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Kalyx triaD 10-16-2014 04:27 AM


2016: Suicide Squad and Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice
2017: Wonder Woman and Justice League
2018: The Flash and Aquaman
2019: Shazam and Justice League 2
2020: Cyborg and Green Lantern
Confirmed. Discuss.

Sixx 10-16-2014 04:44 AM

Weird they'd make movies about Suicide Squad and Cyborg.

Destor 10-16-2014 06:48 AM

I'll watch the Wonder Woman movie...

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2014 07:44 AM

Suicide Squad got a mainstream boost from Arrow and the animated movie. They're return in Arrow S3 (and possibly spin-off from there).

JimmyMess 10-16-2014 11:57 AM

No standalone batman flick, interesting

Shadow 10-16-2014 12:16 PM

Thank the gods for that. But seriously, WB's making some interesting choices here for their film universe. Wonder how many movies in we'll get before it crashes and burns.

DaveBrawl 10-16-2014 02:01 PM

There is supposed to be a standalone Batman movie as well as an actual Man of Steel sequel as well, they just don't have dates for them yet.

Lock Jaw 10-16-2014 07:31 PM


Originally Posted by Kalyx triaD (Post 4528864)
Suicide Squad got a mainstream boost from Arrow and the animated movie. They're return in Arrow S3 (and possibly spin-off from there).

What? There's an animated Suicide Squad movie? Why am I just learning this now?

Also, words cannot express how little I care about seeing a Cyborg movie. Generally can't stand Cyborg anymore since the new 52 and his bump up in "importance". He was alright as a Titan.

Kalyx triaD 10-16-2014 10:38 PM

Yeah why are you just learning this now? It's set in the Arkham games' universe and it's totally fun. Jennifer Hale returns to voice Killer Frost from the DCAU days and Kevin Conroy of course does his thing. Pounder also lends her voice again to Amanda Waller and Troy Baker completely nails Mark Hammil's Joker. It's pretty cool. And Deadshot's really coming up in the game.

I also found it strange that Cyborg's been getting more exposure. He never stood out to me. Seems like Tokenism really but he was pretty cool in Justice League War.

Lock Jaw 10-16-2014 11:24 PM

Oh. Ok. Haven't played any of the Arkham games, so I kind of didn't pay attention to anything to do with it. Might have to check it out when I have the time.

Nowhere Man 10-17-2014 01:47 AM


Originally Posted by Lock Jaw (Post 4529253)
Also, words cannot express how little I care about seeing a Cyborg movie. Generally can't stand Cyborg anymore since the new 52 and his bump up in "importance". He was alright as a Titan.

I feel like Cyborg is only supposed to be important now because Geoff Johns didn't want Hal Jordan to miss out being in the Justice League, since the role of "A-list superhero who happens to be black" could have been pretty easily filled by John Stewart. Green Lantern's always been a big name in the DCU, and thanks to the animated universe, we already know one of the main GLs is black, so there wouldn't have been any need to shoe-horn in Cyborg and kick out Martian Manhunter. But Johns is one of the big-wigs in DC now, and he can't get enough of some Hal Jordan, so now we all have to pretend that the least interesting Teen Titan totally belongs as a founding member of the Justice League.

Sixx 10-17-2014 09:41 AM

Rumour has it Tom Hardy and Will Smith are "in close to signing on" for roles as members of the Suicide Squad.

I think having big names is the only way to draw people to see SS, but I don't see them doing this. Just no way.

Kalyx triaD 10-17-2014 02:08 PM

Very unlikely Tom Hardy will return to DC in this way. That's weird. Will Smith is also unbelievable. That must be some script.

slik 10-17-2014 10:25 PM

Jena Malone joins cast of Batman vs Superman as Carrie Kelley:

Kalyx triaD 10-20-2014 07:49 PM

New Robin in the books:

Kalyx triaD 10-27-2014 07:08 PM

There's a rumor that Joel Shoemaker will write his third Batman film in comic book form ("Batman Triumphant"), finally showing what he had in mind. I'm unusually interested in this.

Kalyx triaD 10-27-2014 07:19 PM

Another rumor is Gotham's rising popularity may yet spawn a TV project called "Krypton", where you already know what the point is. Also everybody dies in the end (except some kid, whatshisname). Just a rumor.

Lock Jaw 10-31-2014 01:15 AM

Some details from the upcoming Supergirl TV series:


Casting is now underway for a series based on DC Comics' "Supergirl," with David Rapaport -- the casting director that found Stephen Amell and Grant Gustin for "Arrow" and "The Flash" -- tacking on the job of finding the CBS show's lead hero and her older sister.

With the call out for actresses wishing to play the lead Kryptonian, TVLine has posted details of the exact type of Supergirl the show is looking for. For the lead role of Kara Zor-El, aka Kara Danvers, Rapaport is looking for "Caucasian females, age 22 to 26, to play 24." This iteration of Supergirl will have arrived on Earth at the age of 12 where she was taken in by the Danvers family. The series is expected to follow her journey from shunning her super abilities to embracing them as she earns the name Supergirl.

The casting notice also includes information about another lead role, Kara's foster sister Alexandra "Alex" Danvers. For that part, the casting director is seeking someone to play a "gorgeous, brilliant, science-minded" 26-year-old that grew up jealous of her other-worldly sister. Now Alex works for a secret government organization and will come up against just as many challenges as her super sister.
So.... sounds pretty much like it is going to be girl Smallville.

Kalyx triaD 10-31-2014 03:14 AM

Just need confirmation if it's in the CWverse or just stand alone.

KIRA 11-01-2014 01:32 AM

I'm worried the Superhero bubble will burst before a lot of things get made.

Kalyx triaD 11-03-2014 01:40 PM

The Supergirl TV show has a casting call for Hank Henshaw, who we all know as the other less nice Cyborg. He'll be the requisite 'I don't trust this mutant/meta-human/vigilante' authority figure. Jimmy Olsen and Cat Grant will also appear.

Lock Jaw 11-03-2014 02:07 PM

Don't really have high hopes for that series.

I know it isn't the popular version, but they should have just based it on the Peter David series/Linda Danvers Suoergirl.

Kalyx triaD 11-03-2014 02:11 PM

In an age where Iron Man is an A-list movie franchise and Green Arrow is one of the best superhero TV shows in years I'm gonna have to hang back and see how this is gonna turn out.

Kalyx triaD 11-04-2014 07:29 PM


In an extensive piece at The Guardian on director Christopher Nolan, who served as a producer on Man of Steel, the outlet reveals that the studio asked director Zack Snyder to include a humorous scene at the end of the film, which Nolan reportedly shot down, saying: “A real movie wouldn’t do that.”

Shadow 11-04-2014 08:57 PM

Woooooooooooooow really? That's wow.

JimmyMess 11-05-2014 10:52 AM

that's so fucking pretentious. Get off your high horse Nolan.

McLegend 11-07-2014 09:44 PM

Big rumor is that Jared Leto is the lead candidate to play the Joker in the upcoming Suicide Squad movie.

Got the link below off of imdb

Lock Jaw 11-07-2014 09:54 PM

Seems.... odd to have Joker in a Suicide Squad movie.

Nowhere Man 11-07-2014 10:56 PM

I'm hoping that Joker ends up being the Suicide Squad's target, rather than a member of the Squad himself. I'm really not a fan of Harley being on the Squad, but if she's going to be there, then having her on the opposing side of Joker makes for a way more interesting story than if she's relegated to being his sidekick.

Kalyx triaD 11-10-2014 11:20 AM

Hey look it's Margot Robbie

There's a good chance she's Harley Quinn in the Suicide Squad movie.

Damian Rey 11-10-2014 12:41 PM

If so I'm happy. She's a great choice.

XL 11-10-2014 12:43 PM

Is that the girl from Wolf of Wall Street? If so, great casting.

Shadow 11-10-2014 04:17 PM

Well...let's see if she can pull of crazy.

Kalyx triaD 12-02-2014 12:30 PM

Hey look that chick from the Vampire Diaries...

She could be Supergirl in the CBS show which may or may not take place in the CW-verse.

Shadow 12-02-2014 04:10 PM

Broken image.

Kalyx triaD 12-02-2014 04:19 PM

Clair Holt.

Miotch 12-02-2014 05:22 PM

Nope. Not working.

Kalyx triaD 12-02-2014 06:39 PM


Google the chick, sorry.

Lock Jaw 12-02-2014 06:40 PM

Suicide Squad cast announced:

Jared Leto as The Joker
Will Smith as Deadshot
Tom Hardy as Rick Flag
Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn
Jai Courtney as (Captain) Boomerang
Cara Delevigne as Enchantress

Kalyx triaD 12-02-2014 06:50 PM

Will Smith as WHO?!

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