy facepaint?

I recall a lot of complaining(I loved how disheveled he looked) but other people complained that he looked half-assed or "not like the joker"

my only ONLY complaint is that the lack pf extended lipstick it enhances the face so much.

McLegend 11-05-2015 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by mitchables (Post 4726293)
i did not express any hate towards jared leto or what he will do with the role, i know better than to write off an actor's actual interpretation of a character before i've seen it

my hatred, at this advent, lies entirely with the visual presentation, which i am perfectly entitled to not like at face value because it is face value

I know you meant the look I just didn't know how else to word it.

Also I'm not saying you aren't entitled to not like the look. I'm just saying it might not be that bad. It could work.

Lock Jaw 11-21-2015 05:09 PM

Wonder Woman can't wait for Star Wars!!

Kalyx triaD 11-21-2015 05:57 PM

I want so many beheadings.

Kalyx triaD 11-23-2015 06:53 PM

<iframe width="800" height="437" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

slik 11-23-2015 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by mitchables (Post 4725498)
ah yes of course, the joker's well known historical association with cuban gangs

He looks like a Chav...

Can UK posters confirm this?

mitchables 11-24-2015 03:58 AM

stoked for legends (kalyx did you also mark out for 'i have seen men of steel die and dark knights fall'?) but still can't shake the feeling that the addition of cold and heatwave is kind of gratuitous and suuuuuper left-field

firestorm looks great in full costume though

the time travel aspect will straddle a thin fucking line between awesome and gimmicky. apropos of nothing really, the last couple x-men films have pulled it off fine, but idk there could be some kitschness lurking in some plot threads here

Kalyx triaD 11-24-2015 01:04 PM

Oh I fucking flipped. That kind of direct reference (exactly what you're talking about in the Jones thread), for THOSE two, was unheard of. I think Arrow and Flash have gained enough confidence from top brass to get away with bigger things. It just so happens we have a Kryptonian headlining her own show and Gotham showcased in another, so it's probably gonna end at words.

I'm thinking Heat Wave is gonna do something crazy very early on that gets him kicked out or killed. It is absurd, based on what we seen of him, that he is let on the team. Then again, these are decisions made by a time-traveler from the future. Maybe Heat Wave does something great, I dunno.

I imagine the time travel aspect will be 'Sliders' like and really just be a 'setting of the week' kind of thing. And also a great reason to check out some other historical heroes like Jonah Hex or THE LAST BOY ON EARTH. If... they wanna go that direction.

Sixx 11-24-2015 01:57 PM

It looks like it might be mainly focused on Captain Cold, which would be terrible.

Wentworth Miller is just ridiculous in this role.

Kalyx triaD 11-24-2015 03:32 PM

Gotta say I don't mind his turn.

Then again I'm not a Captain Cold purist or anything. I wouldn't know what a bad version of him would be. Cold Gun and coat is good enough for me.

Sixx 11-24-2015 03:47 PM

Neither am I. I'm not talking about his look, I'm talking about his behavior. The way he talks, the faces he makes. Dunno, just seems like he's trying to pull off a "sinister mastermind" way, way too hard.

Give him a mustache to twirl already.

Lock Jaw 05-11-2016 11:17 PM

"Powerless" officially ordered to series by NBC


According to Variety, "Grease Live" star Vanessa Hudgens will play Emily, a "spunky young insurance adjuster specializing in regular-people coverage against damage caused by the crime-fighting superheroes."

The official synopsis is as follows:

When Emily stands up to one of these larger-than-life figures that she accidentally becomes a cult “hero” in her own right — even if it’s just to her group of lovably quirky co-workers. Now, while she navigates her normal, everyday life against an explosive backdrop, Emily might just discover that being a hero doesn’t always require superpowers.

Lock Jaw 05-11-2016 11:18 PM

Only hero confirmed to be in it so far is the obscure "Crimson Fox"....

mitchables 05-13-2016 07:22 AM

supergirl picked up for season 2, but moving to the cw. nice. good move. also captain cold is no longer gonna be a series regular on legends but a 'dc' series regular so he'll be back on the flash (been a season without the rogues really) next season at least, maybe arrow, idk. will still 'appear' on legends.

Disturbed316 05-13-2016 10:19 PM

Finally got round to buying a heap of books recently, got through Hush, Injustice: Gods Among Us Year One, The Killing Joke and A Death in the Family. Also got some Daredevil and Punisher vs The Marvel Universe too.

Lock Jaw 05-18-2016 11:24 AM

DC Comics new logo

Damian Rey 2.0 05-18-2016 02:06 PM

Kinda annoyed with this rebirth shit. Made it a dedicated effort to accumulate every monthly from the main Batman line from right after the opening arc through now. If this shit starts back over at 1 I'm gonna be fairly chapped.

slik 05-18-2016 03:55 PM

I like the new logo. Green Lantern: Rebirth was really good when they did that so I'm curious to see how this DC: Rebirth goes. I am optimistic.

Shadow 05-18-2016 05:53 PM

Speaking of Green Lantern, big shake-up at DC's movie division as Geoff Johns is the new head. Here's hoping he fires Snyder after Justice League is done filming.

Kalyx triaD 05-18-2016 06:46 PM

It sounds like Snyder is technically fired anyway. He's only doing JL p1 now. Affleck will probably head up p2.

slik 05-25-2016 10:41 AM

DC: Rebirth is really good.

I'm ready for DC comics to be about hope again and this is a great start. Lots of surprises if you haven't read about them yet + surprisingly emotional. For 2.99 if you've ever liked DC Comics it is so worth it. Really, really terrific.

Lock Jaw 05-25-2016 11:03 AM

Will try to pick it up today..... Actually been reading a bunch of "new 52" comic books recently....

Lock Jaw 05-25-2016 07:34 PM

Just purchased "DC Universe: Rebirth".... probably the first single comic book issue I have purchased since 2011.... About to crack it open... will post my thoughts afterwards.... been doing my best to avoid spoilers thus far....

mitchables 05-25-2016 07:47 PM

same, was the first single-issue i have bought in years. i really liked it.

the watchmen twist was a massive 'wtf' swerve. so dr manhattan, what, created the entire mainstream dc universe? why was the comedian in the batcave? ugh so many questions.

i was thrilled to see wally 1.0 back though. he has always been "my" flash. i legitimately actually welled up just a little bit when barry finally recognised him and there was that almost full-page pic of him hugging him tightly and being like, 'how could i EVER forget you?'. it meant a lot to me as a wally fan.

Lock Jaw 05-25-2016 08:24 PM

My thoughts

Seems like they are recognizing a lot of the things that they lost (Love, Legacy, Hope, and Brightness) and are making strives to make amends, but without throwing out the new 52 completely.

I wonder how they are going to reconcile having two characters names Wally West now... I know they explained the relation, but it still seems "redundant"....

Was indeed "emotional" seeing Wally reunite with Barry, yeah. Also good seeing that "simple"/"classic" costume again.... Although he isn't keeping the costume:
Pretty much a Flash outfit with silver instead of gold, and a hair hole....

The thing that really made me glad was THE JUSTICE SOCIETY OF AMERICA! I am a huge fan of the JSA, and hopefully we get a more "true" version than the characters from that "Earth 2" series.

As for the Watchmen stuff, people will probably "complain" about DC doing stuff with Watchmen again, but I say F them. Doing more stuff with Watchmen characters does not invalidate the original story.

I wonder if I should stick with any series or check anything out....

slik 05-31-2016 08:30 AM

I want to check out Batman #1

and the art for Wonder Woman #1 looks really cool

Lock Jaw 06-16-2016 05:04 PM

Flipping through my copy of Rebirth.... Actual feeling of comic book in hand feels good..... Should I go buy more.... Considering it.... What should I buy..... I'm usually a Superman guy, but that seems confusing as F..... Could follow Wally West maybe.....

Lock Jaw 06-16-2016 05:12 PM

Should prob consider that owning paper single issue comics these days seems so "inefficient" when it comes to cost and also storage......

But feels good....

Lock Jaw 06-16-2016 06:05 PM

Ok.... Bought Superman Rebirth and the first issues of Superman and Action Comics of this new era.... Prob made a huge mistake....

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